Trustey Family STEM Teaching Fellows


For Preparation Only – Submit All Information Online

For Preparation Only – Submit All Information Online

Application Guide

Please use the following application guide and checklist prior to submitting an application. It is strongly suggested that you gather all the necessary information and write out your responses to the short answer questions using this guide prior to submitting your application.

Please submit all information via the application page:
By March 1, 2016
Step 1: Gather Application Information and Prepare Short Answer Questions Offline
Step 2: Initial Applicant Submits his/her application
Step 3: The Initial Applicant Submission Automatically Triggers Emails to Teammates, the Principal, and Peer Recommender
Step 4: Teammates and Administrator Submit Application/Recommendation Information
Teammate Peer Recommenders Receive Automatic Email to Submit Recommendation
March 2016
Step 5: Invited Video Conference Interviews for Selected Teams
Early April 2016
Step 6: Decision Notification
Please direct questions to or call 574-631-1131.

STEP 1: Gather Information

Read over this application guide and assemble your team. Remember that you MUST apply as a team of 3-5 teachers. There is no advantage or disadvantage to having 3, 4 or 5 teachers. Put together the strongest team possible.

STEP 2: The Initial Applicant

The application process is triggered by the submission of the initial applicants information through the online portal at The initial applicant provides the names and contact information of the teammates and principal. Upon submission of the initial application, the other teammates and principal receive links to their application materials. This process ensures that information for the team is all linked.

Information that the initial applicant entered about teammates and principals will be pre-populated in the subsequent applications. The teammate application is identical to the initial applicant with the exception that they do not have to provide previously entered information.

Below is a guide to the application questions for Initial Applicants and their Teammates

Part 1: Applicant Information

Applicant Background Information

First Name:

Last Name:

Home Address:




Cell Phone:

Preferred email (accessible year round):

Part 2: School Information

School Name:

School Address:

School City:

School State:

School Zip:

School Phone:

District/Diocese/Charter Network Name:

Principal’s Name:

Principal’s Phone:

Principal’s Email:

School Type:

School Setting:

School Enrollment:

Percentage of Minority Students:

Part 3: Team Information

Not including yourself, how many additional team members do you have?

(Enter for all team members)

Team Member First Name

Team Member Last Name

Team Member Email

Is this team member a teacher at your school?

Part 4: Your Teaching Information

Main Content Area
STEM Teaching Fellows must select a primary content area - either science or mathematics.
Technology teachers or those teaching an integrated STEM curriculum can justify their selection below.




Content Area Justification (If applicable)
Please justify your reason for selecting science or mathematics as your primary content area for the question above if it is not your main teaching assignment.

Please select the range of the number of years you have been a teacher of record (including the 2015-2016 school year).

Please indicate the range of the number of years you have been a teacher of record at your current school (including the 2014-2015 school year).

Instructional Load (2015-2016)

What subjects/courses (list up to 6 of the most relevant courses) do you plan on teaching in 2016-2017? Please be specific. Ex: 7th Grade Life Science

Course 1: Course 2: Course 3:

Course 4: Course 5: Course 6:

If you are not a traditional science or mathematics teacher, please explain your rationale for applying to this fellowship:

Part 5: Educational Background

Undergraduate Degree(s):

Undergraduate Major(s):

Graduate Degree(s):

Graduate Major(s):

Teacher Education Pathway:

Do you have a current teaching credential or license?

Are you a second career teacher?

Part 6: Demographics



If you marked Multi-Racial or Other, please specify:

How did you hear about the Trustey Family STEM Teaching Fellows?

Check all that apply

Website / Twitter / Professional Organization
District/Diocesan Office / School Colleague / Email Listserve
Other 1: Please explain
Other 2: Please explain

Part 7: Applicant Short Answer Questions

Please submit individual responses to each of the following questions in the space below (responses should be approximately 2-3 paragraphs).

You may find it easiest to write your response in the space below and copy it into the online application.

What motivated you to become a teacher in the STEM disciplines?

Assuming you had the resources, what two things would you do to increase student interest and learning in STEM in your school? Why?

The Trustey Family STEM Teaching Fellows seeks to productively challenge its Fellows in several areas of professional practice in order to encourage growth and development. Please describe a time you faced a professional challenge or adversity and how you addressed this challenge.

Please describe a time when you worked collaboratively in a team to achieve a goal.

Part 8: Peer Recommender Information

Please list one professional colleague who can speak to your teaching and professional background (CANNOT be the principal or a member of the team with whom you are applying). Your recommender will receive an automatic email with a link to complete the recommendation.

Peer Recommender First Name:

Peer Recommender Last Name:


Part 9: Commitment Acknowledgement

By checking below, I acknowledge that I have read and commit to the following terms of the Trustey Family STEM Teaching Fellows.

Attend and fully engage in two weeks of summer, residential professional development (Summer Institute) on campus at the University of Notre Dame for three consecutive summers (note: summer 3 includes only 1 week of PD).

Attend and fully engage in the weekend mid-year (January or February) retreat/professional development, taking place off campus from Notre Dame in Years 1 & 2.

