Population Pyramid Letter to the Premier

Write a letter to the premier to one of the provinces and territories profiled. Your letter should contain a carefully reasoned expression of you concern about their province’s or territory’s population growth. Is the growth too fast or slow? Do they have a good working population? Do they have too many young people for their population?


Newfoundland & Labradour – Dwight Ball

Manitoba – Brian Pallister

Nunavut – Eva Aariak

Northwest Territories – Bob McLeod

R / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4
  • Information in letter doesn’t match data provided in pyramid
  • Issues discussed have little plausibility and are impractical
  • Letter has difficulty linking pyramid data to real life occurrences within the province or territory
  • Letter focuses on population growth, accurately conveying information provided in pyramid.
  • Provincial or territorial issues of concern are practical and plausible.
  • Speed of growth, working population and average age have been discussed, amongst other things.
The above have been expressed withlimited effectiveness. /
  • Letter focuses on population growth, accurately conveying information provided in pyramid.
  • Provincial or territorial issues of concern are practical and plausible.
  • Speed of growth, working population and average age have been discussed, amongst other things.
The above have been expressed with some effectiveness. /
  • Letter focuses on population growth, accurately conveying information provided in pyramid.
  • Provincial or territorial issues of concern are practical and plausible.
  • Speed of growth, working population and average age have been discussed, amongst other things.
The above have been expressed with considerable effectiveness. /
  • Letter focuses on population growth, accurately conveying information provided in pyramid.
  • Provincial or territorial issues of concern are practical and plausible.
  • Speed of growth, working population and average age have been discussed, amongst other things.
The above have been expressed with a high degree of effectiveness.


Self-Evaluation: Rate your contribution to this letter.


R / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4
I didn’t help at all.
My main contribution was sharpening the pencils and providing comic relief. / I contributed very little information.
I helped interpret the pyramid but didn’t help relate it to real life. / I contributed some information.
I interpreted the pyramid and mentioned a few related issues, but couldn’t elaborate. / I contributed a considerable amount of information.
I was able to successfully link the pyramid to real life, by issues were practical and plausible and I tied in both sex and age. / I was a pivotal part in the creation of this letter. Without me it wouldn’t be the master piece before you.

Name: ______

R / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4
I didn’t help at all.
My main contribution was sharpening the pencils and providing comic relief. / I contributed very little information.
I helped interpret the pyramid but didn’t help relate it to real life. / I contributed some information.
I interpreted the pyramid and mentioned a few related issues, but couldn’t elaborate. / I contributed a considerable amount of information.
I was able to successfully link the pyramid to real life, by issues were practical and plausible and I tied in both sex and age. / I was a pivotal part in the creation of this letter. Without me it wouldn’t be the master piece before you.