Southern Careers Institute

Applies To: ☐Austin ☐SA North ☐SA South ☐Corpus Christi ☐Pharr ☐Harlingen ☐Brownsville
Course Code/Course Title:
AST116 Engine Repair
Course Description:This course covers engine dynamics, engine components, engine repair and replacement.
Course Length:
2 Weeks / Prerequisites:
None / Proficiency Exam
☐Yes ☐No
Theory Hours:
Online / 16
24 / Course Start Date:
Course End Date: / Meeting Days/Times
Total Clock Hours: / 40
Instructor Information:
Contact Number:
E-mail Address:
Office Hours: / Badge Goal:

Required Resources:
Fundamentals of Automotive Technology: Principles and Practice, 1st, VanGelder, 2013 Jones and Bartlett, ISBN: 9781449671082
Jones & Bartlette Learning CDX Automotive Online Content
Additional Resources:
Students are expected to supply notebooks, pens, pencils, highlighters, folders, ring binders, calculators, USB storage devices and other general supplies as needed to aid in the collection and storage of information in their courses. Any special equipment or supplies will be communicated via the instructor by the first class meeting.
In addition to textbooks, workbooks, lab manuals or other required materials, classes may utilize sources from the learning resource center, Internet sites, periodicals, newspapers, professional (or business) publications, state-specific laws or codes, magazines, personal interview, guest speakers, publisher provided information (via CD, DVD, or website), instructor work experience, video, audio or other visual files/documents to convey and aid in obtaining course objectives. Your instructor will provide specific information on resources that will be utilized/required in class to support content and aid in research.
Classroom Policies*:
  • Students must arrive on time for class with the necessary materials.
  • All assignments must be well organized and completed as directed by the instructor.
  • Cheating in any form may result in dismissal from the school.
  • Students must adhere to all rules and regulations of the school.
  • No food or drinks permitted in the learning or laboratory areas.
  • All cell phones must be turned off during class.
  • Students may not sleep during class.
  • Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. You will be given one verbal warning before being asked to leave. A student asked to leave class will be marked absent for the day.
  • Additional help from the instructor is available during office hours or at other times by appointment.
*Consult current volume of Southern Careers Institute’s catalog for additional policies and procedures related to your enrollment.
Apprenticeship Policies*:
  • Students must arrive on time for class and work with the necessary materials.
  • All assignments must be completed on time and with a passing score of 80% for competency skills and complete NATEF required task sheets at the following levels: P1 - 90%, P2 – 80%, P3 – 60%.
  • Cheating in any form may result in dismissal from the program.
  • Grooming and appearance must be neat and professional meeting school and work place standards.
  • Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.
  • You may be required to furnish required hand tools required to perform the work of an apprentice

