
Brussels, Friday 21 September

Top News from the European Commission
24 September to 21 October 2007

Background notes from the Spokesperson’s service for journalists
The European Commission reserves the right to make changes

Monday 24 September:
EU Budget 2006 Financial Report

Monday 24 to Saturday 29 September:
European Job Days 2007 – job seekers and employers
all over Europe seize the opportunity to meet

Tuesday 25 September:
Enable solutions on Urban Transport

Wednesday 26 September:
Agriculture Council: Set-aside rate

Wednesday 26 September:
Restructuring scheme for the sugar industry

Wednesday 26 September:
European Day of Languages and Exhibition on Multilingualism

Thursday 27 September - Friday 28 September:
Fourth European Cohesion Forum

Wednesday 3 October: Presentation of the 2007
issue of the Progress Report on Education and Training

Monday 8 to Thursday 11 October:
OPEN DAYS - Regions and cities deliver growth and jobs

Wednesday 10 October:
A new maritime policy for Europe

Wednesday 10 October:
Commission proposals to boost hydrogen in Europe

Wednesday 10 October:
Adapting social legislation for more and better seafaring jobs in the EU

Monday 24 September: EU Budget 2006 Financial Report

The news:

The Commissioner for Financial Programming and Budget Dr Dalia Grybauskaitė will present "EU Budget 2006 Financial Report", as well as key findings concerning the whole of the 2000-2006 programming period.

Moreover Commissioner Grybauskaitė will present statistics on how EU money was spent in the EU-15 Member States during the 2000-2006 programming and in the EU-10 for 2004-2006.

The background :

The EU Budget 2006 Financial Report shows how a budget of EUR 106.6 billion (an increase of 1.7% as compared to 2005) was allocated between the policies and among Member States.

The event:

Press conference with Commissioner Dalia Grybauskaitė in the Press Room, Berlaymont, Brussels.

  • Available on EbS

The sources:

The "EU budget 2006 Financial Report" can be found at:

Commissioner Dalia Grybauskaitė's website:

The contacts:

Robert Soltyk +32 2.296 1619

Roger Nunn +32 2.295 3647

Monday 24 to Saturday 29 September: European Job Days 2007 – job seekers and employers all over Europe seize the opportunity to meet

The news:

More than 200 European cities have signed up to participate in the 2007 European Job Days, during the week of 24-29 September.

The different initiatives all aim to raise awareness about the opportunities and practicalities of living and working in another European country. All types of organizations will participate ranging from businesses, public and private employment services, social partner organizations, universities, learning and training centers and chambers of commerce.

The background:

Many of the 2007 Job Days events will focus primarily on bringing job seekers and potential employers together.

The 2007 European Job Days is part of the EU’s commitment to providing more and better jobs to Europe’s citizens. For many young workers the event may be the first step towards their own mobility experience.

The events:

During the week of 24-29 September a wide range of events, such as job fairs, workshops, cultural happenings etc., will take place stretching from Finland to Portugal, from Ireland to Cyprus.

On 29 September, a specific Job Day event will take place in the European Commission's Berlaymont building in Brussels. It will be one of the many events to celebrate the 50 Years anniversary of the Treaty of Rome.

The Brussels Job Day will be an excellent opportunity to visit the Commission's headquarters as well as meeting with over 60 employers from all over Europe. Employers will interview interested candidates on the spot. Participants will also be able to meet EURES advisers and consult vacancies in the EURES corner. Information on mobility practices and opportunities will be presented on the stands of the participating organizations.

Over 5,000 participants are expected to attend the Brussels event. Guest star will be Justine Henin, the world’s n° 1 female tennis player.

More information on the Brussels Job day – including online registration forms for jobseekers as well as for employers - can be found at

  • Open door day at the Berl should be covered (29/9) and footage

The sources:

European Commission's websites:

Commissioner Špidla's blog:

The contacts:

Katharina von Schnurbein +32 2 29 81408

Carmel Dunne 02 299 88 94

Tuesday 25 September: Enable solutions on Urban Transport

The news:

The Commission will present a Green Paper on urban transport. The paper will form the basis for a European debate on the challenges Urban transport presents in policy fields such as the environment, energy and health.

