Historically Underserved

Code / Practice Name / Typical Implementation Scenario / Unit Type / Program Payment Rate
102 / Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan / CNMP-Written Small Poultry / NO / 3200.00
102 / Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan / CNMP-Written Medium Poultry / NO / 4400.00
102 / Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan / CNMP-Written Large Poultry / NO / 5200.00
102 / Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan / CNMP-Written Small Beef, Dairy, Swine / NO / 4100.00
102 / Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan / CNMP-Written Medium Beef, Dairy, Swine / NO / 5300.00
102 / Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan-Written / CNMP-Written Large Beef, Dairy, Swine / NO / 6400.00
313 / Waste Storage Facility / Earthen impoundment for liquid storage / CF / 0.17
313 / Waste Storage Facility / Above Ground Liquid Storage System with Agitator - 110' or more in diameter / CF / 1.85
313 / Waste Storage Facility / Above Ground Liquid Storage System with Agitator - 51' - 110' in diameter / CF / 2.80
313 / Waste Storage Facility / Above Ground Liquid Storage System with Agitator - 50' or less in diameter / CF / 3.75
313 / Waste Storage Facility / Drystack with clay pad / SF / 5.65
313 / Waste Storage Facility / Drystack with concrete pad / SF / 7.90
314 / Brush Management / Moderate Intensity / AC / 144.00
Code / Practice Name / Typical Implementation Scenario / Unit Type / Program Payment Rate
315 / Herbaceous Weed Control / Low Intensity / AC / 45.00
315 / Herbaceous Weed Control / Very High Intensity / AC / 240.00
316 / Animal Mortality Facility / Freezer for Small Animal Carcasses / EA / 3,305.00
316 / Animal Mortality Facility / Incinerator for Small Animal Carcasses / EA / 3800.00
316 / Animal Mortality Facility / Incinerator for Medium Animal or Medium volume of Small Carcasses / EA / 5670.00
316 / Animal Mortality Facility / Incinerator for Large Animal or Large Volume of Small Animal Carcasses / EA / 7,840.00
317 / Composting Facility / Mechanical In Vessel Composter –Small Rotary Drum Composter for Small Animal Carcasses / EA / 16,535.00
317 / Composting Facility / Mechanical In Vessel Composter –Large Rotary Drum Composter for Small Animal Carcasses / EA / 30,854.00
317 / Composting Facility / Static Pile Composter - Composter attached to Drystack for Small Animal Carcasses / SF / 8.00
317 / Composting Facility / Static Pile Composter - Stand Alone Composter for Small Animal Carcasses / SF / 9.45
326 / Clearing and Snagging / Very Light-draws between fields where trees were damaged (not dashed or blue line on topo map) / LF / 8.50
326 / Clearing and Snagging / Light-5 or less, 8”-18” diameter per 100 ft. of channel / LF / 12.00
326 / Clearing and Snagging / Medium-6-10 trees, 8”to 36” diameter per 100 ft. of channel will at least be 2 trees in the 19-36” diameter range / LF / 26.00
326 / Clearing and Snagging / Heavy-More than 10 trees, 8”to 36” diameter per 100 ft. of channel with at least 2 trees being 36” or larger / LT / 40.00
342 / Critical Area Planting / Critical Area Planting with fertilizer only / AC / 636.00
342 / Critical Area Planting / Critical Area Planting with fertilizer and lime / AC / 699.00
Code / Practice Name / Typical Implementation Scenario / Unit Type / Program Payment Rate
359 / Waste Treatment Lagoon / Waste Treatment Lagoon / CF / 0.15
360 / Closure of Waste Impoundments / Closure of waste impoundment with liquid content of volume of waste removed being 75% or more. Conversion to a fresh water pond. / CF / 0.13
360 / Closure of Waste Impoundments / Closure of waste impoundment with liquid content of volume of waste removed being 75% or more. Conversion to a mound. / CF / 0.16