Collaborate in a school-based team to design, plan, execute, and measure an innovative STEM-focused program at my school over the course of the Fellowship.

Participate in the online community with other Teaching Fellows and the Notre Dame Center for STEM Education.

Capture, upload, and annotate short videos of classroom practice approximately 4 times per school year, beginning with a video capture prior to the first Summer Institute.

Administer pre- and post- content assessments and surveys to students in designated content area.

Complete all assigned surveys and evaluations to help measure impact and improve the program.

Continue to teach at my current school (with which the school team is formed) for the duration of the Fellowship (2 academic years).

STEP 4a: Teammate Application Submission

Teammates entered by the Initial Applicant will receive a personalized link to their application. They will fill out and submit the same application as the Initial Applicant. When they submit their application, an automatic email will notify the peer recommender and provide a link to a recommendation form.

STEP 4b: Peer Recommendation Submission

The Peer Recommender will receive an automatic email with a personalized link to the recommendation. The Recommender will answer the following questions. The recommender may wish to type out and copy and paste the responses to the short answer questions prior to submitting the application.

Part 1: Recommender Information

First Name:

Last Name:


Part 2: Recommendation

Please briefly describe your relationship to the applicant:

Part 3: Recommendation Questions

Please answer the following questions about the applicant. Answers typically range from 2-3 paragraphs.

Please describe a time when the applicant demonstrated excellence in the classroom.

Please describe a time when the applicant built community or partnerships within or beyond the school community.

Please describe why you think the applicant has the potential to improve STEM Education for students in their school and beyond.

(Optional): Please feel free to provide any other feedback about the STEM Teaching Fellow applicant that would be helpful in the selection process (No limit).

STEP 4c: Administrator Recommendation Submission

The Administrator will receive an automatic email with a personalized link to the recommendation. The Administrator will answer the questions shown below. The administrator may wish to type out and copy and paste the responses to the short answer questions prior to submitting the application.

Part 1: Background Information

First Name:

Last Name:

If you are not the principal, please check the box to confirm that the principal is aware of the program requirements and has delegated this responsibility to you.

If you are not the principal, briefly explain why you are the appropriate person to provide an evaluation and recommendation.

Part 2: Team Evaluations

Please rate each prospective applicant on the following dimensions.

Applicant 1 / Disagree / Somewhat Agree / Moderately Agree / Agree / Strongly Agree
1. The applicant is open to growth & feedback.
2. The applicant will take advantage of this Fellowship to improve as a teacher & leader.
3. The applicant is likely to work as a STEM teacher at this school for two more years.
Applicant 2 / Disagree / Somewhat Agree / Moderately Agree / Agree / Strongly Agree
1. The applicant is open to growth & feedback.
2. The applicant will take advantage of this Fellowship to improve as a teacher & leader.
3. The applicant is likely to work as a STEM teacher at this school for two more years.
Applicant 3 / Disagree / Somewhat Agree / Moderately Agree / Agree / Strongly Agree
1. The applicant is open to growth & feedback.
2. The applicant will take advantage of this Fellowship to improve as a teacher & leader.
3. The applicant is likely to work as a STEM teacher at this school for two more years.
Applicant 4 (If applicable) / Disagree / Somewhat Agree / Moderately Agree / Agree / Strongly Agree
1. The applicant is open to growth & feedback.
2. The applicant will take advantage of this Fellowship to improve as a teacher & leader.
3. The applicant is likely to work as a STEM teacher at this school for two more years.
Applicant 5 (If applicable) / Disagree / Somewhat Agree / Moderately Agree / Agree / Strongly Agree
1. The applicant is open to growth & feedback.
2. The applicant will take advantage of this Fellowship to improve as a teacher & leader.
3. The applicant is likely to work as a STEM teacher at this school for two more years.

Part 3: Recommendation Questions

Please describe the applicant teams’ commitment to growth, providing, where possible, specific examples of a commitment to growth and improvement.

Please describe the teams’ willingness and ability to work collaboratively.

Please describe how this program may benefit your school community.

Please describe how the administration and/or school community will help support the efforts of the team, should they be selected.

(Optional) Please feel free to share any other information about the team that you think will be helpful in the selection process.

Part 4: Acknowledgement and Support of Participation

I acknowledge the following commitments in support of the applicants for the Trustey Family STEM Teaching Fellows:

Fellows must attend the full two-week Summer Institute at the University of Notre Dame.

Fellows must be excused from work for two days for the mid-year retreat (Dates TBD for January or February 2016 & 2017) with substitute expenses covered by the school.

Fellows will post video of their practice (with the proper consent) to a private, secure site for on-going coaching and professional development.

Fellows must administer pre-/post-interest surveys and short content assessments to designated science or math courses each year for the two years of the fellowship and, when possible, for two years beyond the fellowship (with proper consent).

Fellows, with the support of, in consultation with, and the approval by the principal, will design, plan, execute, and measure a STEM Impact Plan that addresses a STEM-focused need at the school.

Fellows must be the teacher of record for at least one class in either mathematics or science throughout the duration of the Fellowship. Please detail necessary exceptions below:

The principal will complete an annual survey focused on his or her views of the program.


For Preparation Only – Submit All Information Online