Table of Contents

I. Hall History, Colors & Mascotpg. 2

II. Hall Staff pg. 3

III.Dates to Rememberpg. 4-5

IV.Hall Core Values

Special Thanks To . . .pg. 6

V.SJSD Vision, Mission, & Goalspg. 7

VI.PBIS Information & Matrixpg. 8-11

VI.Hall Rules & Guidelinespg. 12-22

VII.SJSD Elementary Guidelinespg. 23-47

VIII.Dress Code Letterpg. 48

IX.Title I Information

a. Parents Right to Knowpg. 49

b. NCLB Complaint Resolution/Procedurespg. 50

c. Parental Information & Resource Centerpg. 51

X. Hall Parent/Student/Teacher

Agreementpg. 53-56

XII.Handbook Signature Agreement/pg. 57-58

Permission to Photograph Form/Tech Agreement

This handbook was designed to be helpful for parents and students as we work together to make Hall School a quality student-centered school. We hope that you will look over all the items for your information. Should you have a question or concern about any area, please call the school.

Families should keep this handbook as a reference for the “What do I do . . .” questions that come along. Keeping this book with your telephone book is a good idea for quick referral.

Hall Elementary School

2509 Duncan

St. Joseph, MO 64507


Fax: 671-4162

Hall Elementary Staff


PrincipalHeather Gladhart

SecretaryBeronica Carrigan

NurseTrish Bowe

KindergartenShelly Culver

Nicole Pelton

First GradeDeborah Heater

Caitlin Parker

Second GradeAndrea Frederick

Sandra Litton

Third GradeJennifer Hausman

Misty Burright

Fourth GradeKimberly Cole

Marci Fine

Fifth GradeSusan Przybylski

Kelly Robb

Sixth GradeRuth Lovejoy

Deanna Majors

Instructional CoachChristie Leigan

LibrarianLynne Gentry

MusicOakley Bowen

P.E.Karen Rizzo

ArtBarb Edwards

CounselorKathy Roberts

Special EducationTracey Hazzard

Special EducationRobin Jago

Special Education ParaTheresa Cox
SpeechJanet Meyer-McCoy

Communication Arts Aimee Devooght

ReadingConnie Decker

Denise Young

RtI SpecialistRuth Grieshaber

ParaprofessionalLinda Long

Family Involvement Coor.Korine Miller

KitchenDonita Swafford

Tammy Jarrett

Pauline Johnson

Wanda Scott

Lunchroom SupervisorCathy Lutz

EngineersGlen Lyons

Janette Corwin

Jim Shryock

Dates to Remember


August 16First Day of School—2 Hour Early Dismissal

August 172 Hour Early Dismissal

August 30Open House 6:30 p.m.

September 3No School: Labor Day

September 7Star Student Breakfast 8:00 a.m. in Library

September 13PTA Fall Festival/Carnival 5:30-7:30 p.m.

September 18CiCi’s Night 4-9 p.m.

September 21Fall Picture Day

September 27MAP Oscar Night @ Keatley 7:00 p.m.

October 5Star Student Breakfast 8:00 a.m in library

October 114th-6th Grade to Symphony in a.m.

Family Night-TBA

October 15CiCi’s Night 4-9 p.m.

October 17End of 1st Quarter

October 24Early Dismissal (2 hour): P/T Conferences

October 25Early Dismissal (2 hour): P/T Conferences

October 26Grades 2-3 1st Quarter Awards Assembly 9:00 a.m.

Grades 4-6 1st Quarter Awards Assembly 9:30 a.m.

Early Dismissal (3 hour): P/T Conferences

October 24-26Fall Book Fair in Library

November 2Picture Retake Day

November 8K & 1 Music Program 7:00 p.m. at Church of the Nazarene

November 9Star Student Breakfast 8:00 a.m. in library

November 12Early Dismissal (2 hour): Veteran’s Day

November 13CiCi’s Night 4-9 p.m.

November 21Early Dismissal (2 hour): Thanksgiving Break

November 22-23No School: Thanksgiving Break

December 4Family Night-TBA

December 7Star Student Breakfast 8:00 a.m. in library

December 13Grades 2 & 3 Music Program 7:00 p.m. at Church of the Nazarene

December 21End of 2nd Quarter

Early Dismissal (2 hour): Winter Break

Dec. 22-Jan. 6Winter Break

January 7First Day in 2013

January 11Star Student Breakfast 8:00 a.m. in library

January 21No School: Martin Luther King Day

February 1Star Student Breakfast 8:00 a.m. in library

February 7Family Night-TBA

February 14Valentine’s Day Parties

February 18No School: President’s Day

February 19No School: Teacher Professional Development

March 1Spring and Class Picture Day

March 4CiCi’s Night 4-9 p.m.

March 8Star Student Breakfast 8:00 a.m. in library

End of 3rd Quarter

March 13Early Dismissal (2 hour): P/T Conferences

Dates to Remember


March 14Early Dismissal (2 hour): P/T Conferences

March 15Grades 2-3 3rd Quarter Awards Assembly 9:00 a.m.

Grades 4-6 3rd Quarter Awards Assembly 9:30 a.m.

Early Dismissal (3 hour): P/T Conferences

March 13-15Spring Book Fair in Library

March 21Grades 4 & 5 Music Program 7:00 p.m. at Church of the Nazarene

Mach 25-29No School-Spring Break

April 2Family Night-TBA

April 5Star Student Breakfast 8:00 a.m. in library

April 23CiCi’s Night 4-9 p.m.

April 29-May 17MAP Testing

May 3Star Student Breakfast 8:00 a.m. in library

May 17Play Day at Bartlett Park

May 20Rain Day for Play Day if needed

6th Grade Recognition @ Keatley 6:30 p.m.

May 22Early Dismissal (2 hour): Last Day of School

End of Year Awards Grades K-1 9:00 a.m., Grades 2-3 10:00 a.m., Grades 4-5 11:00 a.m.

Send Home 4th Quarter Grade Cards

May 28First Day of Summer School

** Please note that all dates are subject to change.**

Hall’s Core Values

To our Business Partners:

Central Christian Church

First Church of the Nazarene

Missouri National Air Guard

St. Joseph News Press Gazette

Vatterott College

& All of our AWESOME volunteers!

St. Joseph School District


Educating each child for success.


The St. Joseph School District fosters an environment where success is built on values for learning, planning, and hard work: Believe! Learn! Plan! Achieve!

SJSD Beliefs

 Nurture strong relationships in a culture of caring

 Meet each child where he/she is each day

 Maintain constancy of mission

 Focus on our customers (students, families, community)

 Engage families and community as collaborative partners in the education of children and youth

 Educate learners for lifelong success with a foundational knowledge and relevant content through rigorous learning and thinking

 Develop skills so that students will be analytic thinkers, problem-solvers, and decision-makers with stamina and resilience

 Design, implement, and sustain programs to meet needs for the whole child (physical activity, health and wellness, fine arts, technical skills, exploratory courses, and extended learning opportunities)

 Increase Kindergarten readiness through early childhood education

 Focus on proficiency in literacy and mathematics

 Increase emphasis on the sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics

 Emphasize career and workforce readiness

 Hire the most effective teachers and instructional leaders and equip them through powerful professional development

 Continue fiscal stewardship and provide equity in resources to support teaching and learning

 Provide facilities that enhance the educational process

 Increase safety and security

St. Joseph School District Goals

1. Student Performance:Develop and enhance quality educational/instructional programs to improve performance and enable students to meet their personal, academic, and career goals.

2. High Quality Staff:Recruit, attract, develop, and retain qualified staff to carry out the SJSD mission, goals, and objectives.

3. Support Resources:Provide and maintain appropriate instructional resources, support services, and functional and safe facilities.

4. Family and Community Engagement:Promote, facilitate, and enhance parent, student, and community involvement in SJSD education programs.

5. Governance:Govern the SJSD in an efficient and effective manner, providing leadership and representation to benefit the students, staff and patrons of the District.

