April/ May 2012 News Letter by Suzanna, sponsored by the G. O. Fellowship.


As those who are simply trying to be 'truly committed' Believers, in what most of us would agree are 'The Last Days', not only is it difficult to walk humbly and sincerely in our daily lives, meeting the demands of every-day life, but "watching and praying" as Jesus urged us to do, is not easy.

If you are like me, there are many world situations to puzzle, or even dishearten us!

[One is the awareness of 3 kinds of false teaching by CHRISTIANS about Christian truth and Islam! ***]

You know these already. Yet 'watching' for me, means exactly that, as we take advantage, where we can of various media sources. The ONLY truly encouraging part for us is the clear Word of God.

So we can go over some of these encouraging 'Words:

1. EL SHADDAI, has, simply through all the NAMES by which He has made Himself known to us, certainly given us an immoveable Rock to stand on, hasn't He?

YAWEH JIREH, [The LORD Who Provides] is, (early in History, Genesis 22), Abraham's Name for the provision of our greatest need: a PERFECT SACRIFICE is seen, by the substitute Lamb ~ for his son!

YAWEH NISSI, The LORD our BANNER, Exodus 17: 8-15, unfailing, victorious Loving, LEADERSHIP!

YAWEH SHALOM, The LORD our PEACE; coming in the turbulent times of Judges 6: 24 is special now!

YAWEH GEMULAH, The LORD of RETRIBUTION is a persistent message of Prophets as in Jeremiah 51: 56, it is also eternally relevant: Sin brings PUNISHMENT, Righteousness gives Abundant LIFE.

Meditate on these as you can! [These are 4 of the 8 names of God joined to 'YHWH' in the Tanakh.]

2. We can link God's Names with actual EVENTS, not only in the Bible, but also in our lifetimes, especially world wide events ~ that give us clear indications of the times we are in! Some of these ~ are very significant... [Sorry, there are many I can't list here. We actually SEE Matthew 24, Ezekiel 36 - 39.]

3. So, even if we link to those in connection with Israel in the past 150 years, we can give Thanks!

[I've been getting Israeli History thro 'A Picture a Day' from old photos and details, so have learnt more.]

a) Growth in travel and improving communications ~ gave rise to a better knowledge of the Middle East.

b) God used Austria, Brittain and France, and later USA, to consider the future of the M.E. after the end of the Ottoman Empire, and even the discovery of 'Oil' (for vehicles from cars to planes) was important!

c) Records of Jewish people's desire to live in Palestine', tell of amazing early developments - including preparing for a Jewish State, by forming the Kibbutz system of 'community centers' with agriculture a main form of support. Education included schools, hospitals, Yeshivas, and the first University opened in 1890. Many other advances in scientific and technological areas have now made Israel a world leader.

d) Bad and sad though Jewish persecution was, God used it to bring hundreds of Jews to their Land.

e) Even the story of God using (mainly) one lonely Jewish man to restore Hebrew to daily, modern use!

f)Clearly God over-ruled in the British & ANZAC's reclaiming 'Palestine', the UNO vote on the Partition of it, (giving Israel a tiny bit of Land,) and David Ben Gurion's risk in declaring "Israel an independent State", not forgetting the [later] costly Victories God gave the Nation in 6+ wars, even to increasing the Land area, and their survival and absorption of Thousands of Jews so their population is now 5+ million.

Perhaps because some of these have happened in our lifetimes, we can easily lose the MIRACULOUS aspect, and clear fulfilments of Scripture? I praise God that I have been able to study and learn these things for these important reasons.... To rejoice in God's Word & share...