It will launch a broad consultation on how urban transport can be free-flowing, green, smart, accessible and safe. Through a number of concrete questions, it will analyse the options for (possible) new actions to address these challenges. It will look in particular into initiatives through which the EU can add value.

The background:

According to the latest statistics, 80% of European Union citizens live in urban areas. On average a European citizen makes 1000 trips per year and half of these are less than 5 km long. For many of these shorter trips walking and cycling could be a true alternative.

Public transport is an important alternative to the car. It plays a major role in the bigger cities where it carries 2.5 – 3 times as many people as private transport.

Urban transport is responsible for around 40% of total road transport carbon dioxide (CO2), emissions.

The event:

Press Conference by Vice-President Jacques Barrot in the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

  • Available on EbS

The sources:

European Commission's website:

Vice-President Barrot's website:

  • Info clip showing commuters using different modes of transport (walking, cycling, metro, train, car…) and participating in a research project which seeks to measure the level of pollution (specifically, benzene) each of these commuters is exposed to.

The contacts:

Michele Cercone +32 2 298 0963

Marja Quillinan-Meiland +32 2 299 4014

Wednesday 26 September: Agriculture Council: Set-aside rate

The news:

The Agriculture/Fisheries Council, meeting in Brussels, is expected to reach a political agreement on a Commission proposal from 13 September to set at zero the set-aside rate for autumn 2007 and spring 2008 sowings, in response to the increasingly tight situation on the cereals markets.

In the EU-27, a lower than expected harvest in 2006 (265.5 million tonnes) led to tightening supplies at the end of marketing year 2006/2007 and to historically high prices. Intervention stocks have shrunk from 14 million tonnes at the beginning of 2006/2007 to around 1 million tonnes now in September.

Reducing the set-aside rate from 10% to 0% is expected to increase cereals output by at least 10 million tonnes.

The background:

Set-aside was introduced to limit production of cereals in the EU and applied on a voluntary basis from 1988/89. After the 1992 reform, it became obligatory i.e. producers were required to set-aside a defined percentage of their declared areas in order to be eligible to direct payments. With the 2003 reform, they received set-aside entitlements, which give the right to a payment if they are accompanied by eligible land put into set-aside.

The rate of obligatory set-aside was initially decided every year but in 1999/2000 it was set permanently at 10% for simplification purposes.

The event:

Political agreement at the Agriculture/Fisheries Council

Press conference by Commissioner Fischer Boel and the Council Presidency at the end of the Council Meeting

  • Availiable on EbS

A press release (IP) will be issued

The sources:

IP/07/1329 - Commission proposes to set at zero the set-aside rate for autumn 2007 and spring 2008 sowings

Commissioner Fischer Boel's blog:

The contacts:

Michael Mann+32 2 299 97 80

Johan Reyniers +32 2 295 67 28

Wednesday 26 September: Restructuring scheme for the sugar industry

The news:

The Agriculture/Fisheries Council, meeting in Brussels, is expected to reach a political agreement on a Commission proposal from May 2007 making the sugar restructuring scheme, part of the reform of the sugar Common Market Organisation (CMO), more attractive.

The main changes proposed are the percentage of the aid given to growers and machinery contractors (fixed at 10%) with a special top-up for growers, and the fact that beet growers could now apply directly for aid from the restructuring fund, up to a certain limit. Retroactive payments are foreseen for undertakings and growers having already participated during the first two years of the restructuring period.

The background:

As part of the reform of the CMO for sugar, a restructuring scheme for the sugar industry was established in 2006. Its aim was to provide incentives for less competitive sugar producers to leave the sector – as part of the necessary reduction in EU sugar production.

During the first two years of the scheme, reductions in quota were below the objective of 6 million tonnes. Therefore, it became necessary to improve the attractiveness of the fund for the industry and for the growers.

The event:

Political agreement at the Agriculture/Fisheries Council

Press conference by Commissioner Fischer Boel and the Council Presidency at the end of the Council Meeting.

