A Tale of Two Cities Project

Due: May 23, 2014

Points 100

Choose one of the following projects. All Projects are to include a works cited page MLA.

A.  (1-2 persons) Scrapbook: Create a scrapbook for one of the characters. It must include the following:

1.  Draw 10 different items the character possess/keeps

2.  Identity the quotation that describes the item from the story and cite it MLA

3.  3-4 Sentences of commentary about each item.

4.  Creativity and neatness will count

B.  (1-2 persons) Location-Location-Location

1.  Identify and draw 5 different locations/ scenes from the book.

2.  Identify each passage of each scene and cite it MLA

3.  3-4 Sentences of Commentary

4.  Creativity and neatness count

C.  (1-2 person) A Tale of Two Cities Graphic Novel:

1.  Include the 3 divisions

2.  Pictures (at least 50), narrative, and dialogue (from the book-MLA)

3.  Your novel must include the understanding of at least one theme from the story

4.  Neatness and Creativity Count

D.  Mini-Movie: Pretend you are famous playwrights/director and a major producer has asked you to write the script for film or play version of A Tale of Two Cities. Choose your favorite scene, write the script, and perform it for the class-video record it. It must include the following:

1.  Minimum 5 minutes-Bloopers and credits do not count

2.  G Rated

3.  A completed, written script/include dialogue from the novel (Highlight-MLA)

4.  Each person will write their own ½ page summary-commentary of the significance of the scene


E.  (1-2 persons) Create a board game about the novel. 5

1.  Include 50 questions and answers from any source we use.

2.  4-6 players can play the game

3.  Include pictures that are TOTC related.

4.  Include rules, a chance for a winner, pieces, and dice. They should have a TOTC theme and everything that would normally come with a board game.

5.  The game must have some sort of challenge/consequences for the players.