By being aware of God's Plans and Purposes we can:

a)Rejoice with Israel, this month, as they celebrate 65 years as a Nation, encouraged to pray for more!

b) Be aware of the faults, problems, divisions, threats, and Anti-Israel, Anti Zionist, problems Israel has.

c) Be realistic, about what is good, and what is not ~ with a genuine love for ALL God's People. ***

d) Praise God for all the Christian Gentiles and Jews, God used to bless the Nation... represented by people like Gen. Allenby & Ord Wingate [British Soldiers] Hannah Hurnard, who visited every Village in Palestine to promote the Bible; the Bible Society & other Christian missions all over the Middle East in the 1800's, The harmony between Jewish Believers and Christians in the 'CMJ' seen in Jewish Bishop Alexander Solomon, (around 1845) and Rev Murray Dixon from N.Z. (in the 1990's to 2008), and more!

e) Praise God for Israeli Messianic Believers who now carry the responsibility of making Yeshua known, inspite of subversive and other problems created by the modern-day Pharisees, costs of living, etc.

f) Memorials are important to Jewish People, [and to God] so these figures were given at the Remembrance Day this year. Total of fallen Security Personnel: 1860 - 2012 = 22,993, with 126 in past year. Today these have left 10,524 bereaved families, 2,396 orphans, & 4,992 widows of soldiers...

Therefore, we mustseek God more genuinely about what HE PLANS and PURPOSES for Jewish People, while we remember God's priority is the salvation of Jewish people and ALL peoples. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

*** Gradual 'bad' developments against Israel and God's Word ~ we need to know about.

1. 'Christians for Palestinians' but anti-Israel; 2. 'Leaders' blending the Bible with Islam; 3. Replacement of Israel by the church, (or a related concept) -e.g.- Gentile Christians are not just spiritually one but are Israel', all their Promises & Covenants are for Christians and Messianic Jews, not just the Jewish Nation.

Explanation: In the course of [1] my daily life and work, of 'watching, writing and praying' for:

[2] The Return of Jesus to this Earth, I try to always be aware of ~

[3] ALL the aspects of God's Kingdom needs and what the Bible says about them, so as to ~

[4] Encourage a right understanding of things to share with you. SO I NEED YOUR PRAYERS please!

1. Daily life of watching and praying. A lovely friend wanted to encourage me by reminding me of Eph. 3: 20, "Now to Him Who is able to do immeasurably MORE than ALL we ask or - IMAGINE, according to HIS power that is at work within US, to HIM be Glory in [HIS People] and in Messiah Jesus, throughout ALL generations, for ever and ever! Amen." So for your encouragement, may I share that I have a fairly good imagination... So as I pray with my imagining the fantastic answers He will give, PRAYER QUICKLY TURNS TO PRAISE! So, try imagining the answers you would like to see to your prayers, and then believe GOD will answer ~even better than our imaginations, then ~PRAISE Him!

[Of course it is not our imaginations that makes the answers, it's "His power working in us"...]

2. The return of King Jesus to this Earth ~ with all the terrible and sad prophecies the Bible gives us; ~like Jesus, we must never lose sight of "the joy that is set before us", even as we endure the pain of knowing, God is allowing the free-will of mankind to fulfill every evil desire of mankind's hearts!

3. Aspects of God's Kingdom needs, and what the BIBLE says about them.There will be"an increase of wickedness" AND "the love of MOST will grow cold" towards God! This is hard to accept but can only be prayed about in connection with our own families, communities and the world, and being the very best we can be ourselves. The first Horseman of Rev. 6 represents 'Deception' especially since 1800's. The second, red Horse ~ the two WORLD Wars and so many - since. In the third Black horse all kinds of cruelty, poverty, disasters and killing by terrorists, diseases... But in reality these ride close together. Yet the fourth pale horses, spells suffering - from weapons, famine, plagues - (from even

'microscopic wild beasts' (?) with results for a quarter of the world's 7+ billion people so awful - they are almost unbearable to read about - maybe soon - but still future we believe! Terrible times are here and will continue, in every way: Nations in chaos, Natural disasters, Poverty and ALL the effects of WARS.

4. So what are the right things, I should share with you? I have not tried to write a newsletter for some weeks, as there are so many significant events taking place! What is God giving you as concerns?