  • Available on EbS

A press release (IP) will be issued

The sources:

IP/07/617 - Commission proposes to improve sugar restructuring scheme

European Commission websites:

Commissioner Fischer Boel's blog:

The contacts:

Michael Mann +32 2 299 97 80

Johan Reyniers +32 2 295 6728

Wednesday 26 September: European Day of Languages and Exhibition on Multilingualism

The news:

European Day of Languages 2007: Celebrating Linguistic Diversity, Plurilingualism, lifelong language learning

The European Commission has organised a seminar on "Language Diversity: an asset to make the most of" and an exhibition on Multilingualism to help to encourage an understanding of European Linguistic Diversity and to better exploit the cultural, social and professional opportunities linked to languages.

There are European Day of Languagesactivities being organised simultaneously in Member States.

The background:

September 26 was designated as the European Day of Languages by the Council of Europe and the European Commission following the 2001 Year of Languages. It was done to celebrate the cultural heritage that forms an integral part of the languages of Europe.

The event:

Press conference with Commissioner Orban from 12:15 in the press room, Berlaymont.

  • Ebs coverage

A series of events to celebrate languages will take place in and around the European Commission’s Berlaymont building in Brussels. There will be an exhibition on language related projects, music and singing in different languages and multilingual games, all open to the public.

The sources:

European Commission Languages Portal:

Day of languages at the Council of Europe:

Commissioner Orban's website:

The contacts:

Pietro Petrucci +32 2 298 94 92 .

Roger Nunn +32 2 295 36 47

Thursday 27 September - Friday 28 September: Fourth European Cohesion Forum

The news:

The Fourth Cohesion Forum will be an opportunity to reflect on how to improve regional policy with a view to meeting these 3 challenges: globalisation, climate change and demographic level. It will also launch a consultation process at EU level.

The Forum will bring together around 800 participants with over half representing national, regional and local authorities. The Portuguese Prime Minister, Mr José Sócrates Carvalho Pinto de Soussa will attend the Forum. Commissioners Danuta Hübner and Vladimir Špidla will chair the debate.

The background:

Following the EU's recent enlargements and against a backdrop of increased globalisation, climate change and demographic development, cohesion policy is playing a central role in the debate on the future of Europe. It influences the daily life of all citizens.

The discussions in the Forum will be based on the conclusions and issues addressed in the Fourth economic and social cohesion report adopted by the Commission on May 30th 2007, such as unemployment, migration, the link between knowledge and growth and sustainable development.

The event:

The Cohesion Forum will take place in Brussels in the Commission's Charlemagne building.

A press conference by Commissioners Hübner and Špidla is planned for September 28th at 13h00 in the Berlaymont.

Limited places will be available for the press - additional space will also be provided for journalists in a separate room.

Journalists can register by sending an email to indicating the name of their media organisation.

The sources:

European Commission website:

Commissioner Špidla's blog:

Commissioner Hübner's website:

The contacts:

Eva Kaluzynska +32 2 29 92615

Katharina von Schnurbein +32 2 29 81408

Carmel Dunne 02 299 88 94

Dina Avraam +32 2 295 96 67

Wednesday 3 October: Presentation of the 2007 issue of the Progress Report on Education and Training

The news:

The Commission will present the 2007 Progress Report on Education and Training

The analysis shows that Europe is making good progress as regards tertiary maths, science and technology graduates and that the number of early school leavers is continuously declining.

However, progress is more limited as regards upper secondary attainment of young people and lifelong learning participation of adults. No progress has so far been achieved in reducing the share of pupils with low reading skills.

The background:

The 2007 Commission Staff Working Paper on Progress towards the Lisbon objectives in education and training is the fourth issue of this annual report, which assesses progress of member states against key indicators and common education benchmarks.

The report is structured according to 8 key education and training policy areas.

The event:

Technical briefing with DG EAC's General Director Odile Quintinwho will present key findings of the report.

The summary and introduction of the report will be distributed.

  • Available on EbS

The sources:

DG EAC's Homepage:

Site where the report can be found:

Commissioner Figel 's website:

The contacts:

Frédéric Vincent +32 498 98 71 66

Sophie Andersson +32 498 95 02 08

Monday 8 to Thursday 11 October: OPEN DAYS - Regions and cities deliver growth and jobs

The news:

This year's OPEN DAYS will involve 212 regions and cities from 33 countries at an event where policy-makers, practitioners and academics exchange views on how to implement cohesion policy programmes on the ground, stimulate new ideas and facilitate networking.

