Deadline for Submissions: 4/30/14


UNIQUE is an annual art and literary magazine published by ARISE. It displays the creative work of people with disabilities living in Central New York. UNIQUE represents the power of art to express, educate, and inspire. The magazine is distributed throughout Central New York.

Goals of UNIQUE

UNIQUE has four main goals:

1.  To publish deserving art and literature in recognition of its intrinsic artistic and literary value

2.  To share the artistic visions and voices of people with disabilities with the public, thus increasing awareness of the capabilities of people with disabilities

3.  To initiate conversation around art and literature that inspires, educates, and enlightens

4.  To share the experiences of people who have disabilities and their joy with accomplishing freedom, success, and independence


Formed in 1979 as one of New York State’s eight original Independent Living Centers, ARISE is organized and directed by people who have disabilities. Our mission is to work with people of all abilities to create a fair and just community in which everyone can fully participate. We are guided by the philosophy that people with disabilities have a right to dignity, personal responsibility, and self-determination.

Through more than 50 programs, we offer services in Onondaga, Oswego, Cayuga, Madison and Seneca counties and operate ARISE at the Farm, a 77-acre recreation facility in Chittenango, and ARISE & Ski at Toggenburg Mountain in Fabius. Some services vary by county, and some are available in additional counties across Central and Northern NY.

UNIQUE Timeline

March – April 30: ARISE solicits submissions of original artwork and literature created by people who have a disability.

May/June: The UNIQUE Editorial Board reviews and selects the pieces to be included in UNIQUE 2014.

June 30: Artists are informed of Editorial Board decisions.

June/July: UNIQUE 2014 Magazine is produced.

August TBD: UNIQUE 2014 is released at a celebration at the Everson Museum of Art. This fun event gives contributing artists the opportunity to showcase their work to family, friends, and the community.

Fall 2014 – Spring 2015: UNIQUE 2014 Art Exhibits on display throughout the community.

UNIQUE Submission Address

Submissions must be delivered to any ARISE office by the close of business April 30, 2014 or postmarked by April 30, 2014 and mailed to:

UNIQUE Magazine


635 James Street

Syracuse, NY 13203

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can submit creative work to UNIQUE?

Artists submitting work must be at least 8 years old, live in Central New York, and have a disability.

What types of creative pieces are featured in UNIQUE?

We recognize that art comes in many forms, shapes, and interpretations. We welcome submission of written and visual work. Pieces that have been published in UNIQUE in the past include: poems, essays, paintings, drawings, photographs, sculptures, computer-generated art, and mixed-media artwork.

Note: Artistic pieces that cannot easily be moved or displayed in print form (e.g. slideshows, multi-media displays, wall murals, etc.) may be accepted for consideration at the discretion of the Managing Editor. Please contact the Managing Editor if you have a question.

How many pieces can I submit?

Artists may submit only one original creative piece for consideration.

When do I have to have my submission in?

The deadline for submissions is April 30, 2014.

Can I use an art kit from a craft store?

We are sorry, but art from kits is not allowed. Please send in only original artwork. Creative repurposing of pieces contained in art kits is allowed.

How do I submit my creative piece?

Submissions may be delivered to any ARISE office during regular business hours (contact your local ARISE for specific times) or mailed by April 30, 2014 to:

UNIQUE Magazine


635 James Street

Syracuse, NY 13203

Can I send in a photograph of my piece of art?

Photographs of the original piece cannot be accepted for consideration. Only the original piece of artwork can be submitted.

Can I send in my art or literary piece electronically?

Literary pieces may be submitted electronically. Please contact the Managing Editor for more details. You will still need to send in signed Submission and Consent Forms.

When will I know if my piece was accepted?

Artists will be informed of submission decisions by June 30, 2014.

Will I get my art or literary piece back?

Art submissions will be returned to the artists. Literary submissions are generally not returned unless specifically requested, so please keep a copy for you.

When will I get my art back?

