Fashion/Interior Design

Prerequisite Courses: Life Skills- Students should have a basic understanding of hand sewing stitches and sewing machine skills

Course Description:

This course is designed to offer students an opportunity to develop career competencies in the fashion industry by applying information related to social, economic, and media influences. Students apply knowledge of design principles and processes through skill performance activities. Work experience will be explored and leadership development will be provided through Family, Career and Community Leaders of America.

Evaluation Methods for Fashion/Interior Design:

  • Exams
  • Quizzes

  • Daily Assignments
  • Class Participation/Group Work

  • Class/Lab Projects
  • Writing Assignments

General Classroom Rules:

  1. Be in your seat, ready to work and completing bellringer when the bell rings.
  2. Respect yourself and others by allowing learning to take place.
  3. Listen to instructions the first time they are given.
  4. Try your best on all assignments.
  5. No personal grooming, food, or drink during class time.

Design Lab Rules:

  1. Stay in your assigned Design Lab except when given permission otherwise.
  2. Always pay special attention to safety rules.
  3. Use only the materials and supplies designated for your use. Just because it is in the room does not mean it is for your use.
  4. All team members stay until work is complete and Design Lab has been approved. Keep the entire area clean and better than you found it.

Supplies for Fashion and Interior Design:

  • Poster Paper
  • 3-ring Notebook Binder with Paper and Dividers
  • Additional Design Lab supplies listed on separate sheet

Grading Scale:Lab Fee:

A-90-100%$5.00 Due by September 10





Bonus points:

Bonus points given based on different criteria. Do not rely on them.

I understand what is written in this document and will adhere to rules and instructions outlined within.


Student Signature Date

Course Objectives/ Standards: / Date Met
1.Identify factors which affect the appropriateness of textiles selection to provide quality choices for clients.
2.Identify factors which affect the appropriateness of textiles selection to provide quality choices for clients
3.Identify factors which affect the appropriateness of textiles selection to provide quality choices for clients
4.Identify factors which affect the appropriateness of textiles selection to provide quality choices for clients
5.Identify factors which affect the appropriateness of textiles selection to provide quality choices for clients
6.Identify factors which affect the appropriateness of textiles selection to provide quality choices for clients
7.Identify factors which affect the appropriateness of textiles selection to provide quality choices for clients
8.Identify factors which affect the appropriateness of textiles selection to provide quality choices for clients
9.Illustrate the use of elements and principles of design in fashion/interiors.
10.Identify and perform construction techniques for a variety of projects
11.Recognize influences of advertising media on consumer choices.
12.Compare the properties and performance of fibers and fabrics.
13.Identify and compare performance standards of materials
14.Select, design and construct items for self and others
15.Compare the costs of ready-made and custom made
16.Demonstrate measuring and purchasing skills
17.Use safety procedures for operating and caring for household equipment
18.Summarize the relationship of apparel and/or environments to behavior
19.Identify factors that affect fashion and/or housing decisions
20.Identify symbols for reading blueprints and/or patterns
21.Gain work experience in the fashion and/or interiors industry
22.Prepare a budget based on client needs
23.Select accessories to compliment a design project
24.Utilize activities of the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America student organization as an integral component of course content and leadership development.
25.Apply math, science, and communication skills within technical content
26.Demonstrate employability and social skills relevant to the career cluster
27.Demonstrate basic sewing machine procedures.
28.Demonstrate basic apparel alterations and repairs
29.Perform basic pattern layouts and cutting for textile items
30.Distinguish among types of floor and wall coverings, window treatments and furniture to meet specific design needs
31.Propose furniture arrangements for the living, sleeping and service areas of a home.