(World 5.5 – Release 3; World 5.8 & World 6.0 Release -1)
22 December 2016
Technical description of the survey
Information on the original files
Time-use variables
Variable-specific information
Earlier MTUS versions of this data
Age range / 15+ (diaries from people aged 15–103 )Response rate / 91.1% household response rate; 88.3% individual response rate
Number of diary days / 1-day
Survey period / 16 February 1998 to 14 February 1999
Multi-member household survey / Yes
Type of diary / Fixed time slot completed on
the day the activities were performed
Mode of data collection / Two household visits
Time interval in the diary / 10 minutes
Data on secondary activities / Yes
Data on where the activity was carried out / Yes
Data on who else was present / Yes
Number of activity codes / 139
Number of cases in the original file / 15441 (14631 adult & 810 child diaries)
Number of ‘good’ diaries in the World5.5 file / 15430 (14621 adult & 809 child diaries)
There are 4 original files for France 1998.
ACT98.sav (N = 15,441) contains activity data in 10 minute intervals.
EDTIND98.sav (N = 20,370 individuals) contains information on all of the individuals living within the household (i.e., including individuals less than 15 years of age).
EDTMEN98.sav (N = 8,186 households) contains information on household characteristics and resources.
EDTACT98.sav (N = 316,097 ‘activity lines’) contains activity-level data.
The original data can be accessed from:
MTUSVariable Name / Variable Label / FRANCE1998-99
from main activity (ACTPR1 to ACTPR144)
AV1 / Formal work / 142 Meals at the work-place alone
145 Meals at the work-place with people not from the household
211 Regular professional work away from home
213 Travel during work-time
214 Other work related to the agriculture
231 Not work at the work-place
233 Other time at work
251 Professional training
252 Other activities related to professional training
AV2 / Paid work at home / 212 Regular professional work at home
AV3 / Second job / 221 Work in family business
223 Other job
241 Time related to job seeking
AV4 / School/classes / 261 Courses
263 Pauses, inter-courses
271 Training not directly professional
272 Other training
AV5 / Travel to/from work / 811 Travel between home and work-place
AV6 / Cooking/washing up / 310 Cooking with an associative aim
311 Preparation and cooking of meals
312 Wash / put away dishes
313 Set or clear the table, to serve the meals
314 Bake conserves, cakes and confectionary
319 Cooking for another household
AV7 / Housework / 320 Cleaning with an associative aim
321 Cleaning and tidying up
322 Put away the shopping
329 Cleaning for another household
330 Wash clothes with associative aim
331 Washing the lingerie
332 Ironing
335 To organize the clothing
339 Washing, ironing for another household
AV8 / Odd jobs / 340 Miscellaneous with an associative aim
341 Maintenance of the heating, water
342 Domestic accounts, administrative mailing
343 Other domestic activities
344 Removals
349 Miscellaneous on behalf of another household
372 Repair and maintenance of vehicles
375 Look after domestic animals
376 Look after companionship animals
430 Look after adults with an associative aim
431 Material or medical care to adults
439 Look after adults of another
AV9 / Gardening / 374 Gardening
AV10 / Shopping / 350 Purchase of goods with an associative aim
351 Purchase of consumption goods, shopping
352 Purchase of maintenance services
359 Purchase of goods for another household
360 Administrative services with an associative aim
361 Resource to administrative services, offices, banks
369 Administrative services for another household
AV11 / Child care / 410 Look after children with an associative aim
411 Look after children
412 Medical care to children away from home
413 Medical care to children at home
414 Other activity on behalf of children
419 To look after the children of another household
420 To play with/teach children with an associative aim
421 Supervise homework
422 Conversations with the children, reading
423 Indoor games, artistic and sport training
424 Outdoor games, promenade, sport training
429 play with/teach, supervise homework of children of another household
AV12 / Domestic travel / 810 Travel with an associative aim
813 Travel related to children
819 Travel for another household
AV13 / Dressing/toilet / 109 person/household care – CTUR generated code
121 Personal hygiene
122 Dress, undress, get ready
151 Other private activities
AV14 / Receiving Personal services / 123 Personal care away from home
124 Personal care at home
131 Medical care self administered at home
132 Medical care away from home
133 Personal medical care received at home
AV15 / Meals/snacks / 141 Meals at home alone or with household members
143 Meals away from home alone or with people of the household and location is another home
144 Meals at home with people not from the household
146 Meals away from home with people not from the household and location is another home
AV16 / Sleep/naps / 110 imputed sleep, CTUR generated code
111 Sleep
AV17 / Leisure travel / 812 Other travel
AV18 / Excursions, trips / 625 Beach, activities related to camping
AV19 / Playing sport / 610 Activities related to asport club
611 Exercise
612 Sports
623 Fishing, chase
AV20 / Watching sport / 651 Attend asports match
AV21 / Walks / 621 Promenades and excursions
622 Promenades in your own garden
624 Promenades to gather wild fruits or champignons
AV22 / At church / 531 Religious practices
532 Cemetery
533 Civil ceremonies
AV23 / Civic organizations / 232 Strikes
234 Meetings and union activities
541 Political and civic activities
542 Other charity, cultural and sport activities
543 Other activities of communal solidarity
911 Fill in INSEE booklet
AV24 / Cinema/theatre / 653 Cinema
652 Attend a fair, circus, theatre, concert
654 Museum, exposition
AV25 / Dance/party, etc. / 510 Receptions and going out
513 Other going out, meetings
662 Arcade games, electronic
663 Gambling
AV26 / Social clubs / 620 Activities related to a club
AV27 / Pubs / Not possible to create
AV28 / Restaurants / 143 Meals away from home alone or with people of the household and location not another home
146 Meals away from home with people not from the household and location not another home
AV29 / Visiting friends / 511 Visits friends, relatives (without dinner)
AV30 / Listening to radio / 636 Listen to the radio
AV31 / Watching T.V. / 634 Watch TV
635 Watch a video
AV32 / Listening to music, etc. / 637 Listen music (records, CDs, etc.)
