

Carmen Moreno-NuñoDept. of Hispanic Studies

1037 Chasewood WayUniversity of Kentucky

Lexington KY 405131163 Patterson Office Tower

Phone: (859) 971 6262Lexington KY 40506-0027



2011-present — Associate Professor, Department of Hispanic Studies, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky.

2006-present – Associate Professor, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut.

2000-2006 – Assistant Professor, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut.


1995-2000 – Ph.D. in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Linguistics, University of Minnesota. Dissertation: “Las huellas del trauma: el tropos de la guerra española en la ficción de fin de siglo”. Dissertation Director: René Jara.

1993-1995 – M.A. in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Linguistics, University of Minnesota.

1987-1992 – Licenciada en Filosofía y Letras, Filosofía, Universidad de Granada, Spain.

1991-1992 – Curso de Aptitud Pedagógica C.A.P. (Sobresaliente).


ContemporarySpanish Literature and Culture

  • Narrative
  • Visual Studies: Painting, Film, Comic-Strip, Photography
  • Myth Theory, War Studies, Trauma Studies, Hauntology
  • Historical Memory Studies


2004-present – Research Project Grants, and Pedagogical Grants, Wesleyan University.

Summer 2003- present– Academic Activities Grants, McMahon Fund, Wesleyan University.

Summer 2005 – Research Grant from the Program for Cultural Cooperation between the Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture and The United States’ Universities.

Fall 2003 – Fellowship for the Center for the Humanities, Wesleyan University.

Winter quarter 1999 – Dissertation Grant from Fundación Ortega y Gasset, Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Toledo, Spain.

Winter quarter 1999 – Dissertation block grant/departmental fellowship, and quarter off teaching, Spanish and Portuguese, University of Minnesota.

Summer 1998 – Dissertation Grant from the Program for Cultural Cooperation between the Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture and The United States’ Universities.

Fall 1996, Fall 1997, Fall 1998 – Travel Grants, Spanish and Portuguese, University of Minnesota.


Work in progress:

Fantasmas de la memoria. Book manuscript.


Armed Resistance: Cultural Representations of the Anti-Francoist Guerrilla. Antonio Gómez López-Quiñones and Carmen Moreno-Nuño eds. Hispanic Issues On Line/HIOL. Minnesota UP (forthcoming fall 2012).

Las huellas de la Guerra Civil: Mito y Trauma en la narrativa de la España democrática Madrid: Libertarias, 2006. 429 pages.

“an indispensable volume that includes a wealth of references […] the provocative combination of timely and relevant theories and insightful readings should make it central to late 20th Century Spanish cultural criticism” (Elizabeth Scarlett, MLN 123.2, March 2008: 431-33)

“Moreno-Nuño has written an intelligent and highly pertinent study on war, memory, and trauma […] Importantly, the book offers a strong chronological sense of transformation in the context of democracy without yielding to Manichean pronouncements of difference” (David Herzberger, author of Narrating the Past: Fiction and Historiography in Postwar Spain, ALEC33.1, 2008: 206-08).

“Sin lugar a dudas, el ensayo de Moreno-Nuño es, tanto por su lucidez crítica como por la abundante documentación bibliográfica de que nutre su argumentación, un perfecto ejemplo de logrado híbrido de análisis filológico y de reflexión crítica […] su contribución aparece en el panorama crítico como lugar de obligada referencia” (Palmar Álvarez-Blanco, Hispania 91, May 2008: 381-382).

“Las huellas de la Guerra Civil es un estudio bien escrito y abundantemente documentado en el que Moreno-Nuño demuestra su dominio de un amplio registro teórico, así como su profundo conocimiento de la bibliografía sobre el tema” (Francisca López, Dissidences,

“Este libro es una perfecta síntesis, un modelo de erudición, una enciclopedia sobre el tema y una fina crítica de los textos analizados” (Salvador Oropesa, Letras Peninsulares 21.1, 2008: 178-80).

