German Village Society Board of Trustees

June 6, 2011 Meeting Minutes - Draft

Present: Roy Bieber, Darci Congrove, Beth Ervin, Norm Hall, Sarah Irvin-Clark, Jim Nichols, Brian Santin, Crystal Seamon Jeanne Likens, Mike Yarbrough, Bill Case.

Absent: Jim Hopple,

Also present: Russ Arledge (Staff)

President Brian Santin called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm.

The May 2, 2011 GVS Board of Trustees meeting minutes were approved unanimously.

Staff Reports

Russ Arledge (written report) Russ reported on the new Sunday hours. There were 17 visitors and we had $292 of sales.

Jody Graichen (written report)

Treasurer's Report (written report) Roy Bieber reported we are on financial track for the Haus und Garten Tour. We also had approximately $7,000 in donations for the month. Membership is down approximately $10,000 to date compared to budget. Other items as in his written report.

Committee Reports:

Standing Committees

· GVS Director Search (Oral Report) Roy Bieber reported a call for applications will go out soon.

· Haus und Garten Tour/Pre-Tour (Oral Report) Darci Congrove reported sales of tour tickets and PreTour dinner tickets are going well and we now need a final push to put the tour over the top.

· Telephone update (Oral Report) Brian Santin reported on the contribution of George Lekorenos for the telephone switching unit - voicemail unit, etc. for a new telephone system. GVS needs to purchase new telephones @ $300 per unit. Motion by Roy Bieber, second by Beth Ervin to accept the donation of George Lekorenos and authorize the expenditure of up to $2,000 for the new telephones. Approved unanimously.

· Website (Oral Report) Brian Santin reported the new capacity giving us additional ability for surveys and that he will continue as chair for the website committee.

· Civic Relations (Oral Report) Crystal Seamon reported the President is recommending Bill Case as the new committee chair. Motion by Mike Yarbrough, second Roy Bieber to approve Bill Case as the new chair. Approved unanimously. There was extensive Board discussion on the Cooper Stadium project. The Police Luncheon was well attended and GV residents are encouraged to report any suspicious activity to the Columbus Police Department.

· Finance (Oral Report) Roy Bieber reported we had a $74,000 balance in the checking account and $185,000 in the savings account. The actual income year-to-date is $51,000 compared to the budgeted $21,000. Other items are in his written report.

· Historic Preservation (Oral Report) Darci Congrove reported the Caretakers of a Legacy event was excellent and attendance was good.

· Long Range Planning (Oral Report) Carolyn McCall reports their Ageing in Place survey is going well and 130 residents have returned their answers. June 15th is the deadline and all GV residents are requested to fill out a survey.

· Streetscape (Oral Report) Brian Santin reported Tim Bibler is the new committee chair. Other items are in his written report.

· Membership (written report) Jeanne Likins reported on efforts to encourage people who have not renewed to do so in the near future. Jeanne said the committee has been discussing a new policy on who receives the N4N. There was an extensive discussion among Board members on this issue. Other items are in her written report.

· Park, Public Spaces and Community Events (PPSCE) (written report) Sara McNealey reported on the Huntington Gardens issue. There was an extensive discussion of GVS projects and how the naming process should proceed with the GVS PPSCE and the City of Columbus Recreation and Parks Department. The GVS Board returned this issue to PPSCE for further consideration. Other items are in her written report.

· Village SingersNo report

Special Committees

· Nominating (no report)

· German Village Business Community (no report)

· Go Green Go Grün (Oral Report) Crystal Seamon reported the Go Green Committee will now become part of the structure of the GVS PPSCE. Motion by Bill Case, second by Mike Yarbrough to move Go Green under the GVS Parks, Public Spaces and Community Events.

· Marketing (Oral Report) Beth Ervin reported the committee is off to a good start. There was a Board discussion on the Columbus Bicentennial Celebration and the participation of the GVS. Other items are in her written report.

· Development Committee (Oral Report) Mike Yarbrough reported the committee is being organized and referred the GVS Board to his written report.

Old Business

· None

New Business

· Brian Santin advised he is resigning as GVS Board President on June 30, 2011 and per the GVS Bylaws, Vice President Mike Yarbrough will become the new GVS President for the rest of his current term.

Public Participation - there was none

Motion by Darci Congrove, second by Mike Yarbrough for the Board to move to executive session. Approved unanimously.

The Board adjourned at 7:50 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

James L. Nichols, Acting Secretary