AV33 / Study / 262 Homework and studies
264 Training or practice as part of studies
AV34 / Reading books / 631 Reading
632 Reading of books
AV35 / Reading papers/magazines / 633 Reading of magazines, newspapers
AV36 / Relaxing / 641 To think, reflect, smoke
AV37 / Conversation / 520 Associative contacts
521 Conversations
522 Telephone out of professional
AV38 / Entertaining friends / 512 Receive friends, relatives(without dinner)
524 Other social, exchange gifts
529 Other social contacts
AV39 / Knitting/sewing / 333 Sewing, knitting for less than ¼ hour
334 Sewing, knitting for more than ¼ hour
AV40 / Pastimes/hobbies / 370 Semi-leisure with an associative aim
371 Artistic creations
373 Make crafts, hobbies
377 Other semi-leisure activities
379 Semi-leisure activities for another household
523 Writing post or correspondence
661 Practice of music, theatre, dancing
664 Miscellaneous: cross-words, modelling
665 Make/watch films, photographs
666 Computer games
667 Games
668 Leisure
AV41 / Unknown activity / Not created
MAIN/SEC 69 Variables / Activity / FRANCE1998-99
from main activity (ACTPR1 to ACTPR144)
Main/Sec1 / Imputed personal and household care / 109 - imputed personal and household care – CTUR generated code
Main/Sec2 / Sleep or nap / 111 – sleep
Main/Sec3 / Imputed sleep / 110 - imputed sleep, CTUR generated code
Main/Sec4 / Wash/dress/care for self / 121 -personal hygiene
122 - dress, undress, get ready
131 -medical care self administered at home
151 - other private activities
Main/Sec5 / Meals at work or school / 142 - meals at the work-place alone
145 - meals at the work-place with people not from the household
Main/Sec6 / Other meals / 141 - meals at home alone / with household
143 - meals away from home alone or with people of the household and location is another home
144 Meals at home with people not from the household
146 - meals away from home with people not from the household and location is another home
Main/Sec7 / Paid work, main job (not at home) / 211 - regular professional work away from home
214 - other work related to the agriculture
Main/Sec8 / Paid work at home / 212 - regular professional work at home
Main/Sec9 / Second or other job not at home / 221 - work in family business
223 - other job
Main/Sec10 / Unpaid work to generate household income / Not possible to create
Main/Sec11 / Travel as a part of work / 213 - travel during work-time
Main/Sec12 / Work breaks / 231 - not work at the work-place
Main/Sec13 / Other time at workplace / 233 - other time at work
Main/Sec14 / Look for work / 241 - time related to job seeking
Main/Sec15 / Regular schooling, education / 261 - courses
263 - pauses, inter-courses
Main/Sec16 / Homework / 262 - homework and studies
264 - training or practice as part of studies
Main/Sec17 / Leisure/other education of training / 271 - training not directly professional
272 - other training
Main/Sec18 / Food preparation/ cooking / 310 - cooking with an associative aim
311 - preparation and cooking of meals
314 - bake conserves, cakes and confectionary
319 - cooking for another household
Main/Sec19 / Set table, wash or put away dishes / 312 - wash / put away dishes
313 - set or clear the table, serve the meals
Main/Sec20 / Cleaning / 320 - cleaning with an associative aim
321 - cleaning and tidying up
322 - put away the shopping
329 - cleaning for another household
Main/Sec21 / Laundry, ironing, clothing repair / 330 - wash clothes with associative aim
331 - washing the lingerie
332 - ironing
335 - organize the clothing
339 – washing, ironing for another household
Main/Sec22 / Home/vehicle maintenance or improvement / 341 - maintenance of the heating, water
372 - repair and maintenance of vehicles
Main/Sec23 / Other domestic work / 340 - miscellaneous with an associative aim
342 - domestic accounts, administrative mailing
343 - other domestic activities
344 - removals
349 - miscellaneous on behalf of other household
Main/Sec24 / Purchase goods and general consumption activities / 350 - purchase of goods with an associative aim
351 - purchase of consumption goods, shopping
359 - purchase of goods for another household
Main/Sec25 / Consume personal services / 123 -personal care away from home
