Geetha Sanmugalingham BSc BHA MSc

200 Gateway Blvd.

Toronto ON Canada

M4K 5F7


Friday January 9, 2015

Disease Pathway Management Secretariat

Cancer Care Ontario

620 University Ave.

Toronto ON Canada

M5G 2L7

RE: Project Coordinator, Disease Pathway Management Secretariat, Cancer Care Ontario

Dear Mr. Taylor Smith, Director

I am enthusiastically applying for the position of Project Coordinator within the Disease Pathway Management Secretariat at Cancer Care Ontario. This position is ideal for someone that seeks to enhance patient care throughout the cancer journey with best practices and to address quality and measurement gaps. Presently, I work as a Clinical Coordinator for a reputable medical devices company, Synaptive Medical Inc. We specialize in innovative neurosurgical technologies for brain tumour resection and other neurological anomalies. Some of my crucial responsibilities include writing comprehensive protocols and consent forms for IRB application and collecting critical analytical data to support sales and regulatory submissions. This experience along with my educational background makes me an ideal candidate to work at DPM.

Currently working within a multidisciplinary team with diverse range of interests in moving neurosurgery forward. Most of my daily duties include keeping abreast of two clinical tailsrials in the US and Canada by responding to randomization requests and data analysis. Project coordination is a critical skill in completing these tasks. I frequently use MS Project Manager as a guide in setting the schedule, milestones, budget and resources in order to set expectations with the sales and executive team. Protocol writing always starts with a detailed literature review, scanning peer-reviewed articles and grey literature and mapping out the learnings to optimally plan the cancer journey for neurological cancers.all types of cancers.

I have recently completed my master’s degree in Health Technology Assessment and Management, this degree was instrumental in understanding today’s healthcare environment and the value-based funding that is presently being introduced into the Ontario Healthcare system. Throughout the program, as a class, we had ample opportunity to digest complex data and present succinctly to an audience. As my final practicum project, I looked at Patient-based funding adoption in international jurisdictions and what challenges were faced. DPM is uniquely placed in that patient-based funding, where there is a value placed for all healthcare activities, impacts the entire cancer journey but specifically when a patient is going through chemotherapy treatment. My expertise mapping out the cancer journey and patient-based funding allows me to bring to the table an important perspective on how to develop a performance management strategy to evaluate the impact of priority areas.

Being proficient in MS office suite and managing my time efficiently allows me to contribute to DPM as a Project Coordinator successfully. I look forward to the opportunity to speak to the DPM team about how my skillsets will complement the secretariat and Cancer Care Ontario’s strategic goals in making Ontario’s cancer care journey easy for patients to navigate and internationally recognizable.


Geetha Sanmugalingham