Active East Herts Action Plan 2014/15

Active East Herts Action Plan 2014/15

1. Advocacy and Partnership – Objective:To become a recognised and high profile “voice for sport”; to liaise and support all stakeholders concerned with the provision of sport and physical activity in East Herts.
Desired Outcome / Action and Deliverables / Owner/Lead Organisation / Timescale / Funding/Budget
1.1 Improve the visibility and perception of AEH within the community. / Develop a generic leaflet which can be used at events to promote AEH and signpost people to the website
Continue to exploit opportunities to promote AEH. 2x articles in LINK
Capitalise on the investment in the website; use analytics to target key audiences and maximise use of social media. / Lynsay/Jan
Marianne – EH Comms Dept
Lynsay / End of July
March 2015
Sept 2014 / £300
1.2 Enable and empower sports clubs in East Herts to develop and grow / Work with Broxbourne CSN to develop a team sports summit.
Use feedback from previous summits and other available data to ensure future summits address the needs of the clubs.
Fund 2 First Aid and2 Safeguarding workshops for AEH members
Publicise the AEH funding stream to clubs wanting to develop and help attract more volunteers / Jan
Michal / £500
Desired Outcome / Action and Deliverables / Owner/Lead Organisation / Timescale / Funding/Budget
1.3 Identify links with other key District and County strategies / Ensure AEH is represented in other strategic partners plans, including but not limited to:
  • Hertfordshire’s Health and Wellbeing Priorities
  • East Herts Public Health Strategy 2008 - 2013
  • Equalities
  • Education
  • Parks and Open Spaces
/ Marianne/Jan
1.4 Increase usage of open spaces, schools and other facilities / Work with SLM-Everyone Active to improve use of space around SLM sites
Work with the Countryside Management Service to promote Health Walks
Lobby schools, Parish and Town Councils and others to increase community access to sports facilities / Jan/Marianne
1.5 Engage key stakeholders and partners in planning for the future / Organise a workshop for partners and stakeholders in physical activity to consider future requirements and help inform plans / Jan/Lynsay / March 2015 / £200
2. Increase Participation - Objective: To promote and support activities which foster participation in sport and related health education
Desired Outcome / Action and Deliverables / Owner/Lead Organisation / Timescale / Funding/Budget
2.1 Actively promote and support European MOVE Week / Deliver MOVE week 2014
Deliverables include:
  • A District wide programme of events and activities.
  • Marketing and promotion plan - ensuring EH achieves maximum publicity from MOVE week
  • Funding and application process to assist clubs wishing to take part in MOVE
  • A simple evaluation and monitoring process which will assist next year’s planning and provide data to help underpin other funding bids
/ MOVE working party / Budget £3000
(£250 for publicity; maximum of £300 per application for clubs)
2.2 Increase participation for 14-25 yr olds / Continue to develop opportunities arising from the Satellite Clubs initiative / Marianne/Jan/ Debbie
2.2 Increase participation for 25-50 yr olds / Work with the Health and Wellbeing Board to identify further opportunities to increase participation. / Marianne /Jan
Desired Outcome / Action and Deliverables / Owner/Lead Organisation / Timescale / Funding/Budget
2.3 Increase participation for 50+ yr olds / Support the Active Together programme. Evaluate the programmes delivered in the District and identify opportunities for new activities (in conjunction with the Community Sport Activation bid 3.1).
Evaluate the impact of the “Get Active” seated exercise programme for older people. Work with the Health and Wellbeing Board to identify further opportunities to increase participation. / Marianne /Jan
Jan / December
2.4 Promote activities to encourage inclusivity / Work with East Herts Special Olympics to identify and develop opportunities for new activities and clubs / Janet W
2.5 Increase participation for young people / Continue to lead the sub group of AEH which coordinates young peoples’ sport in the District.
Accountable for the delivery and monitoring of:
  • school games, primary school sports and Youth Games
  • schools/club links and community sports
The group also takes advantage of new funding opportunities and identifies suitable advocates and sponsors to further promote participation. / Debbie / March 2015
3. Grant Aid - Objective: To support clubs, talented individuals and other agencies with their applications for funding; to support and promote the delivery of activities that serve as possible diversions to young people.
Desired Outcome / Action and Deliverables / Owner/Lead Organisation / Timescale / Funding/Budget
3.1 Support EHC’s bid for funding from Community Sport Activation Fund (CSAF) / Assist in the development of the Young at Heart project by;
  • Providing the draft Detailed Delivery Plan.
  • Working with EHC to develop the draft plan into a robust submission.
/ Christine/ Lynsay/Jan / Sept 2014
3.2 Raise Club awareness of potential funding opportunities / Use the website to promote funding streams open to sports clubs
Continue to encourage more applications for Performance Excellence awards (PEX) from a wider range of sports
Provide greater exposure and publicity for recipients of PEX awards. / Jan/Lynsay
3.3 Early identification of other sources of funding / Continue to work partnership with HSP to identify other potential funding opportunities. / Jan/Christine/Lynsay
4. East Herts Sports Facilities – Objective: To maximise the development and use of sports facilities
Desired Outcome / Action and Deliverables / Owner/Lead Organisation / Timescale / Funding/Budget
4.1 Lobby for adequate sports facilities that are suitable for the needs of EH residents / Continue to work with EHC to identify suitable opportunities to improve sports facilities in the district.
Ensure that the future demand for sports facilities has been factored into the District Plan.
Ensure that the views and requirements of the sports clubs AEH represents are considered during the public consultation on the Development Plan Document. / Marianne/Jan
Jan/ Valdis
Jan/Valdis / March 2014
5. Developing Volunteers – Objective: To offer promotion and support the training and education of coaches, volunteers and all who assist in sport
Desired Outcome / Action and Deliverables / Owner/Lead Organisation / Timescale / Funding/Budget
5.1 Increase the profile of volunteers across the district and encourage more people to volunteer / Maximise the publicity for the 2014 East Herts awards / Marianne/ Michal / May 2015
5.2 Support education and training for volunteers / Ensure the process for reviewing funding applications is robust, fit for purpose and timely. The target is an average turn-around time of less than 6 weeks. / Lynsay/Jan / January 2015

AEH Action Plan 2014/15 - amended draft2 (10/07/2014) Page 1 of 6