124 - personal care at home
132 - medical care away from home
133 - personal medical care received at home
Main/Sec26 / Consume other services / 352 - purchase of maintenance services
360 - administrative services with associative aim
361 - administrative services, offices, banks
369 - administrative services for other household
Main/Sec27 / Pet care (not walk dog) / 376 - look after companionship animals
Main/Sec28 / Physical, medical child care / 410 - look after children with an associative aim
411 - look after children
412 - medical care to children away from home
413 - medical care to children at home
Main/Sec29 / Teach, help with homework / 420 - play with/teach child with associative aim
421 - supervise homework
429 - play with/teach, supervise homework of children of another household
Main/Sec30 / Read to, talk or play with child / 422 - conversations with the children, reading
423 - indoor games, artistic and sport training
424 - outdoor games, promenade, sport training
Main/Sec31 / Supervise, accompany, other child care / 414 - other activity on behalf of children
419 - look after children of another household
Main/Sec32 / Adult care / 430 - look after adults with an associative aim
431 - material or medical care to adults
439 - look after adults of another
Main/Sec33 / Voluntary, civic, organisational activity / 232 – strikes
234 - meetings and union activities
541 - political and civic activities
542 - other charity, cultural and sport activities
543 - other activities of communal solidarity
911 - fill in INSEE booklet
Main/Sec34 / Worship and religion / 531 - religious practices
532 - cemetery
533 - civil ceremonies
Main/Sec35 / General out-of-home leisure / 513 - other going out, meetings
Main/Sec36 / Attend sporting event / 651 - attend asports match
Main/Sec37 / Cinema, theatre, opera, concert / 653 – cinema
652 - attend a fair, circus, theatre, concert
Main/Sec38 / Other public event, venue / 654 - museum, exposition
Main/Sec39 / Restaurant, café, bar, pub / 143 - meals away from home alone or with people of the household and location not another home
146 - meals away from home with people not from the household and location not another home
Main/Sec40 / Party, reception, social event, gambling / 510 Receptions and going out
620 - activities related to a club
662 Arcade games, electronic
663 Gambling
Main/Sec41 / Imputed time away from home / Not created
Main/Sec42 / General sport or exercise / 610 - activities related to asport club
611 - exercise
612 – sports
Main/Sec43 / Walking / 621 - promenades and excursions
622 - promenades in your own garden
Main/Sec44 / Cycling / Not possible to create
Main/Sec45 / Other out-of-doors recreation / 625 - beach, activities related to camping
Main/Sec46 / Garden, forage (pick mushrooms), hunt/fish / 374 – gardening
623 - fishing, chase
624 - gather wild fruits or champignons
Main/Sec47 / Walk dogs / Not possible to create
Main/Sec48 / Receive or visit friends / 511 - visits friends, relatives (without dinner)
512 - receive friends, relatives(without dinner)
Main/Sec49 / Conversation (in person, phone) / 520 - associative contacts
521 - conversations
522 - telephone out of professional
Main/Sec50 / Other in-home social, games / 524 Other social, exchange gifts
529 Other social contacts
667 – games
Main/Sec51 / General indoor leisure / 370 - semi-leisure with an associative aim
377 - other semi-leisure activities
379 - semi-leisure activities for another household
668 – leisure
Main/Sec52 / Artistic or musical act / 371 - artistic creations
661 - practice of music, theatre, dancing
665 - make/watch films, photographs
Main/Sec53 / Written correspondence / 523 - writing post or correspondence
Main/Sec54 / Knit, crafts, hobbies / 333 - sewing, knitting for less than ¼ hour
334 - sewing, knitting for more than ¼ hour
373 - make crafts, hobbies
664 - miscellaneous: cross-words, modelling
Main/Sec55 / Relax, think, do nothing / 641 To think, reflect, smoke
Main/Sec56 / Read / 631 – reading
632 - reading of books
633 - reading of magazines, newspapers
Main/Sec57 / Listen to music, Ipod, CD / 637 - listen music (records, CDs, etc.)