Teaching Strategies:
Instructors will utilize a variety of delivery methods, teaching strategies, and instructional process to deliver course content. These may include, but are not limited to, lecture, demonstration, presentation, case studies, internet (on-line) activities, video, audio, group projects, guest speakers, field trips, interactive exercises, and/or simulated work experiences. Due to the intensive nature of the course, student participation is necessary for the successful completion of this module.
Attendance Requirements (Apprenticeship):
Each student is expected to attend schedule work hours, classroom hours and complete the online content within the designated time frames. The program is divided up into content modules with related Task Sheets that need to be completed while On the Job hours are performed. If you are terminated form the sponsoring employer due to attendance, you will also be automatically dropped from the apprenticeship program with no refund of fees. See the Apprenticeship standards for additional criteria
Course Evaluation Strategies (Methodologies):
Professionalism, Attendance and Class Participation* / 30%
Assignments/Homework/Quizzes / 30%
Exams / 40%
Total / 100%
Definitions of Graded Activities used to verify objectives of course have been met:
Professionalism, Attendance and Class Participation:
This portion of the grade includes evaluation of self-directed work habits such as attendance, class preparedness, communication, and (where appropriate) professional vocabulary, dress, or grooming. Students are expected to have read the assigned materials and be prepared to discuss the content with the instructor and class members. Assigned materials may include readings, research, or review of supplemental items that support attainment of the lesson objective(s). Class participation may include group activities, peer review, role playing, lab work, or demonstration. Class preparation will require additional time outside of scheduled class hours. Instructor facilitated discussions may be used in verification of course objectives.
Assignment/Homework will be identified on the course outline or communicated by the instructor. Assignment due dates will be established by the instructor as well as the mode and form of submission. Assignments turned in after the scheduled due date for any reason may be assessed as late credit by the instructor. Homework assignments will require outside preparation to execute activities in attainment of course objectives.
The term quiz will be used to identify any brief, informal assessment typically given and graded within one classroom setting. Announced and unannounced quizzes may be used as a means to verify attainment of course objective and/or validation that the class/students are prepared to move forward in the learning objectives. Students will be expected to spend time outside of class in preparation for any quiz as well as reviewing quiz results in preparation for homework, class discussion or examination.
Examinations are formal, structured assessments used to validate students' attainment of course objectives and may include a comprehensive final examination. Students will be expected to spend time outside of class in preparation for any examination as well as reviewing results in preparation for homework, class discussion, quizzes or project assignments.
Task Sheets:
Each module has a set of Task Sheets that the apprentice can access and download online. They can download the Task Sheets as needed and as many times as they may need to use them. It is recommended that the apprentice use the Task Sheets as many times as needed to achieve a minimum acceptable level of professional performance as set forth by the employer.
At the end of each day the apprentice will login to their online classroom and will complete the Task Sheet Tracker, noting the competency level assigned to them by their mentor. At the end of each week, the mentor will login to the classroom, using instructor access, and will approve/reject the tasks completed by the apprentice.
A student must complete all required examinations, submission of all assignments, exercises and task sheets and adhere to the school attendance policy.
Supplemental Assignments:
Instructors may assign additional theory or project assignments in this class for the purposes of reinforcing previously acquired competencies, accommodate learning styles, or to develop new knowledge, skills, and competencies identified for this module, These assignments will be based upon available time and the perceived student need for refresher training.
Make up Policy:
At instructor/dealership discretion.
Tutoring is available. See instructor for tutoring schedule.
ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) Guidelines:
Students in need of special accommodations should notify the director of education. Please consult School catalog for ADA Guidelines for students.

Educational Objectives:

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Understand process for mechanical testing
  2. Understand process for removing and repairing/replacing engine
  3. Understand process for removing and repairing/replacing cylinder head components
  4. Understand process forremoving and repairing/replacing engine block components
  5. Understand process for performing engine machining
  6. Understand process for performing engine assembly

Course Outline

Completion of activities are to be conducted on the Southern Career Institute’s CDX website located at

When / Where / Sun / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thurs / Fri / Sat
Week 1 / Online / Chapter 10 Engine Testing, Skill Drill / Chapter 11 Engine Remove and Replace
Chapter 12 Cylinder Head Components
Exams / Online Study Test Chapter 10 / Online Study Test Chapter 12
Campus / Come to Campus 8 - 12 / Come to Campus 8 - 12 / Open Office 9 - 5
OJL / Work your scheduled Shop hours
Week 2 / Sun / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thurs / Fri / Sat
Online / Chapter 13 Block Components
Chapter 14 Engine Machining / Chapter 15 Engine Assembly, Skill Drill
Exams / Online Study Test Chapter 13 / Online Study Test Chapter 15
Campus / Come to Campus 8 - 12 / Come to Campus 8 - 12 / Open Office 9 - 5
OJL / Work your scheduled Shop hours
Week 3 / Sun / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thurs / Fri / Sat
Campus / Open Office 9 - 5
Hands-on / Work your scheduled Shop hours
Week 4 / Sun / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thurs / Fri / Sat
Exams / CDX Final Exam
Campus / Open Office 9 - 5
Hands-on / Work your scheduled Shop hours


AST116 Engine Repair