Professional Development Packet

Professional Development

Directions:Each of the following assignments must be submitted in a computer generated format.

Career Objectives 10 pointsDue: 04/24/13

List several objectives for your Medical Assisting Career and create a succinct sentence or two describing those objectives.

Job Postings10 pointsDue: 04/24/13

Attach two job postings of your choice to this assignment sheet. Explain why you choose each posting and the unique qualifications you possess that would make you a successful candidate for the position.

Reference List15 pointsDue: 04/24/13

Secure three references (2 professional, 1 personal) that you will use when developing your resumes. Make sure you have contacted each of your references and asked their permission to use their names. You will need their full name, work/home address, telephone number and the position they hold at the workplace. Indicate how you are acquainted with the reference.

Marketable Skills15 pointsDue: 05/08/13

Create a working list of what you consider your marketable skills. Describe how you obtained each one.

Job Search Card15 pointsDue: 05/15/13

Often when we are in the job search mode we forget what it is that we are really looking for in a job. Having a reasonable idea of what we are looking for may help to avoid dissatisfaction with what seemed to be the “perfect” job in the beginning.

Divide a colored 5x7 attached card into three columns. Head the first column “Absolutes”, the middle column “Negotiables” and the last column “Dreams”. After careful consideration complete the card. Again, there are no correct answers but you need to be reasonable!

Guideline Budget20 pointsDue: 05/29/13

Another component of the job search is considering your personal budgetary needs. Completing the attached worksheet may give you another prospective for consideration when choosing just the “right” job.

Again, there are no right answers to the exercise. You will not be graded on your sources of income nor how you spend that money. When you have completed the worksheet fold the right side of the sheet over the numbers on the worksheet. Secure the fold with tape.

Goal Setting 20 points Due: 06/12/13

Directions: Set some realistic goals for your career in medical assisting by answering the following questions. You may use additional pages if needed.

  1. Where am I today?
  2. Where will I be in five years?
  3. Where will I be in ten years?
  4. What additional skills do I need to get where I want to be?

Budget Worksheet

Net Income
Spouse/Partner Net Income
Child Support
Other Income
Rent/House Payment
Home/Renter’s Insurance
Home Telephone
Cell Phone
Child Care
Food-Eating Out
Laundry/Dry Cleaning
Medical Expenses
Dental Expenses
Medical/Dental Insurance
Vision Care
Life Insurance
Sundries (haircuts/cosmetics/cleaning supplies/periodicals)
Car Payment
Car Insurance
Pet Expenses
Student Loan
Debit Retirement
Vacation Planning