360 / Closure of Waste Impoundments / Closure of waste impoundment with liquid content of volume of waste removed ranging between 25% and 75%. Conversion to a fresh water pond. / CF / 0.18
360 / Closure of Waste Impoundments / Closure of waste impoundment with liquid content of volume of waste removed ranging between 25% and 75%. Conversion to a mound / CF / 0.22
360 / Closure of Waste Impoundments / Closure of waste impoundment with liquid content of volume of waste removed being 25% or less. Conversion to a fresh water pond. / CF / 0.25
360 / Closure of Waste Impoundments / Closure of waste impoundment with liquid content of volume of waste removed being 25% or less. Conversion to a mound. / CF / 0.28
362 / Diversion / Diversion / FT / 1.80
382 / Fence / Barbed wire or electric high tensile fencing system for cross fencing to facilitate moderately intensive grazing management system / FT / 1.80
382 / Fence / Woven wire fencing system for moderately intensive grazing management system for small ruminants / FT / 2.45
391 / Riparian Forest Buffers / Planting Loblolly or Shortleaf Pine / AC / 136
391 / Riparian Forest Buffers / Planting Hardwood or Longleaf Pine / AC / 136
393 / Filter Strip / Filter strip on land not requiring lime / AC / 185.00
393 / Filter Strip / Filter Strip on land requiring lime / AC / 250.00
Code / Practice Name / Typical Implementation Scenario / Unit Type / Program Payment Rate
410 / Grade Stabilization Structure / Rock Riprap Structure - Peak Flow is 100 cfs or less / FT / 122.00
410 / Grade Stabilization Structure / Rock Riprap Structure - Peak Flow is over 100 cfs / FT / 193.00
410 / Grade Stabilization Structure / Pipe Drop Structure for Minor Gully / EA / 5489.00
410 / Grade Stabilization Structure / Pipe Drop Structure for Moderately Severe Gully / EA / 9540.00
410 / Grade Stabilization Structure / Pipe Drop Structure for a Severe Gully / EA / 13,770.00
410 / Grade Stabilization Structure / Pipe Drop Structure for a Very Severe Gully / EA / 23538.00
449 / Irrigation Water Management / Convert from high pressure center pivot to drop nozzles / FT / 2.39
449 / Irrigation Water Management / Sprinkler Nozzle replacement on Center Pivot or solid set. / EA / 4.32
449 / Irrigation Water Management / Sprinkler nozzle replacement on solid set (21-70gpm) or, sprinkler replacement on Center Pivot, or sprinkler replacement on solid set (2-20 gpm) / EA / 9.90
449 / Irrigation Water Management / Sprinkler nozzle replacement on solid set (71 gpm or more) or, Sprinkler replacement on Solid Set (21-70 pgm) / EA / 48.00
449 / Irrigation Water Management / Sprinkler replacement on solid set (71 gpm or more) / EA / 180.00
449 / Irrigation Water Management / Convert from solid set to surface drip, or, convert from traveler to surface drip, or, convert from traveler to a center pivot (Low Pressure), or, convert from traveler to a solid set / AC / 540.00
449 / Irrigation Water Management / End Gun booster pump for center pivot for Low pressure systems / EA / 1,800.00
460 / Land Clearing / Removal of woody vegetation in lanes in woodland grazing systems for small ruminants / AC / 567.00
Code / Practice Name / Typical Implementation Scenario / Unit Type / Program Payment Rate
466 / Land Smoothing / Removal of old terraces, or smoothing of irregularities to facilitate the installation of terraces, grassed waterways, filter strips, critical area plantings, etc. / HR / 113.00
472 / Access Control / Exclusion of livestock from sensitive areas with fencing system / FT / 2.00
484 / Mulch / Straw mulch for erosion control on critical areas with steep slopes / AC / 378.00
512 / Pasture and Hayland Planting / Overseeding established pasture with perennial clover / AC / 35.00
512 / Pasture and Hayland Planting / Overseeding established pasture with perennial clover with lime / AC / 68.00
