In this issue…

  • Commodore’s comments
  • EGM
  • Forthcoming sailing events
  • Weekly lake sailing as per schedule.
  • Sunday 1st May & Monday 2nd, Bank holiday series for fast and slow handicap on the lake. Start time 11.00
  • Jubilee Pursuit race & Round Hilbre Island race.
  • Friday 13th to Sunday 15th May, 2016. - 67th Wilson Trophy.
  • Social events:
  • Sunday 1st May, lunch at 13.30 in the main room, in aid of the Wilson Trophy.
  • Friday 13th, Wilson supper. Saturday 14th May traditional Wilson dinner & party.
  • …and more

Commodore’s Comments

Last weekend the Champion of Champions race was held on the tide, as a handicap race in the series winners’ own boats. The corrected times were remarkably close, Jemima Riley and crew coming second equal in their Hilbre, with Mike and Ann de St Paer in their Albacore. This year’sChampions are Alex Colquitt and Rob Giardelli, competing in a 420.
Recently I was honoured to be invited to join the Ladies Who Lunch. I admire the set up that Val Hoppins and Liz Robinson have created. It is a marvelous monthly social.
The Safari Supper was another lovely social occasion, allowing hospitality to different members, who you may not have met before, in a home environment. Jennifer Wilkinson and Liz Wells did a lovely job organising us in a flower power themed night.
Coming up before and after the Wilson Trophy, are some of our unique long distance races. Check out the calendar for the Jubilee Pursuit Race, and Round Hilbre Race on 7th, 8th May.
Phil Shepherd

Extraordinary General Meeting – 9th of May.
The EGM will take place on the 9th of May at 20.00 in the club’s main room. Everyone should have received all necessary documents. Nevertheless, an agenda together with the letter from your Commodore and explanatory notes on the proposed rule changes can be found on our website:

and in the club's foyer.
News from the Captain.

A selected group of members are now fully trained on the new tractor and as this newsletter comes your way, Andy Hillyard, Ron Woolland, Steve Jones and Mike Mayheware being trained to drive & operate the crane, upgrade their certificateandcomply with latest regulations.

Champion of Champions race

First congratulations must go to the RO of the day, who successfully combined running the race and celebrate St George’s day.
1st Overall and this year’s Champions are Alex Colquitt and Rob Giardelli, competing in a 420.

2nd Overall, posting identical corrected times, were Jemima Riley in Hirondelle, and Mike and Ann de St Paer in their Albacore "Egret".

West Kirby Sailing Club Travellers.
BUCS Match Racing Championship @ WPNSA, 15th to 17th April, 2016.

As mentioned last week,Connor Miller and his crewwere victorious for the second year runningin theBUCS Match racing Championship held atWeymouth & Portland National Sailing Academy. This is a fantastic achievement.

2016 - 2017 Sailing programme

We have been advised by the printers that the handbook should be available for collection in the first week of May.
The latest version of the sailing programme can be downloaded from the website
Next 7 days schedule of races:

Day / Date / L.W. / H.T. / Race Start / Series / Race / Classes / Officer
Wednesday / 27 / 14.44 / 8.2 m / 1900 / W6 & W7 / Fast Handicap / M. Hinton
21.24 / 2.5 m / 1903 / W6 & W7 / Slow Handicap
Thursday / 28 / 15.29 / 7.8 m / 1900 / W6 & W7 / Albacore / A. Irving
22.07 / 2.9 m / 1903 / W6 & W7 / GP14
Friday / 29 / 10.38 / 2.8 m / 1815 / W6 & W7 / Optimist / S. Jardine
16.27 / 7.5 m / 1900 / W6 & W7 / Cadet / T. O’Brien
23.05 / 3.2 m / 1903 / W6 & W7 / Youth Handicap
Saturday / 30 / 17.43 / 7.3 m
Sunday / 1 / 13.03 / 3.0 m / 11.00 / B. Holiday 1&2 / Fast Handicap / P. Colquitt
19.04 / 7.4 m / 11.03 / B. Holiday 1&2 / Slow Handicap
Monday / 2 / 14.21 / 2.6 m / 11.00 / B. Holiday 3&4 / Fast Handicap / P. Davies
20.15 / 7.8 m / 11.03 / B. Holiday 3&4 / Slow Handicap
Tuesday / 3 / 08.35 / 8.3 m / 1900 / W6 & W7 / Solo / J. Carlin
15.29 / 2.1 m / 1903 / W6 & W7 / Laser/L. Radial
21.12 / 8.4 m / 1906 / W6 & W7 / Firefly

Jubilee Pursuit race & Round Hilbre Island race.

These 2 very popular races will take place over the week end of the 7th and 8th of May. Tides on both days are 9.8 m. high. In 2015 a large turn out of both dinghies and tidal classes as well as cruisers took part in the racing, which made for 2 excellent events. The Sailing instructions will be published shortly.
Call to get OnBoard!

The new Onboard programme is up and running with space for two or three more beginners or improvers to join us this Saturday (30th April) from 10.00am until 12.30pm
The course will take youngsters through the RYA stages, leading to the award of nationally accredited certificates at the end of the 10 week programme. The certificates are a significant achievement. Instructors sign off each skill as you complete it and, once completed, your certificate can be of use in other areas of your study or activities such as PE at school, or the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. Log Books to record progress will be issued to all participants.
The course runs Saturday mornings, excluding the Wilson weekend (14th May), Junior traveller event (21st May) and club regatta (4th June)

30th April
7th May
28th May
11th June
18th June
25th June
2nd July
9th July

The excellent value cost for this training is £90 per place. Please book your places on WKSC WebCollect, the link for which can be found on the WKSC Web site under “Forthcoming events”. We are extending an offer to “turn up and try” for the first two weeks, solook forward to seeing you there.

Please contact Steve Jardine r more information.
2016 Monday evening sailing programme.

On May 9th we will be starting the third season of our very popular Monday evening summer training programme for any adults wishing to learn or improve their sailing.

This programme is for WKSC members, although we can accommodate a few non- members. The cost is £30 for members for the entire 16 week programme, or £35 for non-members which will cover the first 6 weeks only, so if you are already a club member and know someone you would like to introduce to sailing this is a perfect – and very low cost - opportunity.We provide the boats and the training, and there is always cheap but excellent food available afterwards which needs to be booked the previous week.It’s all very informal.
Please go to the club website and click the link on “Forthcoming Events” to book, or simply come along on May 9th to the first shore based session where we assess who wants to take part, and what resources we need to have in place. (Please note that there will be no food available on that first evening).If you have any queries, please contact one of the WKSC members shown below who will do their best to help:

Steve Jardine
Graeme Mc Whannell
Mike de St Paer
Plus - Calling all helpers for 2016!

As in previous seasons, all instructors, trainers and helpers are again very welcome – this programme can’t take place without you. We look forward to seeing you on May 9th, but in the meanwhile please contact any of the above you have any questions.


Boat storage forms available from:


This week’s bar hours are:

Wednesday afternoon / 12.00 – 14.30
Wednesday evening / 19.30 – 23.00
Thursday / 18.00 – 23.00
Friday / 17.00 – 23.30
Saturday / 12.00 – 18.00
Sunday / 12.00 – 19.00
Monday / 12.00 – 18.00
Tuesday / 19.30 – 23.00

This week’s guest bitter is:

Friday 29th, 200 club.
Come and join the fun.

(I know, our drum is green...) This is our monthly very popular evening, when chances are you could win money, as well as enjoy a fun evening.

67th Wilson Trophy - Friday 13th to Sunday 15th of May, 2016.

Date: 1st May from 1.30pm, in main room of the clubhouse.
Sign up behind the bar -£15.00 per head (reduced price for children).
We’d love you and your guests to come!


Chilled Pea and Mint soup, with cucumber salsa

Ginger Glazed Ham with homemade onion and ginger relish, new potatoes and a selection of salads

Salted Caramel Ice Cream and Lime Jelly with a lime drizzle, served with honey glazed Banana Bread.

If you would prefer vegetarian option, please indicate when you sign up.

Catering by Parrys and Jacksons.

Raffle: We have some great prizes including sailing watches, Kindle Paper White, Coffee Machine, GoPro Hero camera, restaurant vouchers, wine, port, malt whisky……and many more.
If you would like to donate a prize, we’d be delighted to accept. Please leave donations behind the bar.
Draw will take place 1st May after lunch. You don’t have to be there to win, but it’s more fun if you are!!!

2016 WILSON TROPHY - Evening entertainment
Friday 13th & Saturday 14th May 2016

You can now order tickets for Friday supper and Saturday dinner and/or party

Friday Supper: £7.50 for members; £9.50 for non members
Saturday Dinner and Party: A limited number of dinner/party tickets are available to members and their guests.
Dinner and Party: £25.00 for members; £33.00 for non members
Party only: £7.50 for members; £9.50 for non members
Ticket Application Forms available in the Foyer
and behind the Bar

The Wilson takes place on the 13/14/15th May this year and as always we need to find accommodation for the sailors. This involves providing beds/couches/ floor space for up to 6 young people for 2 nights. They bring sleeping bags and are out of the house for almost the entire weekend and do not have to be fed! It is a great opportunity to get involved with the club and can be good fun. If you think you could help or would like more information, please contact Helen Brown (details above).
To get information in the newsletter please send it to by 14.00hrs on a Tuesday. This is also the address to email if you wish to subscribe or unsubscribe to the newsletter.

Until next time….