Art that is accepted for publication in UNIQUE 2014 will be available for pick up after the close of the UNIQUE 2014-2015 art exhibits, or at the request of the artist following the first exhibit. Art that is not accepted for publication will be available for pick up as indicated in the decision letters.

Who do I contact with questions or for more information?

If you have additional questions or need more information, please contact Bethanie Hemingway, Donor Relations and Development Associate, at (315) 671-2909 or . You can also visit uniquemagazine.org.

UNIQUE 2014 Submission Form

A completed Submission Form must accompany your creative piece.

Mail or deliver your work with a completed form by April 30, 2014 to:

UNIQUE Magazine


635 James Street

Syracuse, NY 13203


First & Last Name: Age:

Address: Apartment #:

City: State: Zip Code:

Phone: E-mail:

CONTACT INFORMATION (if different from the artist)

First & Last Name:

Agency (if applicable):

Address: Apartment #:

City: State: Zip Code:

Phone: E-mail:

Contact’s Relationship to Artist:


Title of Work:

Type of Work (poem, painting, etc.):

Media Used (oil, watercolors, etc.):

UNIQUE Magazine Submission Form – 2


If your piece is accepted, this information will be published in UNIQUE. Please print or type.

BACKGROUND: In 50 or fewer words, please tell us about yourself, including your disability, where you live, where you grew up, and interests or hobbies you enjoy.

INSPIRATION: In 100 or fewer words, please tell us about your artistic inspiration, including your motivation to create art, when you started creating art, your artistic role models (if any), and if you feel your disability plays a role in your artwork or influences your creative process.

DESCRIPTION OF ART/LITERARY WORK: In 100 or fewer words, please tell us about the creative work, including why you created it, what you think it expresses, and artistic influences on the piece.

UNIQUE 2014 Consent Form

A completed Consent Form must accompany your creative work.

A parent or legal guardian must sign on behalf of the artist if the artist is under 18 years of age or has a legal guardian.

I, grant permission

(Please print full name of artist or name of parent or legal guardian)

to ARISE Child and Family Service, Inc. (ARISE), its successors, licensees, and assigns, the right to include in UNIQUE 2014 Magazine and art exhibits the artwork of:

o myself o the artist:

First Name Last Name Date of Birth

I acknowledge that I am:

o at least 18 years of age o the parent/guardian of the above artist

I understand that the term “artwork” as used herein encompasses all types of written and visual creative work, such as photographs, poetry, essays, sculpture, paintings, drawings, mixed media work, and computer-based art. I further understand that the term “artwork” includes the title of the work, the name of the artist, and biographical information about the artist provided in the Submission Form.

I further consent to the use of the artwork singularly or in conjunction with other photographs and/or written statements for advertising, publicity, or other marketing purposes for ARISE or related to UNIQUE. I agree that ARISE may use, or cause to be used, my artwork, including UNIQUE Magazine, for exhibitions, public displays, publications, promotions, illustrations, advertising, or trade, in any manner or in any medium, without limitations or compensation.

I acknowledge that by appearing at any event related to my submission of artwork to UNIQUE, I/the artist may be photographed and/or filmed, and that photograph/film can be used for the purposes mentioned above. I understand that use of the photographs/films taken of me/the artist may reveal or imply information about myself/my family member.

I hereby release ARISE and any of its directors, officers, agents, employees, and consumers, as well as appointed advertising agencies, their directors, officers, agents, employees, and customers, from all claims of every kind on account of such use.

I understand I may withdraw my permission at any time by writing to the UNIQUE Managing Editor, c/o ARISE, 635 James Street, Syracuse, NY 13203. I understand that the withdrawal will not apply to photographs/films/publications that have already been released in response to this authorization.

I understand that my/the artist’s eligibility and participation in ARISE programs, with the exception of UNIQUE Magazine, will not be affected if I do not sign this form.

I further release ARISE and any of its directors, officers, agents, employees, and consumers from liability for damaged or stolen work.


(Name of Artist or Parent/Guardian, please print) (Name of Witness, please print)

(Signature of Artist or Parent/Guardian) (Signature of Witness)


Date Date

Independence and Access for All ariseinc.org