“Huellas de la Guerra Civil is an ambitious project. It provides the nonexpert with the thoughtful and historically rigorous introduction to the literary impact of the repressed individual and collective memories about the Spanish Civil War and dictatorship. The book should prove most useful, however, to teachers and professors designing courses around the theme of the ‘memory wars’ so intensely discussed currently in Spain and among Hispanists internationally” (Gina Herrmann, Hispanic Review, Spring 2009: 276-79)

“No es ésta la ocasión para calibrar cada uno de los siete capítulos que configuran esta espléndida monografía. Baste con insistir en la relevancia de los aportes innovadores de los capítulos primero y segundo” [José Manuel López de Abiada, Iberoamericana IX. 35, 2009: 226-28)

“destacar la buena calidad del estudio de Carmen Moreno-Nuño, con una abundante y bien surtida bibliografía, y con análisis certeros e inteligentes de las cuestiones analizadas. Su rigor en el tratamiento del texto literario –su hacerle aflorar en su calidad sin enterrarlo bajo gruesas capas de erudición gratuita– debería ser modelo a seguir e imitar” (Txetu Aguado, Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies 10.2, June 2009: 269-70)


El discurso cartográfico, filosófico y post-colonial en Mensagem. Colección Eutopías 208. Valencia: Episteme, 1998.

Chapters in books:

“Migraciones en la pantalla: Visión panorámica del cine español de migración y análisis de Vientos de agua de Juan José Campanella”. Globalización: Un enfoque multidisciplinar. Víctor González Sánchez ed. Valencia: UNED / Tirant Lo Blanch, 2010. 229-56.

“The Ghosts of Javier Marías: The Trauma of a Civil War Unforgotten”. Traces of Contamination. Eloy Merino and Rosi Song, eds. Lewisburg: Bucknell UP, 2005. 124-46.

Peer-Reviewed Articles:

“Introduction”.Armed Resistance: Cultural Representations of the Anti-Francoist Guerrilla. Antonio Gómez López-Quiñones and Carmen Moreno-Nuño eds. Hispanic Issues On Line/HIOL. Minnesota UP (forthcoming).

“Criminalizing Maquis: Configurations of Anti-Francoist Guerrilla Fighters as Bandoleros and Bandits in Cultural Discourse”. Armed Resistance: Cultural Representations of the Anti-Francoist Guerrilla. Antonio Gómez López-Quiñones and Carmen Moreno-Nuño eds. Hispanic Issues On Line/HIOL. Minnesota UP (forthcoming).

“The Spectacle of a National Trauma: Gaze, Space, National Identity, and Historical Memory in Democratic Spain”. Spectacle and Topophilia: Reading Early (and Post-) Modern Hispanic Cultures. David Castillo and Bradley Nelson eds. Hispanic Issues. Vanderbilt UP (January 2012): 231-252.

“The comic-strip of historical memory: An analysis of Paracuellos by Carlos Giménez, in the light of Persépolis by Marjane Satrapi and Maus by Art Spiegelman”. España en armas: Culture of Wars/War of Cultures. Ed.Antonio Gómez López-Quiñones.Vanderbilt Journal of Luso-Hispanic Studies 4 (2009):

“La representación del maquis en la historia del cine español: De bandoleros a guerrilla antifranquista”. Letras Peninsulares 16.1 (Spring 2003): 353-370.

“¿La derrota del poder?: Una mirada crítica a la obra de Manuel Talens”. Anales de la Literatura Española Contemporánea 28.1 (2003): 203-31.

“La encrucijada de caminos de Las edades de Lulú: ¿feminismo, pornografía, novela rosa?”. Co-authored with Juliet Lynd. España Contemporánea 15.1 (2002): 7-31.

“La temática homosexual en Relatos sobre la falta de sustancia de Álvaro Pombo”. Romance Languages Annual X (1999): 726-733.

“La pintura española en la estética del cine: Belle époque”. Romance Languages Annual IX (1998): 619-623.

“Cabeza de Vaca's Naufragios in light of Deleuze and Guattari”. Romance Languages AnnualVIII (1997): 589-595.

Reviews and other publications:

Review of Inés y la alegría: Episodios de una Guerra Interminable, by Almudena Grandes. (Barcelona: Tusquets, 2010). Letras femeninas 38.1 (summer 2012).

Review of The Holocaust in Spanish Memory: Historical Perceptions and Cultural Discourse. Antonio Gómez López-Quiñones and Susanne Zepp eds. (Leipziger Beiträge zur jüdischen Geschichte und Kultur. Vol. VII. Berlin: Leipziger Universitätsverlag GmbH, 2010). Romance Quarterly 58.3 (June 2011): 249-51.

Review of La guerra persistente. Memoria, violencia y utopia: representaciones contemporáneas de la Guerra Civil española, by Antonio Gómez López-Quiñones (Madrid: Vervuert Iberoamericana, 2006). Dissidences 6/7 (2009-2010):

“Film and Fiction”. Review of Cine-Lit VI: Essays on Hispanic Film and Fiction, edited by Guy H. Wood (Corvallis: Cine-Lit Publications, 2008). Letras Peninsulares (Fall/Winter 2008-2009): 576-78.

“Teaching the Spanish Civil War”. Review of Teaching Representations of the Spanish Civil War, by Noël Valis (New York: The Modern Language Association of America, 2007). Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies 10. 1: 121.

“Spanish Literature in French Concentration Camps”. Review of Spanish Culture behind Barbed Wire: Memory and Representation of the French Concentration Camps, 1939-1945, by Francie Cate-Arries (Lewisburg: Bucknell UP, 2004). Studies in 20th & 21st Century Literature 32.1 (2008): 218-220.

“Los héroes nuevos de la vieja guerra civil española”. Andalucía y las Américas: Crisol de Mestizajes: Actas de la XXII Asamblea y Congreso General de ALDEEU. Wenceslao Lozano and Antonio Pamies, eds. Granada: Granada Lingvistica, 2003. 99-104.


Member of the Editorial Board of Revista de ALCES XXI: Journal of Contemporary Spanish Literature and Film.

Review of textbook proposal Introducción a los estudios de literatura by James O. Pellicer, and Antología anotada y comentadaby Virginia Santos Rivero, for Yale University Press. September 2008.

Reader for History and Memory, Romance Quarterly, Letras femeninas, Romance Studies, Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, Dissidences, Cincinnati Romance Review, Colorado Review of Hispanic Studies, and The Bulletin of Hispanic Studies.


Palmar Álvarez-Blanco. Carleton College.


Guest Lectures:

April 2012 – "La buena nueva". Helena Taberna on the Couch. Carleton College.

October 2011 – “Globalization, Film, and Historical Memory in El espinazo del diablo”. Nuestro Rumbo: Rutas de investigación en Hispanic Studies. University of Kentucky.

October 2011 – Presentation of Guillermo del Toro’s Pan’s Labyrinth at the Cine Club Series. University of Kentucky.

March 2011 – “Migraciones para la pantalla global: Vientos de agua de Juan José Campanella”. Spain to and fro: Perspectives on Immigration. University of Buffalo.

November 2009 – “The Globalization of Cultural Historical Memory: Guillermo del Toro’s The Devil’s Backbone”. SUNY at Buffalo.

July 2008 – “Inmigración y cine”. Summer course Goblalización e inmigración. Aspectos Jurídicos y económicos. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED). Pontevedra.

April 2007 – “The Spanish Civil War Today: Between Myth and Trauma”. Central Connecticut State University.

April 2005 – “The Spanish War: Traces of Trauma”. Sacred Heart University, Connecticut. Department of English and Foreign Modern Languages.

October 2004 – Presentation of Icíar Bollaín’s Te doy mis ojos at the Latin American and Iberian Film Series. Trinity College, Connecticut.

March 2004 – “The Spanish War: Legacy of a Trauma”. Concordia University, Montreal. Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics.

February 2004 – Presentation of Álex de la Iglesia’s La comunidad at the Latin American and Iberian Film Series. Trinity College, Connecticut.

December 2002 – Presentation of Vicente Aranda’s Locura de amor at the Latin American and Iberian Film Series. Trinity College, Connecticut.

October 1999 – “Los silencios de la guerra civil española: el maquis en el cine y la literature”. Symposium Looking Back: The Spanish Civil War. An Interdisciplinary and Community Event. University of Oregon, Oregon.

October 1999 – “The Silent Resistance: Spanish Civil War Cinema and Literature”. Film Panel at the Symposium Looking Back: The Spanish Civil War. An Interdisciplinary and Community Event. University of Oregon, Oregon.


April 2012 – Moderator of the Panel "Historical Memory in Literature and Film." 65th Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. University of Kentucky.

September 2011 – “The Historical Memory of the Spanish Civil War in Transnational Cinema: Guillermo del Toro’s El espinazo del diablo”. Memory in World Cinema II. University of Texas at San Antonio.

July 2011 – “Armed Resistance: Cultural Representations of the Anti-Francoist Guerrilla”. First International Congress ALCES XXI. University of Valladolid.

April 2011 – “Nuevas voces, nuevas miradas: El cine español de migración”. 64th Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. University of Kentucky.

April 2011 – Moderator of the Panel "Spanish Poetry Before and During the Civil War." 64th Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. University of Kentucky.

June 2009 – “Mirada, espacio y memoria histórica en En la ciudad sin límites”. V Congreso Internacional. Asociación Hispánica para las Humanidades. Sevilla (Spain).

July 2008 – “El comic de la memoria: Paracuellos de Carlos Giménez”. XXVIII Asamblea y Congreso General de la Asociación de Licenciados y Doctores Españoles en Estados Unidos (ALDEEU). Córdoba (Spain).

July 2004 – “Feminismo y Guerra Civil en ‘Los ojos rotos’ de Almudena Grandes”. XXIV Asamblea y Congreso General de la Asociación de Licenciados y Doctores Españoles en Estados Unidos (ALDEEU). Universidad de Murcia (Spain).

December 2003 – “The Spanish War: Traces of Trauma”. Center for the Humanities Lecture Series. Wesleyan University.

October 2003 – “Los fantasmas del pasado en la obra de Javier Marías”. Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literatures. University of Colorado at Boulder.

July 2003 – “La guerra civil española: ¿trauma o mito”. XXIII Asamblea y

Congreso General de la Asociación de Licenciados y Doctores Españoles en Estados Unidos (ALDEEU). Universidad de Jaén (Spain).

July 2002 – “Los héroes nuevos de la vieja guerra civil española”. XXII Asamblea y Congreso General de la Asociación de Licenciados y Doctores Españoles en Estados Unidos (ALDEEU). Universidad de Granada (Spain).

March 2002 – “Silencio roto: La representación del maquis en la historia del cine español”. 13th Annual Conference. Image, Film, and Text. SUNY at Binghamton.

March 2002 – Moderator of the Panel"Italian Cinema: Pasolini and Bellocchio. Dreams." 13th Annual Conference. Image, Film, and Text. SUNY at Binghamton.

April 2001 – “Una mirada crítica a la obra de Manuel Talens”. 54th Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. University of Kentucky.

November 2000 – “¿El fin de un género?: la guerra civil española como un tópico”. Spain in the Twenty-First Century Symposium. Ohio State University.

April 1999 – Moderator of the panel "Reconfigurations of Sexuality in the Americas."Graduate Symposium in Romance Studies. University of Minnesota.

November 1998 – “Las edades de Lulú: ¿feminismo, pornografía o novela rosa?”. Libertades no satisfechas: el desengaño y la España democrática del Felipismo (Panel). Midwest Modern Language Association Conference Symposium.

October 1998 – “La temática homosexual en Relatos sobre la falta de sustancia de Álvaro Pombo”. Purdue Conference in Romance Languages, Literatures and Film. Purdue University.

October 1997 – “La pintura española en la estética del cine: Belle époque”. Purdue Conference on Romance Languages, Literatures and Film. Purdue University.

April 1997 – “Esteban Trueba en La casa de los espíritus”. Graduate Symposium in Romance Studies. University of Minnesota.

October 1996 – “Alturas de Macchu-Picchu a la luz de La Rosa Separada”. Alturas de Macchu-Picchu 50 years later: the Poetics of Indigenismo Symposium. University of Wisconsin Milwaukee.

November 1996 – “Baltasar Gracián as a Bridge Towards Modernity”. Representation and Subjetivization in Early Modernity (Panel). Midwest Modern Language Association Conference Symposium.

October 1996 – “Cabeza de Vaca's Naufragios in light of Deleuze and Guattari”. Purdue Conference on Romance Languages, Literatures and Film. Purdue University.

April 1996 – “Cabeza de Vaca's Naufragios in light of Deleuze and Guattari”. The University of Minnesota's Work in Progress Lecture Series. University of Minnesota.


2009 – Johanna Justin-Jinich’s Honors Thesis (in memoriam).

2001 – Elizabeth McColloc’s Honors Thesis.

2002 – Rachel Luria’s Honors Essay.

2002-present – Honors Thesis reader: Katherine Halper, Andrew Rothman, Rachel Stein, Lynn Cartwright-Punnett, Gavriel Ilana Elkind, Brittany Nicole Fowler.


Administration at UK:

Mock interviewer for students going on the job market —2011-2012

Chair of262 UK Core Course Committee —2011-2012

Observer of Teaching Assistant's classes — 2011-2012

Member of International Film Studies Committee — 2011-2012

Member of Undergraduates Studies Committee – 2011-12

Track Director for Peninsular Studies at the KFLC Organizing Committee – 2011-12

Administration at Wesleyan University:

Section Head of Spanish – 2005-2006.

Member of Watson Grants Committee – 2007-present.

Member of the Search Committee for the Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Center for the Humanities – 2004-2005.

Member of Madrid Program Committee – 2002.

Member of RL&L Honors Committee – 2007-2008.

Liaison for Foreign Language Teaching Assistants –2007-2008, 2001-2002.

Course Coordinator for Spanish 221 – 2002-2003, Fall 2005, Spring 2007, Spring 2009, 2009-2010.

Advisor for major and non-major students – 2001-present.

Member of Foreign Language Teaching Assistants Committee –2002 .


Presenter at the Wesleyan Orientation 2009 Workshop: “What to Expect from Advisors and Professors” – 2009.

Presenter at the Wesleyan Orientation 2009 Workshop for foreign students: “Liberal Arts in the United States” – 2009.

Presenter at the panel for Hispanic families: “Para la familia” – 2006.

Conference Organizer:

Organizer of La Academia Norteamericana y el español en Estados Unidos by Prof. Gerardo Piña Rosales at the Thomas and Catharine McMahon lecture series – February 2010.

Organizer of La memoria es vaga/Memory is Lazy, a presentation of a documentary on the Valley of the Fallen by former Wesleyan student Katherine Halper – April 2005.

Organizer of Historical Reality and Narrative Authority: Using the Past/Shaping the Future in Francoist Spain and Beyond by Prof. David Herzberger at the Thomas and Catharine McMahon lecture series – February 2005.

Organizer of Things Undead in the Narrative of the Spanish Golden Age by Prof. David Castillo at the Thomas and Catharine McMahon lecture series – November 2003.

Organizer of La voz del mar, a recital of poems by Rafael Alberti with pianist Itziar Barredo and baritone Fernando Latorre – April 2002.

Co-organizer of La voz del mar, a recital of poems by Rafael Alberti at Trinity College – April 2002.


Prof. Antonio GonzálezDept. of Romance Languages and Literatures

Wesleyan University

Phone: (860) 685 31 06


Prof. José Manuel Del PinoDept. of Spanish & Portuguese

Dartmouth College

Phone: (603) 646-2105


Prof. David HerzbergerDept. of Hispanic Studies

University of California, Riverside

Phone: (951) 827-1476


Prof. Jenaro TalensDépartement de Langues et Littératures Romanes, Université de Genève

Phone: +41 (22) 379 7107


Prof. Nicholas SpadacciniDept. of Spanish and Portuguese Studies

University of Minnesota

Phone: (612) 625 0732


Prof. Mary VásquezDept. of Spanish

Davidson College

Phone: (704) 894-2503



Asociación de Literatura y Cine Españoles Siglo XXI

Asociación para la recuperación de la memoria histórica

Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives (ALBA)

Modern Languages Association (MLA)

Instituto Cervantes