August 2012

Dear Hall Parents,

We are excited to start a new school year and our 1st year to be a Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) School. Behavior and school climate is a priority at Hall Elementary; it is one of the top goals outlined in our School Improvement Plan (SIP).

What is PBIS? Put simply, it is a proactive approach to school-wide discipline. This initiative is meant to reinforce the positive behaviors of students doing what is expected of them as well as support students who need extra assistance to reach the school-wide expectations of being Safe, Respectful, and Responsible learners. The goal is to decrease the number of discipline referrals, which will increase the amount of instructional time our students will receive. Through this process we will be consistently and continuously defining, teaching, reinforcing, and monitoring positive behaviors.

On the next page, you will find a copy of Hall’s Behavior Expectations (known as the matrix). This matrix will govern all areas of the school. The language on the matrix is important. By using the language on the matrix, students will hear consistent vocabulary from all adults in the school setting. The consistency will allow students to be familiar and understand the expectations for their behavior in all settings of the school, no matter which adult is monitoring behavior. Creating an environment where all adults are using the same common language will make the expectations clear to the students. Please look over the matrix and discuss with your child. You can also view videos on our website that we have produced for students to watch while beginning the implementation process.

You will also find a copy of the Office Referral Form on page 10. The information on this form has been determined by examining the criteria of the “Big 5.” The Big 5 has schools examine the average number of referrals per day, the location of the referrals, the time of the referrals, the problem behaviors in the referrals, and the number of referrals per student so that each school can make a plan to meet the needs of their students, staff, and school. We have also included the motivation as this is important in helping the team develop a plan for those students that need extra support.

Students will earn “Braves Bucks” for exhibiting appropriate behaviors. The following outlines the procedures:

  • Teachers and support staff are encouraged to reward students with Braves Bucks in all settings of the school and throughout the school day for meeting expectations.
  • It is the students’ responsibility to keep track of their tickets.
  • Students will be able to redeem their Braves Bucks monthly at the Hall Store.

PBIS is truly a win-win initiative for our students, our staff, and our school. Out expectation is that we keep the excitement going throughout the year and truly impact student achievement through the use of Positive Behavior Supports.

Thank you,

Positive Behavior Support Team

Sandra Litton-2nd GradeKathy Roberts-Counselor

Andrea Frederick-2nd GradeRuth Lovejoy-6th Grade

Susan Przybylski-5th GradeConnie Decker-Reading

Karen Rizzo-PEHeather Gladhart-Principal


Hall Elementary School-Wide Behavior Expectations

  • Follow directions
  • Walk directly to and from your destination
  • Stop, look and listen when signaled by a teacher.
  • Be prepared
  • Do your best work
  • Complete and return all work on time
  • Play by the rules of the game
  • Be a problem solver first
  • Report broken or missing equipment
  • Pick up all items needed
  • Clean up after yourself
  • Take what you ordered and eat what you take.
  • Be responsible for your items.
  • Keep the bus clean
  • Keep all objects in your backpack
  • Report issues to the driver immediately.
  • Wash your hands
  • Use only what you need.

  • Respect self, others, and environment
  • Use kind words, tone, and actions
  • When in line, Zone 0
  • Be an active learner
  • Talk only with permission
  • Take care of supplies
  • Share and return equipment
  • Invite others to participate
  • Stay in play area
  • Use good table manners
  • Walk quietly, voice at Zone 0
  • Respect others’ space
  • Treat property with care
  • Use appropriate language
  • Respect property/environment at the bus stop.
  • Be quick
  • Clean up after yourself
  • Allow others privacy

  • KHFOOTY! (Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself)
  • Leave only with permission
  • Walk at all times.
  • Use supplies correctly.
  • Use equipment appropriately
  • Report injury or unsafe issues to an adult
  • Walk to line up
  • Participate in school -approved activities.
  • Walk at all times
  • Stay seated
  • Report spills
  • Walk safely and correctly.
  • Face forward in a straight line
  • Sit correctly in assigned seats
  • Load and unload as directed
  • Use a conversation voice.
  • Stay outside the bus safety zone until door is opened
  • Use facilities appropriately
  • Report messes and needs