The event is entitled: 'Making it happen: regions and cities deliver growth and jobs.'

The background:

OPEN DAYS – European Week of Regions and Cities – is organised by the Committee of the Regions and the European Commission's Directorate-General for Regional Policy. This is the fifth annual edition of the event.

Up to 5,000 regional policy experts from all over Europe are expected to participate in 150 seminars in Brussels, as well as at local events being held in Member States throughout the month of October.

For the years 2007-2013, cohesion policy will benefit from 35.7% of the total EU budget, that is, 347.41 billion euros (current prices).

The event:

There are two highlights:

Opening session: 8 October, CharlemagneBuilding, Brussels:

European Commission President José Manuel Barroso and Danuta Hübner, Commissioner for Regional Policy, will be among the keynote speakers. There will also be a panel debate focusing on delivery of the new EU regional policy and future challenges identified in the Commission's fourth report on economic and social cohesion published in May 2007.

Closing session: 11 October, European Parliament:

Michael Spence, Nobel Prize winner for economics (2001) and the President of the European Parliament, Hans-Gert Pöttering, will be among the speakers.

The sources:

OPEN DAYS website:

Commissioner Hübner's website:

The contacts:

Eva Kaluzynska + 32 2 299 26 15

Dina Avraam + 32 2 295 96 67

Wednesday 10 October: A new maritime policy for Europe

The news:

The Commission plans to adopt a package on a new Maritime Policy for the European Union, which is as broad-ranging as the climate and energy package from January 2007.

The aim of the new package is to develop a joined-up, cross-sectoral and coherent approach to maritime activities. Such an approach will allow the Union to benefit from the full potential of our seas and oceans, while ensuring their sustainable use. Enhanced coordination between sectors can prevent inter-user conflicts, minimise inconsistencies, avoid duplication and ensure maximum contribution from individual policies to the overall EU goals of sustainable growth, jobs, competitiveness and prosperity.

The package includes a Communication on a Maritime Policy for the European Union, an Action Plan that sets out the actions which the Commission proposes to take as a first step towards the implementation of this Policy and a Communication on the Conclusions from the public Consultation.

The background:

The package on a new Maritime Policy follows an extensive one year consultation on the Green Paper "Towards a future Maritime Policy for the Union: A European vision for the oceans and seas", which ended last June.

The seas surrounding our continent are one of Europe's most vital natural resources and a main driver of Europe's growth, jobs, competitiveness and prosperity. Until now, the different activities and policies relating to the seas have been pursued in an isolated manner and in response to individual needs and the full potential cannot unfold. In addition, globalisation, climate change and environmental damage are changing the relationship that we have with the ocean and, as a result, a sector by sector approach is no longer adapted to these challenges.

The event:

Press conference by President José Manuel Barroso and Commissioner Joe Borg in the Berlaymont's press room, Brussels.

  • Available on EbS

An Expo on Maritime Affairs will take place at the Berlaymont Esplanade from 10 to 12 October 2007.

The sources:

European Commission website:

Commissioner Borg's website:

President Barroso's website

  • A video news release + memoclip will be available

The contacts :

Mireille Thom+32 2 299 16 30

Lone Mikkelsen, +32 2 296 0567

Wednesday 10 October: Commission proposals to boost hydrogen in Europe

The news:

The European Commission will take two important decisions which should increase the potential of hydrogen as an energy carrier in Europe.

The first is the creation of a multi-billion euro public/private partnership for research, a Joint Technology Initiative, to benefit the development of hydrogen and fuel cells. This will be the fifth such Joint Technology Initiative to be proposed by the Commission since the start of the 7th Research Framework Programme in 2007.

The second is a Regulation on motor vehicles using liquid or compressed gaseous hydrogen. This will lay down common rules on the construction of these vehicles to ensure the smooth functioning of the internal market, high levels of public safety and the possibility of greener forms of transport in the future.