October 13, 2017
RE: RFP-K00R8400008, Technical Assistance in Economic Studies – Maryland Renewable Portfolio Standard
Dear Prospective Offeror:
This letter constitutes a formal request for proposal (RFP) from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Power Plant Research Program (PPRP). PPRP is issuing this RFP to select a contractor to conduct a study of Maryland’s Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard (RPS) and related matters, in accordance with House Bill (HB) 1414 and Senate Bill 1146, passed by the General Assembly in the 2017 Regular Session and signed into law on May 4, 2017, by Governor Larry Hogan. The bill became effective on June 1, 2017.
A description of the services requested, necessary qualifications, and format for responding to this solicitation is contained in the RFP, which can be obtained by downloading it from the DNR-PPRP website (http://dnr.maryland.gov/pprp). One may also find additional information related to PPRP’s ongoing activities by going to the PPRP website.
This RFP has Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and Veteran-owned Small Business Enterprise (VSBE) participation goals. DNR has extended an invitation to numerous MBE and VSBE firms to attend the pre-proposal conference in an effort to encourage them to submit proposals and/or develop teams that could submit proposals in response to this RFP. The pre-proposal conference will be held on October 25, 2017 and will begin promptly at 2:00 p.m. in the DNR Library (B-3) within the Tawes State Office Building located at 580 Taylor Avenue in Annapolis, Maryland. A summary of the pre-proposal conference, and questions and answers known at that time, will be posted on the DNR-PPRP website.
The State of Maryland reserves the right to reject any and all proposals received by reason of this request without cost or obligation. Respondents whose proposals are not accepted will be notified in writing. Proposals are not restricted to institutions located within Maryland. All proposals must be received no later than 2:00 p.m. on November 28, 2017. All proposals and/or unsolicited amendments thereto received after the closing date and time will not be considered. Please carefully read the RFP for additional important information including, but not limited to, the required contents of each proposal package, delivery information and important dates and deadlines.
Susan T. Gray
Deputy Director, Power Plant Assessment Division
To help us improve the quality of State solicitations, and to make our procurement process more responsive and business friendly, take a few minutes and provide comments and suggestions regarding this solicitation. Please return your comments with your response. If you have chosen not to respond to this solicitation, please email or fax this completed form to the attention of the Contract Monitor (see Key Information Sheet below for contact information).
Title: Technical Assistance in Economic Studies – Maryland Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard
Solicitation No: RFP- K00R8400008
1. If you have chosen not to respond to this solicitation, please indicate the reason(s) below:
( ) Other commitments preclude our participation at this time.
( ) The subject of the solicitation is not something we ordinarily provide.
( ) We are inexperienced in the work/commodities required.
( ) Specifications are unclear, too restrictive, etc. (Explain in REMARKS section.)
( ) The scope of work is beyond our present capacity.
( ) Doing business with the State of Maryland is simply too complicated. (Explain in REMARKS section.)
( ) We cannot be competitive. (Explain in REMARKS section.)
( ) Time allotted for completion of the Proposal is insufficient.
( ) Start-up time is insufficient.
( ) Bonding/Insurance requirements are restrictive. (Explain in REMARKS section.)
( ) Proposal requirements (other than specifications) are unreasonable or too risky.
(Explain in REMARKS section.)
( ) MBE or VSBE requirements. (Explain in REMARKS section.)
( ) Prior State of Maryland contract experience was unprofitable or otherwise unsatisfactory. (Explain in REMARKS section.)
( ) Payment schedule too slow.
( ) Other: ______
2. If you have submitted a response to this solicitation, but wish to offer suggestions or express concerns, please use the REMARKS section below. (Attach additional pages as needed.)
REMARKS: ______
Vendor Name: ______Date: ______
Contact Person: ______Phone (____) _____ - ______
Address: ______
E-mail Address: ______