512 / Pasture and Hayland Planting / Replanting of perennial grass after practice failure / AC / 145.00
512 / Pasture and Hayland Planting / Planting of Native Warm Season grass with fertilizer (no lime) / AC / 220.00
512 / Pasture and Hayland Planting / Planting of Native Warm Season grass with fertilizer and lime / AC / 270.00
512 / Pasture and Hayland Planting / Planting of Native Warm Season grass into existing pasture / AC / 424.00
512 / Pasture and Hayland Planting / Planting of perennial grass with fertilizer (no lime) / AC / 185.00
512 / Pasture and Hayland Planting / Planting of perennial grass with fertilizer and lime / AC / 250.00
516 / Pipeline / Pipeline / FT / 2.40
516 / Pipeline / Hookup to Municipal Water Supply / EA / 810.00
533 / Pumping Plant for Water Control / Solar Pump System with Deep Cycle Battery / EA / 3,150.00
533 / Pumping Plant for Water Control / Electric Pump System / EA / 1,800.00
561 / Heavy Use Area Protection / Heavy use area protection / SF / 1.37
574 / Spring Development / Spring Development / EA / 1,630.00
575 / Animal Trails and Walkways / Graveled Walkway / FT / 11.00
Code / Practice Name / Typical Implementation Scenario / Unit Type / Program Payment Rate
576 / Animal Trails and Walkways / Grassed Walkway / FT / 1.30
578 / Stream Crossing / Stone and Geotextile Crossing / SF / 3.12
578 / Stream Crossing / Geocell and Stone (#2) Crossing / SF / 13.00
578 / Stream Crossing / Culvert Crossing with Pipe System 18" or less / FT / 27.00
578 / Stream Crossing / Culvert Crossing with Pipe System 24" to 48" / FT / 80.00
578 / Stream Crossing / Culvert Crossing with Pipe System 54" or greater / FT / 130.00
580 / Streambank and Shoreline Protection / Repair and stabilization of streambank with total bank height from 0 - 5' / FT / 45.00
580 / Streambank and Shoreline Protection / Repair and stabilization of streambank with total bank height from 5.1' - 10' / FT / 70.00
580 / Streambank and Shoreline Protection / Repair and stabilization of streambank with total bank height from 10.1' - 15' / FT / 93.00
580 / Streambank and Shoreline Protection / Repair and stabilization of streambank with total bank height over 15' / FT / 117.00
600 / Terrace / Gradient terrace system / FT / 0.57
600 / Terrace / Broadbased Terrace System / FT / 1.13
600 / Terrace / Storage Terrace / FT / 2.27
614 / Watering Facility / Tank or trough (up to 100 gal) installed on pad – small ruminant / EA / 532.00
614 / Watering Facility / Small tank or trough (101 to 200 gal) installed on pad / EA / 697.00
614 / Watering Facility / Medium tank or trough (201-400 gal) installed on pad / EA / 761.00
614 / Watering Facility / Large tank or trough (401 - 600 gal) installed on pad / EA / 869.00
614 / Watering Facility / Very large tank or trough (601 + gal) or 2 ball freeze proof installed on pad – / EA / 1,050.00
614 / Watering Facility / Specialty tank or trough (large recycled truck tires, 4 ball freeze-proof ball waterers) on pad. / EA / 1,395.00
Code / Practice Name / Typical Implementation Scenario / Unit Type / Program Payment Rate
620 / Underground Outlet / Underground Outlet System / FT / 9.45
638 / Water and SedimentControlBasin / Water and SedimentControlBasin / FT / 8.26
717 / Livestock Shade Structure / Livestock Shade Structure / SF / 1.75
749 / Waste Field Storage / Clay pad with minimal grading and shaping with impermeable, flexible membrane (tarp or plastic) / SF / 0.59
749 / Waste Field Storage / Clay pad with minimal grading and shaping with breathable fabric membrane / SF / 0.82
749 / Waste Field Storage / Concrete ,or clay pad with considerable grading and shaping, with impermeable, flexible membrane (tarp or plastic) / SF / 1.99
749 / Waste Field Storage / Concrete ,or clay pad with considerable grading and shaping, with breathable fabric membrane / SF / 2.23
798 / Tunnel House / Tunnel House / SF / 2.55