SIEC Operational Subcommittee Meeting Minutes

Thursday, November 19, 2015

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Thursday, November 19, 2015

Department of Transportation, Brick Store Landing Road Smyrna

Mark Grubb, DIVCOM
Tom Kadunce, DIVCOM
Tim Dobrowolski, MicroTek
Andrew Fulton, DHSS
Bill Streets, New Castle County
Kevin Sipple, Kent County
Jim Clacher, DelDOT
Col. Dallas Wingate, DNG
Mark Cabry, DTI


Jim Clacher, DELDOT opened the meeting at 1:30 p.m. with introductions.

Approval of Meeting Minutes from Previous Meeting:

Motion by Mark Grubb, second by Kevin Sipple to accept September’s minutes as submitted. Motion passed unanimously.

Project Updates:

o  700MHz / 800MHz Systems – Tom Kadunce

o  BDA – Tim Dobrowolski

o  Fiber & Data Project Updates – Mark Cabry

o  Broadband Update – Mark Grubb

Tom Kadunce briefed that both system are operating normally. He reported on a failure of the UHF fence line system at JTV and that DIVCOM is now working on gathering parts and tech data to assist DOC in maintaining this system. This is separate from the 700MHz voice system used by DOC and does not affect communications.

Tom Kadunce briefed on the recent catastrophic failure of the 800MHz system in New Castle County. DIVCOM techs responded in less than 45 minutes and had the system functionality returned within 2 hours. Subsequent maintenance was performed to replace aging parts to mitigate the possibility of a recurrence.

Kevin Sipple asked if the 700MHz system could be used as a back-up in the event of a system failure due to the number of people who would be using the 8TAC channels simultaneously. DIVCOM to research this as an option moving forward.

Mark Grubb briefed that Beth Duncan would no longer be on the BDA project effective the end of November. With the expiration of the current contract drawing near, an RFP

will be published. DIVCOM has dedicated a technician to the BDA project moving forward.

A letter has been sent to Beebe Hospital informing them that their request for a 75/25 payment split has been denied and are awaiting a reply. , we have not received a reply at this time. In addition it has been confirmed that the DAS system is interfering with 800MHz reception in the emergency department and this will be mitigated by Beebe. We are awaiting a quote to provide BDA coverage in the basement.

Tim Dobrowolski briefed that the Troop 3 BDA is installed and fully functional.

Mark Cabry briefed that DTI has completed fiber installations at DIVCOM Georgetown and Milton sites.
Mark Grubb briefed that the FirstNet RFP is due out in January, 2016. FirstNet recently met with the Governor and briefed him on the latest status.

Old Business
None to Report
New Business
None to Report

Community Reports
Andy Fulton, DHSS reported on the private ambulance requirement to have ability to operate on 800 MHz. It was explained they currently use 8CALL90 for direct communication to the PSAPs, and Andy advised at times their calls are not answered. He asked if they could be provided a trunked talk-group, but it was explained this is not possible since they are using conventional radios. DIVCOM to research further and report back.

Next Meeting

January 28, 2016 @ 1:30 p.m. at DelDOT/TMC, Rehoboth Conference Room.


Motion by Mark Grubb, second by Tom Kadunce, meeting adjourned @ 2:45 p.m.

2016 Remaining Meeting Dates

March 31 July 28
May 26 September 29
November 17 (Due to Thanksgiving Holiday)