ELECTIONS. 'Democracy' means different things to different Cultures, too many to comment on.

In mainly 'Muslim' nations, it seems to be giving the 'hard liners' a chance to bring feared 'Sharia Law'.

[Except, (I believe), in EGYPT - as Isaiah 19 suggests - a godless, animistic Leader. PRAY FOR THE CHRISTIANS. Kidnapping of Christian children with demands for huge ransoms, is happening now.]

Divisions between Sunnis & Shi'ites is causing great sorrow in Iraq. Saudi Arabia supporting Sunnis there (and in Gulf States & Syria) through Al Qaeda; while Shi'ite Iran supplies weapons all round to groups in all the M.E. nations, even weapons from Libya, being sent to the Jihad Islami faction in Gaza!

So even Hamas is being weakened... While the battle between the Sunnis and Shi'ites in Iraq goes on, [and Christians are the target of both.] P.M. Malaki of Iraq is pro-Iran, so if Iraq becomes a Shi'ite State, the U.S. and the Western nations would be cut out - while Iraq's huge oil reserves would help Iran!

> As for Europe and USA, rejecting the true God, welcoming Islam, and mismanagement of 'money' seems to spell great times of hardship, for millions of people, especially for true Christians. The future years look grim, except for God's passion to see the Gospel be made known. Perhaps God's reason to allow the economies to 'bumble on', [tho' creating more debt] and delay world disaster for a few years?

Many of us fear Obama's return, since he is clearly 'pro-Islam'. USA is doomed to fail, soon, the Prophetic word indicates, mainly (I believe) because God WANTS Israel to be ALONE - needing HIM!

CONCLUSION: ~ "Evil and it's just reward are chained irrevocably together" ~

My Bible College Principal quoted this often! If the above comments seem confusing, please take them one by one to get the meaning. I have tried to summarise, so as not to make the N/L too long.]

Behind all ~ God is bringing more lost souls into His Kingdom ~ sending the Gospel forward.


"I saw under the Altar the souls of those who had been slain ~ because of the Word of God and the Testimony they had maintained..." Yes! Many are suffering in life & death in many countries!

Syria could almost be seen to represent HUGE suffering all over the world, yet again GOD is allowing this! Many people in Syria could have heard the Gospel, even since the first century, but like many other nations, Islam came in to create a huge barrier to true Christian faith. Now their time is up.

'The Barnabas Fund' (a Christian ministry to persecuted Christians) all over the world, gave this report.

"Christians have been suffering grievously in the Conflict... Christians in Aleppo... believe they may have be being targeted deliberately... At the height of the fighting in Homs... reports came that Christians were being used as 'human shields'. About 70 homes belonging to Christians were invaded and pillaged by the Opposition Forces, who also occupied a Christian school and home for the Elderly, which were then shelled by (Assad's) Army. Christians there have also suffered kidnappings and gruesome murders. Almost the entire Christian population... of 60,000 people have now fled, and are now homeless and jobless. A Syrian Church Leader was shot by anti-Gov't forces, as he rushed to the aid of a Christian wounded amid heavy fighting... 200 Christians have been killed, and have had kidnappings, for whom the rebels demand large ransoms, but in at least 2 cases, when the money was paid the victims were killed, anyhow." PRAY, pray, pray..."Remember... those who are mistreated, as if YOU your- selves were suffering." Please see Hebrews 13: 1-3.

Please consider getting mail from a Mission to Persecuted Christians, and pray daily for 365 days a year.

What about the prophecy in Isaiah 17, about "Damascus... a heap of ruins" - happening soon?

[A concept I have had, but it comes in the light of all these news items, maybe soon so please take it to God, yourself.] This prophecy is NOT connected to the next verses about Ephraim & the Nthn kingdom of 'Israel', (which were fulfilled in 732 BC, at the time of Tiglath-Pileser of Assyria.) Clearly, though Damascus was subjected to various invading nations, it has never been totally destroyed. Therefore ~ I cling to God's Word and times, with urgent prayers to stop even more 'innocent children' being killed...

