Quality & Research Integrity Team – Research & Innovation Services – January 2017

Executive summary of research project:

Ingredients for fostering an effective research environment

During 2014-15, a series of semi-structured interviews were held with Heads of Department/Directors of Research from across the University, to investigate the characteristics of an effective research environment (i.e. one which supports successful and productive world-leading research, as well as supporting behaviours and practices that are expected in world-leading research environments).

The key aim was to identify and showcase good practices which help to foster an effective research environment, with a view to supporting research leaders, particularly those new to leadership roles, and in preparations for the next REF.

10 departments were selected from across the University (2 per Faculty), using a sampling method that aimed to identify departments which demonstrated effective research environments. The heads of these departments were invited to participate (or nominate colleagues to participate) in semi-structured, in-depth interviews covering a range of relevant themes (e.g. leadership, structures and processes supporting research, recruitment and management of staff).

Quality & Research Integrity Team – Research & Innovation Services – January 2017

Key findings/outputs

Departments with healthy and competitive research environments tended to demonstrate a combination of practices which support one or more of the following themes:

(1) A focus on recruiting the right people (high quality AND a good ‘fit’; “the right ethos is key – everything else flows from this”)

(2) A focus on thedevelopment and mentoring of PGRs, research staff, new academics

(3) Inclusive decision-making processes and systems

(4) An embedded culture of collaboration and trust involving open discussion of research ideas/proposals/papers and providing constructive feedback

A web tool has been developed to share the findings in an engaging and interactive way with senior research leaders across the University. The web tool provides quotes from the interviewees and details of good practices under the following headings:

The tool can be accessed here: