Index to Terrae Incognitae Volumes 1-17


By Michael Kalen Smith – Volumes 1-12


“Michael Kalen Smith is in the history and social science division of the Dallas Public Library. He is a professional bibliographer and indexer. Alistair Maeer produced the digital file forthe index of volumes 1-12 which led to it being placed on the Internet.”

and Janette Lee Irving – Volumes 13-17


"Janette LeeIrving holds a Masters Degree in geography from Georgia State University,

and now manages a consulting firm in Atlanta.”

Alphabetization is letter-by-letter. Non-English personal names are alphabetized under articles but not under prepositions (e.g. La Cosa, Juan de; Duisberg, Jan van). Compound surnames are treated as single words (e.g. Rodíguez de Fonseca, Juan). Original (“native”) forms of names are preferred to Latinized forms. However, numerous exceptions to these rules occur as a result of emphasis on common usage: thus, “Columbus” instead of “Colón,” Pedro Álvares Cabral alphabetized under “Cabral,” and Peter Martyr under “Peter.”

Abassi, Ali Bey el- (fl. 1803-1807), travels in the Near East, IV 108

Abi-Serour, Issac, travels in West Africa, III 49-55

Abi-Serour, Mordochai (1831-1886), and Auguste Beaumier, III 45n, 49, 54, 56-58

-as French Agent, III 56-58

-biographical data on, III 48-49

-historical literature on, III 45n

-travels in West Africa, III 45-48; map III 46

-portrait III 58

Abrahams, Roger D. and John F. Szwed, After Africa. Extracts from British Travel Accounts and Journals of the Seventeenth, Eighteenth, and Nineteenth Centuries concerning the Slaves, their Manners, and Customs in the British West Indies (1983) (Review by Neville Hall), XVI 97-100

Acosta, José de (1539?-1600), theory of ocean currents, III 13

-theory of wind patterns, III 9, 11-13, 30

-Historia natural y moral de las Indias (1590), I 14

Across the Olympic Mountains (1967), by Robert L. Wood (Review by Ivan D. Steen), I 81

Adams of Bremen (d. 1076?), on Atlantic islands, I 38

-on Icelandic bishops, I 60-61

-on Vinland, II 32, 33n, 58; IV 53

-references to Greenland, IV 56, 62

Adams, Will (Pilot, 1575?-1620), residence in Japan, V 50

Adriatic Sea, on portolan charts, IX 41-43

Aduarte, Diego (Dominican, fl. 1598), and Portuguese imperialism, VIII 77

Adventure at Astoria, 1810-1814 (1967), by Gabriel Franchère (Review by Phillip B. Gates), I 87

Aerial Photographes in the National Archives (1971), compiled by Charles E. Taylor and Richard E.

Spurr (Review by John A. Wolter), V 96

Aerssens, Francis (Diplomat, fl. 1604), and Dutch-French competition, II 62-63, 74

Africa, Chinese geographical conception of, 15th century, III 40, 42

-East, Chinese expedition to (1421-c1425), III 37, 40, 42

-exploration of, by missionaries, I 68-76

-geographical conceptions of, IV 85

-Holy Ghost Fathers, as missionaries in, I 74-75

-mission strategy in, I 74-5 ???

-North, Portuguese imperialism, XII 8

-Spanish imperialism, XII 7-9

-West, Arab economic interests in, III 45-48

-diffusion of iron technology into, IX 89, 91-94, 98; map IX 90

-English voyages to, 16th century, IV 111-112

-French economic interests in, III 45, 47-49, 55-58

-trade with Carthage, IX 93-95, 97-98

-travels in, by Isaac Abi-Serour, III 49-55

-by Mordochai Abi-Serour, III 45-58

-voyage of Columbus to (1482), I 32

-voyages of Diogo Cao to, I 31-32, 34

Africa and Its Explorers: Motives, Methods, and Impact (1970), edited by Robert I. Rotberg

(Review by Philip W. Porter), X 94-97

Africa since 1800 (1967), Roland Oliver and Anthony Atmore (Review by George J. Montafakis), I 90-91

African Slave in Colonial Peru, 1524-1650, The (1974), by Frederick P. Bowser (Review by Patricia Mulvey), XIV 130-133

After Africa. Extracts from British Travel Accounts and Journals of the Seventeenth, Eighteenth, and Nineteenth Centuries concerning the Slaves, their Manners, and Customs in the British West Indies (1983), by Roger D. Abrahams and John F. Szwed, assisted by Leslie Baler and Adrian Stackhouse (Review by Neville Hall), XVI 97-100

“After Columbus: Castile in the Caribbean,” by Bruce B. Solnick, IV 119-124

“Agents for Nautical Publications,” by Francis M. Rogers, III 107-110

Agramonte, Juan de, proposed voyage to America (1511), XI 67-69

Akee, grown in Jamaica, I 20

Á la carte: Selected papers on Maps and Atlas (1972), compiled by Walter W. Ristow

(Review by George Kish), V 69

Alagakhonara (King of Ceylon), defeated by Cheng Ho (1411), III 36

Alaminos, Antonio (navigator, fl. 1499-1520), X 65-67, 70

-and Francisco de Montejo, X 67

-and Francisco Fernández de Córdoba, X 65-66

-and Hernan Cortés, X 66-67

-and Juan de Grijalva, X66-67

-and Juan Ponce de Leon, X 65

-in Gulf of Mexico, X 65-66

Alardin, Kaspar (fl. 1696), on tea, VIII 42

Albagno, Andrea d’ (fl. 1570), and terres australes, IX 65-70

Albagno, Francesco d’ (fl. 1566) and terres australes, IX 64-70

Albemarle, Christopher Monck, Duke of, see Monck, Christopher (Duke of Albemarle)

Albert (Archduke of Spain, fl. 1600), as ruler of Spanish Netherlands, II 65, 67

Albert of Saxony (14th century), on Aristotelian cosmography, IV 32-33

Albinus, Peter (Historian, 1534-1598), and interpretations of America as Atlantis, X 36-37

Albuquerque, Luis de (Historian), on Treaty of Tordesillas (1494), V 52

-Contribuiçāo das navegoçōes do séc. XVI para o cohecimento do magnetismo terrestre (1970)

(Review by Bruce B. Solnick), III 135-136

-Duas obras inéditas do Padre Francisco da Costa (Códice NVT/7 do National Maritime

Museum) (1970), (Review by Bruce B. Solnick), III 135-136

-Processo gráfico usado pelos marinheiros do século XVII na determinaçāo da amplitude ortiva

de um astro, Um (1970), (Review by Bruce B. Solnick), III 135-136

Alçáovas, Treaty of (1479), I 31; XII 6,9

Alcazaba, Simon de (f. 1524), and location of Molucca Islands, VI 55

Alcedo, Antonio de (Geographer, 1736-1789), Diccionario Geográfico-Histórico de las Indias

Occidentales o América (1796-1789), on El Dorado, VII 28

Alden, John (ed.) with assistance of Dennis C. Landis, European Americana: A Chronological Guide to Works Printed in Europe Relating to the Americas, 1493-1777, Volume 1: 1493-1600 (1980) (Reviewed by Richard W. Ryan), XIII 57-58

Alekeev, Fedot, fur-trading expeditions of (1647), V 9-10, 13

-probable passage of Bering Strait by (1648), V 10-11, 17-18

Aleutian Islands, explorations of, by Dmitri Bragin, II 87-93

-Russian fur-hunting in, 18th century, II 87-89, 91-93

Aleut Indians, and Russian American Company, V 28-29, 33-34, 37, 39

Alexander III (Pope, d. 1181), and Prester John, X 15, 18

Alexander VI (Pope, 1431?-1503), on Greenland, IV 54-55

Alfonso IV (King of Portugal, d. 1357), and foreigners in Portugal, I 28-29

Alfonso V (King of Portugal, 1385-1458), and foreigners in Portugal, I 30-31

-and Portuguese imperialism, XII 9

Alfonso X (King of Leon and Castile, 1226?-1284), and Castilian imperialism, XII 3-4

All Possible Worlds: A History of Geographical Ideas (1972), by Preston E. James

(Review by G.S. Dunbar), V 68-69

Allen, H. R., Buccaneer Admiral Sir Henry Morgan (1976) (Review by B. R. Burg and Patricia A.

Adank), XII 101-103

Allen, John Logan, Passage through the Garden: Lewis and Clark and the Image of the American

Northwest (1975) (Review by Ralph E. Ehrenberg), VIII 103-104

Allgemeines Wörterbuch der Marine (1969), by Johann Hinrich Roding (Review by Bruce B. Solnick),

II 119

Almagro, Diego de (Conquistador, 1475?-1538), and Alfonso Quintero, X 70

-and Bartolome Ruiz, X 68-69

Almanacs, nautical, III 107-108

Altolaguirre, Angel de (fl. 1914), on Balboa’s expedition (1513), VI 12

Alvares Machado, Francisco (Politician), and Russian expedition in Brazil (1821-1829), III 82, 90

America (see also: North America)

-discovery of (see also: Pre-Columbian explorations),

-maps relating to, VI 77-84

-geographical confusion of, with Asia, VIII 59-68, 70-71

-interpreted as Antilia, VIII 61-63

-interpreted as Atlantis, X 25-27, 34-43

-interpreted as the Hesperides, X 34, 36

-investments in, by German families, X 46-59

-proposed voyage to (1511, by Juan de Agramonte, XI 67-69

-Spanish imperialism in, and Bartolme de las Casas, XII 1-3, 10-12, 14-16, 18

-and definitions of conquest, XII 10-12, 14-18

-methods of, X 61-62

-voyage to (1524), by Giovanni de Verrazzano, XII 59-65; map XI 62

-Welsh in, English claims of, X 40-42

America B. C.: Ancient Settlers in the New World (1976), by Barry Fell (Review by Warren L. CooK),

IX 106-107

American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, activities in Africa by, I 74

American Indians, enslavement of, by the Spanish, IV 123-124

-In England (1603), II 7-14

-theories of origin of, 15th and 16th centuries, VIII 69-71

American Maps and Mapmakers: Commercial Cartography in the Nineteenth Century (1985), by Walter W. Ristow (Review by Dennis Reinhartz), XVII 118-119

American Revolution, effect of, on Caribbean economy, I 19

American Revolution, 1775-1783: An Atlas of 18th Century Maps and Charts, The (1972),

by Naval History Division, Department of the Navy (Review by David Woodward), VI 89-90

Anaxagoras (500?-482 B. C.), geographical conceptions of, II 15

“Ancient Vermont” Conference, Castleton State College, October 14-15, 1977[report], X 81-85

Ancient Vermont”: Proceeding of the Castleton Conference, Castleton State College, October 14-15,

1977 (1978), edited by Warren L. Cook (Review by Vincent H Cassidy), XII 95-100

“Ancient Wisdom, the Golden Age, and Atlantis: The New World in Sixteenth-Century Cosmography,”

by Harold J. Cook, X 25-43

Andagoya, Pasual de (d. 1548), on Balboa’s expedition (1513), VI 9

Anderson, Bern, The Life and Voyages of Captain George Vancover: Surveyor of the Sea (1960)

(Review by George R. Tweney), I 83-85

Anderson, Charles (fl. 1863-1914), on Balboa’s expedition (1513), VI 10-11

Anderson, Paul S., “Isla Fuerte on the Juan de la Cosa Mappamundi of 1500: A Key to Interpreting the Historical Ethno-Geography of Colombia’s Caribbean Coast,” XVI 1-13

Anderson Ramus B. (1846-1936), on Vinland, II 41

Andrews, K. R., N. P. Canny, and P. E. H. Hair (eds.), The Westward Enterprise: English Activities in Ireland, the Atlantic, and America, 1480-1650 (1979) (Review by Francis Jennings), XIII 75-77

Andrews, Kenneth R. (ed.), The Last Voyage of Drake and Hawkins (1972)

(Review by Bruce B. Solnick), V 93

-“On the Way to Peru: Elizabethan Ambitions in America South of Capricorn,” XIV 61-75

-The Spanish Caribbean: Trade and Plunder, 1530-1630 (1978) (Review by B. R. Burg and

Patricia A. Adank), XII 101-103

Angelicus, Robertus see Robertus Angelicus

Angulo, Pedro de (Governor of Jamaica), letter on survey of Orinoco River (1587), IX 8-9

Ankudinov, Gerasim, fur-trading expedition of (1648), V 10

Anônimo-Antônio Sanches C. 1633 (Atribuiçāo da autoria de um carta náutica original da biblioteca do

Rio de Janeiro) (1970), by Max Justo Guedes (Review by Bruce B. Solnick), III 134

Antarctic Ocean, Chinese exploration of, III 40

Antilia, interpretation of America as, VIII 61-63

Antilles, see Caribbean

Antiquitates Americanae (1837), by Carl Christian Rafn, influence of, on Vinland scholarship, II 40-41

Antonides van der Goes, Johannes see Goes, Johannes Antonides van der

Antonio, Dom (Prior of Crato, 1531-1594), and English interests in the Caribbean, IX 9-21

-and Vasconselhos Duarte Pacheco, IX 14-16, 18

-as Pretender to the Portuguese throne, IX 9-11, 13

Apiaca Indians (Brazil), and Russian expedition of 1821-1829, III 88-89, 84-95

Arab economic interests in West Africa, III 45-48

Arabia, exploration of, by Carsten Niebuhr, IV 101-102

-by John Lewis Burckhardt, IV 105

-by Ulrich Jasper Seetzen, IV 101-102

Aragon, rivalry with Castile, XII 8-9, 11

Arasaratnum, Sinnapah (ed.), Francois Valentijn’s Description of Ceylon (1979) (Review by Michael

Aung-Thwin), XII 105-107

Arawak Indians, agriculture of, Spanish reaction to, I 12-13

-extermination of, 16th century, I 13

“Archival Research Opportunities in Discovery History at the Newberry Library,” by David Buisseret, XIII 35-36

Arctic Diary of Russell Williams Porter, The (1976), edited by Herman R. Friis (Review by Peter J.

Anderson), X 97-98

Aristotle (384-322 B .C.), cosmography of, IV 21-24, 26-33, 40, 44n, 46-49

-impact of, on medieval Europe, IV 29-30

-physical concepts of, Nicolas Copernicus and, IV 21-22, 23n, 35-40, 44n, 46-49

-theory of wind patterns, III 8-9, 11-13, 15-17, 21, 24, 28, 30

Arngrimur Jónsson see Jónsson, Arngrimur

Arp, Jan van (Playwright, fl. 1630-1640), Chinese influence on, VIII 39

“Arquivo Histórico da Marinha, The,” by Oliver C. Dunn [index], VI 73-76

Art, 20th century, and the sea, XI 14-15

Ashby, Charlotte M. and Laura E. Kelsay (comps.), Cartographic Records Relating to the Territory of

Wisconsin, 1838-1848 (1970) (Review by John A. Wolter), V 95

Asia, Columbus’s conceptions of, VIII 59-64

-geographical confusion of, with America, VIII 59-68, 70-71

-on Vinland Map, IV 79-84, 90

-South, Chinese exploration of, III 33-44

Asia in the Making of Europe, Volume 2: A Century of Wonder, Books 2 and 3 (1977), by Donald F. Lach

(Review by Charles Trinkaus), XII 129-131

“Asia-in-the-West,” by J.H. Parry, with comment by Charles Gibson, VIII 59-72

Atahualpa (Inca, 1500?-1533), VII 24

Ataide, Luis de (fl. 1573), as viceroy of Goa, VIII 76

Atarazanas, etymology of, VII 65-66

Athappilly, Andrew, “An Indian Prototype for Prester John,” X 15-23

Atlantic Islanders of the Azores and Madeiras (1979), by Francis M. Rogers (Review by C. R. Boxer),

XII 108-109

Atlantic Islands: Madeira, the Azores, and the Cape Verdes in Seventeenth-Century Commerce and

Navigation (1972), by T. Bentley Duncan (Review by Bruce B. Solnick), V 84-85

Atlantic Ocean, North, Norse exploration of, IX 83

-volcanic activity in, IX 84-85, 87

Atlantic Pilot, The (facsimile of 1722 edition), by William G. De Brahm (Review by Thomas R. De

Gregori), VII 88-89

Atlantis, as basis of English claims in America, X 38-41

-description of, X 27-29

-Francis Bacon on, X 25-26, 42

-Francisco López de Gómara on, X 25-26, 34

-idea of, 16th century, X 25, 27, 29-30, 34-43

-interpretation of America as, X 25-27, 34-43

-Plato on, X 27-28, 35

Atlas (begun 1585) of Gerhardus Mercator and Jodocus Hondius, IX 62, 70-73

Atlas of early American history, projected, III 111

Atlas of Fantasy, An (1973), compiled by J. B. Post (Review by Vincent H. Cassidy), VI 94-95

Atlases Published in the Netherlands in the Rare Atlas Collection (1973), edited and compiled by Lou

Seboek (Review by John A Wolter), VIII 98

Atmore, Anthony and Roland Oliver, Africa since 1800 (1967) (Review by George J. Moutafakis), I 90-91

Aubespine, Charles de l’ (Abbé de Preaux) see Preaux, Charles de l’Aubespine, Abbé de

Australia Unveiled: The Share of the Dutch Navigators in the Discovery of Australia (1976), by Gunter Schilder (Review by Richard Boulind), X 89-92

“Auguste Pavie and the Exploration of the Mekong Valley, 1886-95,” by Patrick J. N. Tuck, XIV 41-60

Avalon, as Atlantic island, X 9

Avity, Pierre d’ (fl. 1614), on Japan, V 57

Axelson, Eric, Portugal and the Scramble for Africa 1875-1891 (1967) (Review by E. Bradford Burrs),

I 89-90

Azores, Ferdinand van Olm and, I 32

-Flemmish settlement of, I 31

-interpreted as Isles of the Blessed, IX 75-76, 79

-Martin Behaim, I 32

-Portuguese discovery of, I 30-31

Babcock, William Henry (1849-1922), on Vinland, II 53

Baccalaos, Esteban Gómez’s voyage to, I 25-28

Bacon, Francis (1561-1626), on Atlantis, X 25-26, 42

-theory of wind patterns, III 14-20, 22, 25, 27, 30

Baffin, William (Navigator, 1584-1622), expedition of (1616), and search for Northwest Passage, IV 92

Bagrow, Leo, History of Russian Cartography up to 1800, A (1975) (Review), VII 93; (Review by John A.

Wolter), IX 113-114

-History of Russian Cartography up to 1600, A (1975) (Review), VII 93; (Review by John A.

Wolter), IX 113-114

Baird, Spencer Fullerton (Zoologist, 1823-1887), and United States and Texas Boundary Commission,

VI 40, 42n, 48

Baker, James H (Surveyor, fl. 1886), on source of Mississippi River, VII 57

Balboa, Vasco Núñez de (1475-1519), and Bartolomé Ruiz, X 67

-expedition of (1513), list of members of, VI 17

“Balboa Historiography,” by Martin Torodash, VI 7-17

Banana, grown in Jamaica, I 18

Bandarra, Gonçalo Ane (Prophet, fl. 1540), and Portuguese imperialism, VIII 79-80

Banks, Sir Joseph (Naturalist, 1743-1820), and John Lewis Burckhardt, IV 103

-and introduction of food plants to Jamaica, I 20

-in Brazil, III 69-70

Baranov, Alexander (Governor of Russian America, 1746-1819), and Russian imperialism in North

America, V 27-28, 31, 33-34, 40

-on Russian ship construction, II 89-90

Barcelos, Alfonso de (fl. 1531), V 61-62

Barcelos, Diego de (d. 1533?), voyage of, to Nova Scotia, V 61-64

Barcelos, Manoel de (fl. 1568), voyage of, to Nova Scotia, V 61-64

Barcelos, Pedro de (d. 1507), North Atlantic voyage of, V 61

Barents, William (Navigator, d. 1597), and the search for Northeast Passage, II 70

-Mediterranean rutter of, XII 55-56

Barman, Roderick J., “The Forgotten Journey: Georg Heinrish Langsdorff and the Russian Imperial

Scientific Expedition to Brazil, 1821-1829,” III 67-97

Barr, William, “The ‘Discovery’ and Exploration of Ostrov Bol’shoy Begichev 1908,” XVI 15-24

Barros, Joāo de (Historian, 1496?-1570), on Portuguese imperialism, I 24; VIII 74-75, 78

Barth, Heinrich, visit to Timbuktu (1853), III 47-48, 57

Bartlett, John Russell (1805-1886), and United States and Mexican Boundary Commission, VI 40

Bastidas, Rodrigo de (1460-1535?), and Juan de la Cosa, X 64

Basto, Pedro de (Prophet, d. 1645), and Portuguese imperialism, VIII 80-81

Bates, H.W., XVII 4

Battuta, Ibn-, Travels of Ibn Battuta, The, Volume III (1972) (Review by Jeannette Mirsky), IV 139-140

Bayazit II (Ottoman Sultan, 1446-1513), and Turkish imperialism, VI 31

Beaglehole, J. C., Exploration of the Pacific, The (1966) (Review by R. A. Rauschenberg), II 115-116

Beall, Charles P., “Frisland: Myth or Realty?” IX 81-88

Beaufort, Sir Francis (1774-1857), and oceanography, XI 8-9

Beaumier, Auguste (Diplomat, fl. 1870), and Rabbi Mordochai Abi-Serour, III 45n, 49-50, 54, 56-58

Beauvois, Eugène (fl. 1889), on Zeno map, II 77

Bechamel, François (Jesuit), and search for Lake Parima (1674), VII 26

Becker, Marvin, Comment on “The Role of the Italian Merchant Class in Renaissance and Discoveries,”

by Thomas Goldstein, VIII 28

Becknell, William (Trader), visit to Santa Fe (1821), VII 39

Bederman, Sanford H., A Bibliographic Aid to the Study of the Geography of Africa: A Selected Listing

of Recent Literature Published in the English Language (1970) (Review by Roger E. Ritzmann),

III 133

-“A Centennial Appraisal of Stefan Rogozinski’s Polish Expedition to the Cameroons, 1883- 1885,” XVII 1-13

-and Jack I. Biles, “The Sojourn of Rabbi Mordochai Abi-Serour in Timbuctoo and French Trans- Saharan Interests,” III 45-58

Behaim, Martin (Cosmographer, 1459?-1507?), X 45-47, 58

-in the Azores, I 32

Belalcázar, Sebastián de (fl. 1530), and Juan Fernandez, X 69

-and search for El Dorado, VII 23

Belize, establishment of Planter society in, XII 83-84

-evolution of, into Britsih colony, XII 65, 80-84

Belov, Mikhail I., on voyage of Semen I. Dezhnez (1648), V 11-13, 15, 18, 20-24

Ben-Arieh, Yehoshua, “Pioneer Scientific Exploration in the Holy Land at the Beginning of the

nineteenth century,” Iv 95-110

Benbow, William (Pirate, fl.17th century), and logwood trade, XII 65, 74

Bennett, Charles E., (trans.), Three Voyages: René Lausonnière (1975) (Review by William S. Coker), X


Benton, Thomas Hart (U.S. Senator, 1782-1858), and Santa Fe, VII 39

Benzoni, Girolamo (1519-1570?), on Balboa’s expedition (1513), VI 9

Berceo, Gonzalo de see also Gonzalo de Barceo

Berg, Lev S. (1876-1950), on voyage of Semen I. Dezhnev (1648), V 18-22

Bergeron, Pierre (d. 1637), as edito of travel literature, VII 31-38

-biographical data on, VII 32-33

Bering, Vitus (Navigator, 1680-1741), first Kamchatka expedition of (1725-1730), V 25

-on voyage of Semen I. Dezhnev (1648), V23

Bering Strait, passage of (1648), by Semen I. Dezhnev, V 7, 9, 11, 16-26

-by Fedot Alekseev, V10-11, 17-18

Bering’s Voyages: Whither and Why (1978), by Raymond H. Fisher (Review by Henry Castner), XI 111-


Berkhofer, Robert F., Jr., The White Man’s Indian: Images of the American Indian from Columbus to the

Present (1978) (Review by Harold J. Cook), XI 83-88

Bernaldez, Andres (D. 1513?), and Columbus’s discoveries, VIII 62

Bernagie, Peter (Playwright, fl. 1686), on tea, VIII 38-39

Berrio, Antono de (fl. 1590), and search for Manoa, VII 24-25

Berry, Francis (ed.) I Tell of Greenland: An Edited Translation of the Saudharkrokur Manuscripts (1977)

(Review by James R. Enterline), XI 89-91

Best, George, and Martin Frobisher expedition (1576), IV 114

Béthencourt, Jean de (Navigator, d. 1425), expedition of, to Canary Islands (1402), VII 33-35

Béthune, Maximilien de (Duke of Sully, 1560-1641), and Dutch-French economic competition, II 74

Betts, Raymond F., The False Dawn: European Imperialism in the Nineteenth Century (1975)

(Review by Milton Israel), X 117-118

Beyond the Capes: Pacific Exploration from Captain Cook to the “Challenger,” 1876-1777 (1971), by

Ernest S. Dodge (Review by Mary Emily Miller), IV 137-138

Bhutan: A Physical and Cultural Geography (1967), by Pradyumna P. Karan (Review b G. S. Dunbar),

I 91-92

Bianco, Andrea (Captain, fl. 1436), XV 89

-mappa-mundi of (1436), compared to Vinland Map, IV 74-75, 79, 83, 89-90

Biblical interpretation of Columbus’s discoveries, VIII 69-70

Biblical prophecy, and Portuguese imperialism, VIII 79-82

Bibliografía general de los descubrimirntos australes (1975), by Carlos Sanz (Review), VII 92

Bibliographic Aid to the Study of the Geography of Africa: A Selected Listing of Recent Literature

Published in the English Language, A (1970), by Sanford Bederman (Review by Roger E.

Ritzmann), III 133

Bibliography, of discovery literature, XI 71-82; XII 85-94; XIII 37-45; XIV 117-125; XV 233-243; XVI 71-80; XVII 89-105

Bibliography of Printed Battle Plans of the American Revolution, 1775-1795, A (1975), by Kenneth

Nebenzahl (Review by John A. Wolter), VIII 102-103

Biblioteca maritime española: Obra póstuma (1968, reprint of 1851 edition), by Martin Fernández de

Navarrete (Review by Ursula Lamb), XI 103-105

Bibliotheca Americana: Catalogue of the John Carter John Library in Brown University: Books Printed

1471-1700 (1973) (Review by Bruce B. Solnick), VI 90-91

Biet, Antonie (Priest, fl. 1664), and Compagnie de la Terre ferme, XI 43, 49, 55, 57

Bigges, Walter, A Summarie and True Discourse of Sir Francis Drake’s West Indian Voyage (1589),

publishing history of, X 71, 71n, 72, 77, 80

Biggs, Henry (fl. 1616), and search for Northwest Passage, VII 15

Biles, Jack I., and Sanford H. Bederman, “The Sojourn of Rabbi Mordochai Abi-Serour in Timbuctoo and

French Trans-Saharan Interests,” III 49-58

Bishop, Charles, The Journal and Letters of Captain Charles Bishop on the North-West Coast of America,

in the Pacific, and in New South Wales, 1794-1799 (1967) (Review by George H. Tweney),

II 114-115

“Bishop Geraldini’s Itinerarium of 1522,” by Martin D. Snyder, XII 21-35

Bjarni Herjólfsson (fl. 986), and pre-Columbian exploration, II 29, 39, 43, 51

-and Vinland, I 58, 64

-voyage of (985), and Vinland Map, IV 77-78,89

Black, Jeannette D. (ed.), The Blathwayt Atlas, Volume I: The Maps (1970) (Review by Roger E.

Ritzmann), III 127-128

-The Blathwayt Atlas, Volume II: Commentary (1975) (Review by J. B. Post), VIII 99

Black, Joseph (1728-1799), theory of ocean currents and wind patterns, III 21

Black Legend, IV 123-124

-historical literature on, IV 123n

-Pierre Bergeron on, VII 35

Black Separatism and the Caribbean, 1860 (1970), by James Theodore Holly and J. Dennis Harris

(Review by Donald E. Liedel), IV 144-146

Blaeu, Jan (Cartographer, d. 1673), maps of (1640-1647), Manoa on, VII 26

Blankaart, Stephen (Physician, fl. 1683), on medicinal properties of tea, VIII 36-37

Blathwayt, William The Blathwayt Atlas, Volume I: The Maps (1970), edited by Jeannette D. Black

(Review by Roger E. Ritzmann), III 127-128

-The Blathwayt Atlas, Volume II: Commentary (1975), by Jeannette D. Black (Review J. B. Post),