
Begin activity by having all attendees start in the middle of the room and introduce young adult (narrator). Describe that the narrator will be providing the attendees with scenarios related to his/her life story and it will be up to the attendees to choose his/her next destination location based on what they’ve heard from the narrator.

Hand out 3 HEART CARDS and 3 MONEY CARDS. Describe the destination locations and how heart and money cards will be used to enter certain destination locations. Describe that heart and money cards will need to be spent during each round if going to a destination that requires either/or card. Explain that the destination location “Outdoors” is not to be used consecutively and participants must move after each round. Describe that the heart card’s purpose is to demonstrate the emotional burden/toll that comes with having to ask for help.

  • Shelter = Heart
  • Motel/Hotel = Money
  • Friend’s = 1 Heart & 1 Money
  • Outdoors = No payment
  • Mom’s = No payment
  • Foster care = No payment, but only is used briefly in the introduction of simulation

Scenario #1

Hi, my name is Sara and I am a17yr old thathas been in and out of foster care since I was 12. I am currently in my 6th placement and I’ve only been with this foster family for about 3 months. I was removed from my mom’s care due to neglect and for being on my own and homeless. My mom was alcohol dependent and was not willing to seek treatment. She also had a live-in boyfriend who was very abusive, so I left. Mom rents a one bedroom apt. in a low income apartment complex. Since I can remember my mom has never had a job or worked…I’m not real sure where she gets her money most times.

Today, my case manager has come for a visit because I have AGAIN gotten into a fight at my new school and I am now suspended for a week. My case manager tells me that due to the suspension my current foster parents have called the agency and told them that they will not be able to supervise me during the day while I’m not in school, so I will have to be moved to another foster home where there’s daytime supervision. My case manager also says I have ANOTHER option! They have visited my mom and her boyfriend is not living there anymore and she is willing for me to come home. My case manager says the agency is willing to let me go home since I am so close to turning 18.

My options:

  • Go home to mom’s
  • Stay in foster care where I will be moved to another foster home and given community services activities while I am suspended from school

Instructions: Tell participantsthey must now decide to go home to mom’s (destination location) or stay where they are at in foster care. Ask participants going to mom’s to move to that destination location.

Scenario #2A (To those who stayed in foster care)

I have been moved to yet another school district and things are not going well at school or in my foster home. I am already behind an entire grade because of all the moves and suspensions I’ve had over the last few years. I do not fit in with the other foster youth in my current home and I am being bullied at school. I will be 18 in a few days and my case manager visits again to talk to me about my exit plan. My case manager tells me that I have the option go to my mom’s if I want. I know my mom hasn’t changed much and I’m hesitant to go there, but I tell my case manager that’s probably what I’ll do to avoid hearing about her other options for me if I don’t have a destination. Before my case manager leaves she gives me money she says it’s independent living funds to help me out and lets me know I can go to my mom’s on my birthday.

Instructions: Give each participant an additional $ card.

Scenario #2B (To those at home with mom)

I am a few days away from turning 18 now. I have enrolled back in school, but I’m having a hard time adjusting to my school schedule and doing the work to catch up. I’m contemplating quitting school because I’m thinking I need to get a job and make some money. I’ve made some attempt at looking for a job, but with limited transportation I find it hard to get to where jobs are located. I’ve been spending a lot of time with my girlfriend and friends. I kind of enjoy not having all the rules and restrictions I had in foster care. My mom drinks most days and nights. Mom has told me several times what a disappointment I am and that I need to hurry up and get a job and get out of her house. Mom’s boyfriend is now back as well due to losing his job at the factory. Mom’s Boyfriend is constantly calling me derogatory names geared towards my sexual orientation. He has also mentioned several times that I need to get a job or get out.

Scenario #3A (To those in foster care)

Today is my 18th birthday!! My foster parents have been told I’mallowed to leave with only my belongings. They’ve offered me a black trash bag to pack the majority of my stuff in to. They’ve also offered to give me a ride and drop me off wherever I decide to go. The thought of going to my mom’s makes me a little worried, because I’ve heard that she still drinks a lot and that her boyfriend has moved back in.

My options now are to:

  • Go to the park/woods/or playground
  • Go to the local shelter
  • Go to a friend’s house
  • Go home to mom’s
  • Go to a motel

Instructions: Tell everyone to begin thinking of their destination choice, but to wait to move until you say ‘it’s time to move’

Scenario #3B (To those at home)

Things are beginning to escalate between me, my mom, and her boyfriend. They continue to drink and while drunk mom’s boyfriend lashes out at me for not having a job. This time he becomes physical and shoves me into the wall, when I attempt to defend myself he punches me in the face and gives me a black eye. Instead of taking my side and defending me, my mom tells me that this is all my fault and that she wishes I would get out.