Main/Sec58 / Listen to radio / 636 - listen to the radio
Main/Sec59 / Watch TV, DVD, video / 634 - watch TV
635 - watch a video
Main/Sec60 / Play computer games / 666 - computer games
Main/Sec61 / Send e-mail, surf internet, computing / Not possible to create
Main/Sec62 / No activity but recorded mode of travel / Not created for main activity, coded in secondary activity
Main/Sec63 / Travel to or from work / 811 - travel between home and work-place
Main/Sec64 / Education-related travel / Not possible to create
Main/Sec65 / Voluntary, civic, religious travel / 819 - travel for another household
Main/Sec66 / Child & adult care travel / 813 - travel related to children
Main/Sec67 / Shopping, personal & household care travel / 810 - travel with an associative aim
Main/Sec68 / Other travel / 812 - other travel
Main/Sec69 / No recorded activity / No missing main activity
Context Variables / Value labels / France 1998-99 original activity and location codes
Inout / 1,2, -8 / Not possible to create – all but cases shown on the next line marked as -9.
Inout = 2 / Outside / Incomplete, but the following can be marked as outside:
Actpr=374 Gardening; 424 Outdoor games, promenade, sport training; 532 Cemetery; 621 Promenades and excursions; 622 Promenades in your own garden; 623 Fishing, chase; 624 Promenades to gather wild fruits or champignons; 625 Beach, activities related to camping
Eloc = 1 / Own home / Lieup = 0 home
Eloc = 2 / Another’s home / Lieup = 2 other place away from home +
Actpr = 511 Visits to friends, relatives, children from out of the household (without dinner); review of diaries with meals, housework and personal care away from home
Eloc = 3 / Workplace / Lieup = 1 workplace
Eloc = 4 / School / Lieup = 2 other place away from home +
Actpr = 251 Professional training; 252 Other activities related to professional training; 261 Courses; 263 Pauses, inter-courses; 271 Training not directly professional; 272 Other training; 262 Homework and studies; 264 Training practices as part of studies
Eloc = 5 / Service or shop / Lieup = 2 other place away from home +
Actpr = 132 Medical care away from home; 412 Medical care to children away from home; 533 Civil ceremonies; 350 Purchase of goods with an associative aim; 351 Purchase of consumption goods, shopping; 352 Purchase of maintenance services;
359 Purchase of goods for another household; 360 Administrative services with an associative aim; 361 Resource to administrative services, offices, banks;
369 Administrative services for another household
Eloc = 6 / Restaurant, café / Lieup = 2 other place away from home +
Actpr = 143 Meals away from home alone or with people of the household; 146 Meals away from home with people not from the household
Eloc = 7 / Place of worship / Lieup = 2 other place away from home +
Actpr = 531 religious practices
Eloc = 8 / Travelling / Lieup = 3 travel from work to home
Lieup = 4 other travel
Eloc = 9 / Other locations / Lieup = 2 other place away from home +
Actpr = all other codes
Mtrav / Not possible to create
ICT / Not possible to create
Alone / No one else reported present / Presp = 1 alone
Child / Child present / Not possible to create – for older children, you can estimate this by matching the diaries of parents and children to look for co-presence
Sppart / Partner present / Not possible to create – for couples, you can estimate this by matching the diaries of partners to look for co-presence
Oad / Other adult present / Include children present – not possible to separate out the presence of adults or others
Presp = 2 person from the household
Presp = 3 friend, neighbour, relative, colleague
Presp = 4 other person
Presp = 23 (codes 2 + 3)
Presp = 24 (codes 2 + 4)
Presp = 34 (codes 3 + 4)
Presp = 234 (all categories present)
Animal / Time with animals / Only main or secondary activity = 27 (pet care) or 47 (walk the dog)
Value labels for the original variable (DIPLO) are as follows:
0 “Without a diploma or not declared”
2 “BEPC”
3 “CAP, BEP”
4 “Bac technique”
5 “Bac general”
6 “Bac + 2”
7 “Superieur a Bac + 2”
1 / No completed high school = level 0,1,2 or Level 3 (upper sec. Educ) not completed /
- 0 “Without a diploma or not
2 / Level 3 completed (upper secondary educ) or Attendance at Level 4 (post-secondary non-tertiary) /
- 1 “CEP, DFEO”
- 2 “BEPC”
- 3 “CAP, BEP”
3 / Attendance at Level 5 and above (even if no degree obtained) /
- 4 “Bac technique”
- 5 “Bac general”
- 6 “Bac + 2”
- 7 “Superieur a Bac + 2”
The original variable (SAL38) used to compute EMPINCLM is continuous.
Value labels for the original variable (REVCOR) are as follows:
1 "Less than 3,500"
2 "3,500 to 7,000"
3 "7,000 to 10,000"
4 "10,000 to 14,000"
5 "14,000 to 17,500"
6 "17,500 to 21,000"
7 "21,000 to 35,000"