Olivia Prévost

February 1, 2006

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Radio Essay

What kind of questions elicited the responses?

-What images do you remember from Kuwait? What made you think/experience led you to see a doctor/made you think you had PTSD?

-What made you want to fight for the PTSD definition?

-What obstacles did you encounter?

-Who was involved? Did you feel alone?

-What are the effects of the diagnosis?

-What took longer to change (than the initial definition)?

“What led you to ~”, “What were the obstacles?”: Questions that elicit emotionally charged stories

Begin with:

- Explaining Tape (who, what, where, when?)

Lead up to (more difficult for interviewee):

- Reflection/Analysis Tape (why, how?)

How many interviews are there in the radio essay? Their roles?

-1st: Kuwait veteran (Kevin Knight?), image of child’s shoe, ignite/gets listener emotionally involved – “modest success story,” introducing concept of PTSD – question of how came about, not involved in the history of the disorder, so more of outside view/less biased/more believable

-2nd: Vietnam veteran, excessive anger (Smith?),human voice of chronological story (to answer question), 1970 meeting of Vietnam veterans – all had similar kinds of experiences and problems ----- “what is going on?”

-3rd: Robert Lifton (with excerpts of Smith’s interview of Lifton’s immediate responses), one of two psychiatrists invited to above meeting, called it “Post-Vietnam Syndrome,” acts as credible participant/observer of term – more institutional

-4th: psychiatrist (Art Blank?) working at Vietnam hospital during 70’s: “heard was going to bankrupt the US treasury” – already stated in essay, but only by narrator, misdiagnoses (one misdiagnosis friend of Smith’s, so another excerpt from his interview), corroborates with Smith

-5th: (Prof Wilburs Scott) about putting syndrome in manual – not actually he who did it, but still first hand information, expert with historical perspective and not involved – objective overview

-making of definition for Vietnam Vets more inclusive

-Smith trying to become psychiatrist – PTSD doesn’t exist

-One of most faked diagnoses

-But, Knight: “image will never leave me” and better off because of diagnosis

How PTSD was first recognized?