My options now are to:

  • Go to the park/woods/or playground
  • Go to the local shelter
  • Go to a friend’s house
  • Stay at my mom’s
  • Go to a motel

Instructions: Tell everyone that it’s time to move and to now go to their chosen destination

Scenario #4 (To EVERYONE)

I’ve missed a lot of school days, some days I miss the bus, others I’ve been up late dealing with other things and just couldn’t make. Today, my partner has come to visit me and the two of us have a disagreement over something petty and minor, but those around us have heard the fight and have decided unbeknownst to the both of us to call the cops. When the cops arrive we are still fighting and my partner accuses me of making threats against them. I attempt to share my side of the story, but the cops refuse to listen to me and take my partner’s word that I’ve made threats. The cops charge me with domestic violence and make me leave my current location immediately. I explain I have nowhere to go and that I’m already somewhat homeless, but they say that’s not their problem. Inow have a fine to pay for my charge and I must immediately vacate my current location.

Instructions: Tell everyone they will need to pay their fine with a $ card and must now do what the police said and vacate their current location and choose another destination. Tell participants they have the option to go anywhere but where they are currently located

Scenario #5A (To those now at home)

My mom’s landlord has threatened to serve her an eviction due to breaking her lease with number of occupants in her one bedroom apt. and the disturbances that have brought the cops to the apt. She blames all of this on me and tells me to give her money to help with trying to save her apt. She tells me if I don’t give her some money I’ll have to leave.

My options are to:

  • Give my mom one $ card, so she’ll allow me to stay home with her or
  • Go to the outdoors
  • Go to the shelter
  • Go to my friend’s
  • Go to the motel

Instructions: Tell everyone at home to consider their options while you discuss the scenario for the other’s

Scenario #5B (To those not at home and not currently in the outdoors)

There has been an outbreak of bed bugs at your current location. I’ve been told to gather up what belongings I have and take them to a laundry mat to be washed. I’m a little grossed out and I’m beginning to question whether or not I should stay because of the bed bug problem. I’ve been told that if I decide to stay I must wash my clothing and items, which will cost me. Or I can leave and decide to chance it with the bed bugs and take my unwashed clothing and items elsewhere.

My options are to:

  • Stay where I’m at and pay a $ card to wash my clothes
  • Leave and go to another location

Instructions: Tell participants that choose to stay where they are and decided to pay to wash their belongings that they must also pay for another night of stay at their current location. Also instruct those currently in the outdoors that this round is now over and they must choose another location

Scenario #6 (To EVERYONE)

I am short on cash and my buddy approaches me about selling some items…most of the items are cell phones, but at a closer glance I notice that there is other people’s information and pictures on these phones. My buddy tells me to either take them to the pawnshop and sell them or find someone that ‘ll buy them off of me. He’ll give me a fair cut of the money once I’ve sold them.

Instructions: Ask participants if they would like to take the offer and attempt to sell the shady cell phones for some extra money. For those that choose to sell the phones give each 2 $ cards. Those that chose not to sell the phones do not receive any $ cards.

Scenario #7A (For those at home)

My mom’s boyfriend has once again left and my mom’s drinking has gotten worse. She has not paid the water or electric bill in two months and the water has just been shut off. Mom is also behind one months worth of rent and the landlord has been attempting to call. I’ve managed to avoid the landlord so far. I realize I can’t live like this much more.

My options:

  • Stay and help my mom with her bills, which will cost 2 $ cards.
  • Or leave and go to another destination location

Instructions: Tell participants to think through their options and wait until you tell them ‘it’s time to move

Scenario #7B (To those not at home)

My mom calls and she is upset, I can also tell that she’s been drinking. She says her boyfriend is long gone. She’s behind on her utilities and rent and will probably get evicted soon if she doesn’t get caught up on bills. She says she’s sorry for being a terrible mother and if I come home she will let me stay if I can just help her this one time. She’s scared she will be homeless if I don’t help!

My options:

  • Go home and help my mom with her bills, which will cost 2 $ cards
  • Stay at my current location and pay for another round
  • If I’m in the outdoors I know I’ll have to leave
  • Leave my current location and go to another location destination

Instructions: Tell participants it’s time to move. Remind them if they decide to stay where they are at they must pay for another round and if they decide to help mom they must give money to staff person assisting with simulation.

