Member Exit Survey

Our records indicate that you have not yet renewed your Surf Life Saving membership for the 2011/2012 season. The purpose of this survey is to determine the contributing factors in your decision to leave or not renew, so that we may take action to improve services to our members and retain more surf lifesavers. Your assistance in completing this survey is greatly appreciated.

Name:______(optional)Phone number: ______

Former Club: SLSC Date of Birth: ______M / F (Circle)

Membership category you last held at the Club: ______

(Honorary, Junior Activities, Cadet, Junior, Active Senior, Award, Active Reserve, Long Service, Associate, Life Member)

  1. How long have you been involved in Surf Life Saving? ______Years
  1. Your reason for first becoming involved in Surf Life Saving?

□ Family□ Community Service

□ Friends□ School Program

□ Fitness □ Social

□ Other______

  1. What awards did you gain?

□ Surf Education Certificates □ Advanced Resuscitation

□ Bronze Medallion □ Senior First Aid

□ IRB Drivers □ IRB Crewies

□ ATV Induction

□ Operational First Aid

□ Radio Operators □ Surf Rescue Certificate

□ Other


  1. What aspects of surf life saving have you been involved in? (Please tick appropriate boxes)

□ Patrolling

□ Competition (Surf Sports)

□ Officiating

□ Junior Activities

□ Training/Assessing

□ Social Events

□ Management committee

□ Ops Support Services

□ Attending programs

□ Fundraising

□ Other


  1. What were the major contributing factors in your decision to leave Surf Life Saving?

□ Other personal / family / work commitments

□ Financial costs

□ Conflict with Club / Branch / State personnel

□ Too many demands / expectations on volunteers

□ Lost interest/ not fun anymore □ Risk of injury/ill health

□ Lack of information / communication in Club

□ Joined another Surf Club ______(list)

□ Travelling requirements (distance/location)

□ Lack of support/recognition

□ Amount of/adequacy of training

□ Other


  1. What aspects in Surf Life Saving did you enjoy?

□ Patrols

□ Gaining Awards

□ Friendship/ Camaraderie

□ Competition/Sport

□ Community Service

□ Junior Activities

□ Youth Programs/Camps □ Personal Development

□ Fundraising

□ Beach Environment

□ Fitness

□ Other ______

  1. What aspects in Surf Life Saving did you not enjoy?

□ Volunteer Time Commitments/Demands

□ Too competitive

□ Lack of Support/Recognition by the Club

□ Association Rules and Regulations

□ Club Politics

□ Lack of Communication by the Club

□ Other ______

  1. What could be changed or improved to make involvement in surf life saving a better experience for members? ______
  1. Would you consider rejoining Surf Life Saving at another time?




Survey responses will be held in confidence by Surf Life Saving Queensland. We appreciate your time taken to complete this survey. Please turn over to add any further comments.

If you wish to expand on any of your responses or wish to provide us with further information that will assist us to improve our services and retain our surf lifesavers it would be greatly appreciated.