[One sad incident on the Syrian Border with Israel: (where there were a number of Assad's Troop's...) - Because he diverted their supplies back to Damascus, the hungry and desperate soldiers abandoned their position and equipment [in full view of Israel's troops], they started to steal food from the local Syrian people living in the area. Very quickly, all their equipment was looted and disappeared! A report said: 1,500 Syrian soldiers had deserted, plus many others from 3 other Divisions. Sunni's to use them?

A headline said: "Syria has lost control of Syria/ Israeli Border." Israel will be prepared to use this!


It seems that ISRAEL WILL NEVER HAVE a TIME of 'SECURITY' foretold in Ezekiel 38 by 'Treaties' as hoped for since 'Oslo'. The clue for me, is the abject FEAR Egypt will feel [Isa. 19] at the very mention of 'Judah' - (i.e: E.T. Nation of Israel) - given many other events and prophesies. So if it is ISRAEL, that administers a lethal blow to Syria, all the surrounding nations would pull back and be quiet for a time, to isolate Israel, as Moshe prophesied,"The Eternal GOD is your refuge... so Israel will live in safety ALONE... Your enemies will cower before you... for the reason that GOD wants Isra'el to finally look to HIM ALONE! Deut: 33: 26 -29 are precious to meditate on - maybe to be fulfilled in stages?

Regardless of what I believe, we mustPRAY for all the 1,000's that will be involved, when GOD acts!


ISRAEL IS CLEARLY IN THE SPOT LIGHT, as Zechariah 12: 2 & 3 describes, (again it maybe in stages of time.) Many speakers have enlarged on this, but it is not in one way only, or in one event, or by one Group of nations or people. Perhaps it is a series of events, some already seen, as in the criticism Israel has been under for years, especially from the UNO. Our prayer is it will lead Israel to Yeshua!

ISRAEL'S ongoing 'relationships' with other Nations.

Syria, (& Lebanon). Israel has had to build a high wall between Lebanon and Israel, as the Hizballah there are heavily armed, but Lebanese are living in fear, themselves, I believe, plus the Palestinians who live in 'Camps' there, divided too, in their loyalties and suffering neglect from unwilling 'Lebanese Hosts'.

Palestinians. Again I feel the average Palestinians are in a desperate situation - with no work for the youth, and required to do the bidding of Muslim Arab Leaders, like not being allowed to buy Israeli goods! Abbas seems to be very changeable, & the P.M. has tried to make good changes, but frustrated!

Palestinian people were supposedly in support of a long hunger strike by Palestinian prisoners in Israel. It only ended May 14th but with many very ill. This is so difficult for Israel to be firm, yet aware of needs.

Negotiated agreements with Prisoners for 'favours' in return for promising never to plan anti-Israel terror!

The long delayed Election for Palestinian Elections is currently set for June 6th. We need to know very clearly, that Israel struggles to be fair and generous to the Palestinians, sending aid, and being caring!

Turkey, has landed thousands of refugees from Syria, and is turning more to Iran to a degree. Obama made a fool of Pres Erdogan by seeming to give him a reconciling role with Iran, only to find when he got to Iran, that Obama had no intention of going thru' with the proposals, as Obama had been negotiating directly with Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, [who has no intention of doing anything but his own plans.]

Jordan. Is having thousands of Syrian Refugees on their border, but also has hosted a huge composite Army of several Nations gathered on the border with Syria, hoping for some way to stop the battles in Syria. But the Islamists among the Palestinians in Jordan are making much trouble for King Abdullah ll.

There are many Christians in Jordan - not oppressed as elsewhere - so please pray for them - many are refugees from Iraq, but cannot work so life is frozen in uncertainty. Jordan has weak relations with Israel.