Scenario #8A (To those at home)

I gave mom money to help with bills and rent and she let me stay with her. While I was out applying for jobs she left and locked up the apartment and she’s never offered to give me keys to the place, so I can’t get in. I could attempt to break in, but I don’t want to risk the cops getting called if someone sees me. It’s getting late and I’m tired…I’ll have to find another destination due to not being able to get in to my mom’s apt.

My options:

  • Go to outdoors, motel, friend’s or shelter

Instructions: Tell participants to think about their options until you tell them ‘it’s time to move’

Scenario #8B (To those not at home)

I haven’t had a good night’s sleep in a while. I am stressed over some of the recent decisions I’ve made. I would like to be able to find a job and hopefully get into a place of my own soon. I just received a phone call from an employer that would like to interview me for a job. In my haste to catch a ride or bus to the interview I left my belongings including my wallet and money behind. Once I’ve realized this and return, someone has already stolen my wallet with the majority of my money. I got the job I interviewed for, but my excitement is quickly overshadowed by the loss of my stuff.

My options:

  • Go to another location that I can afford
  • Go home

Instructions: Tell participants they must give up one $ card for losing their wallet. Once participants have given over their $ card…


Have staff person assisting with simulation take down shelter and instruct everyone ‘it’s time to move’ to location they are able to afford with their remaining $ and heart cards.

Scenario #9 (To EVERYONE)

I am having a lot of pain and swelling in my mouth. I think I might have infected tooth. I go to the local dental clinic and they pulled my tooth at no cost due to their sliding scale fee at the clinic, but I’ll need prescription antibiotics and pain medicine, which do have a cost.

My options:

  • I must pay one $ card for my medicine
  • I’ll have to sell my cell phone if I do not have the money for my meds
  • If I do not have the money to stay at my current I’ll have to move to another location I can afford
  • I can go home now, because mom is now home and will let me in

Instructions: Tell participants to give a $ card over or agree to selling their cell phone for a $ card, then have them give the $ card back in exchange for meds. Instruct everyone they must now choose another location or stay where they and pay for another round

Scenario #10 (To those not at home)

  • The hotel’s bedbug issue is out of control and has just closed briefly for extermination!
  • My friend has told me that I’ve overstayed my welcome and has asked me to leave!
  • It’s 15 degrees below zero and I’m not sure I can make it through the night if I stay outside!, but it is an option

My options:

  • I can go to mom’s, but she’s moved in another man. I’m not sure how safe I am there.
  • I can stay outside in the cold, unless I’ve already been out here I’ll have to move to mom’s

Instructions: Tell participants they must choose between staying outside in the cold or go to mom’s. Tell participants not at home to go ahead and move now. Tell those at home to stay where they are and that they do not move in this round.

Scenario #11A (To those at home)

Mom’s new boyfriend has helped get the utilities paid up and rent is good for the next couple months.

Tonight mom and boyfriend come home from a night out at the bar and they are fighting. I hear my mom yell and come out to see boyfriend beating her up.

I try to stop him, but he tells me he’s the man of the house now and that I need to get the hell out.

My options:

  • Go to another destination location that I can afford. The hotel and friend’s place are now available, but they must pay
  • Go to the park

Instructions: Tell the folks at home to wait until you tell them ‘it’s time to move’

Scenario #11B (To those in the park)

I am freezing and I know I won’t be able to make it thru the night in the park. I’m going to need to leave and try and find somewhere to go. I know I can’t go to my mom’s because her new boyfriend has made it clear that I am not allowed there.

My options:

  • Go to another destination that I can afford

Instructions: Tell everyone that you have a situation you would like to offer them before it’s time to move….

Scenario #12 (To EVERYONE)

I’m super short on cash. All my options for a place to stay are starting to dwindle. I’ve started my new job, but I will not get paid for another two weeks!! I have been checking around for places to rent and have only found one decent one bedroom apartment. The landlord says he needs my deposit now or he will give the apartment up to the next person in line.

I still have my pain pills from my pulled tooth…I know can sell them and make the money needing for the deposit!!

The question is….do I sell my pills and get the money for my much needed apartment?? Or do I pass up the apartment because I don’t have the legit cash and hope another apartment comes along soon???

Instructions: Tell participants that if they sell their pills they will receive an additional $ card. Go to each individual participant and ask if they would like to sell their pills for extra cash.

Once you’ve asked each participant about selling their pills. Let participants know that the Barriers Simulation has now concluded and have them return to their seats for discussion.

Discussion Topics