Hall Elementary School 2509 Duncan St.  St. Joseph, MO 64507  671-4160

Student: ______Grade: ______Gender: M F

Date: ______Referred by: ______Classroom Teacher: ______

Date of incident: ______
Time of incident: ______ / Location of incident:
hallway / library
off campus
restroom / special event (field trip/assembly)
Walk and Talk
Type of Incident:
Aggression/Assault/Fighting (28)
Alcohol (31)
Arson (27)
Bullying/Harassment (25/38)
Disrespect (21)
Disruption (02)
Dress (39)
Drugs (17)
Forgery/Theft (16)
Inappropriate Language (21)
Inappropriate Affection (14/36)
Lying/Dishonesty (30)
Out Bounds/Off campus (26)
Property Damage (09)
Skip/Time not served (11)
Tardy (06)
Tech Misconduct (22)
Tobacco (05)
Weapons (13)
Obtain peer attention
Obtain teacher attention
Obtain items/activities
Avoid tasks/activities / Avoid peers
Avoid adults
Other motivation
Motivation unknown
Description of incident:
Teacher action taken prior to referral (check all that apply):
Changed student’s seat
Classroom behavior plan
Conference with parent
Conferred privately with student / Consulted counselor
Consulted principal
Individual behavior plan
Sent to time-out room / Telephone parent/guardian
Time out in the classroom
*Except for the most serious disciplinary matters, this step should be followed prior to office referral
Type of discipline assigned by administrator:
After-school detention
Conference with student
Counselor referral
In-school suspension ______day(s)
Loss of privilege ______
Lunch detention
Out of school suspension ______day(s)
Parent contact
Other / Comments:



Parent signature


Administrator signature


OFFICE HOURS: 8:00 a.m-4:00 p.m.


School starts at 8:25 a.m. Students will be counted tardy after that time. If arriving after 8:25 a.m., students must report to the office to receive a tardy pass.

The students will eat breakfast in the gym/lunchroom between 8:05 a.m. and 8:22 a.m. A hot breakfast/cereal will be served from 8:05 a.m. to 8:15 a.m. If your child arrives after 8:15 a.m., we will provide them with something that is pre-packaged that they can take to class with them. Students are expected to finish breakfast and be in their classrooms by 8:25 a.m. when the tardy bell rings. Students who are tardy should not expect to eat breakfast.

For those students who ride with parents or walk, we ask that they not arrive at school before 8:05 a.m. Your child’s safety is our first priority, and we are unable to provide them adequate supervision prior to 8:05 a.m.

When dropping off students, please help us out with only driving west on Duncan, north on 25th, and following the one way south on 26th street to help with the flow of traffic. Also, please do not park in the bus loading zones in front of the school and crosswalks.


Dismissal will begin at 3:05 p.m. Students who ride the bus will be dismissed as the busses arrive. Car riders will be dismissed through the front doors after busses have departed. Walkers will be dismissed as soon as traffic has cleared.

Please notify school in advance by a note to the teacher if there is to be a change in the transporting of your child. If no notification is received, your child will follow his/her regular method of being dismissed.

When picking up your child from school, we ask for everyone to wait for their child outside the front doors and not at the classroom door or in the main hallway. This will be helpful to our entire staff due to the excitement created by visitors that can be seen from the classroom. Announcements at the close of the day are very important and require students’ full attention. Thank you for following these procedures. Your cooperation is appreciated.

We recommend that students identify a spot to meet their siblings/other adults outside the building.

Car Riders: Please review with your car rider his/her daily routine. When picking up younger siblings, a meeting place should be set up outside of the building. Students will not be allowed to go to younger siblings’ classes. Kindergarten students will be dismissed from the kindergarten doors on 26th street.

For your child’s safety, they will be allowed to cross at the crosswalks only.

Walkers: Walkers are the last group to be dismissed. It is our desire to clear parent pick-up traffic and bus traffic before allowing walkers to leave.

Please be aware that if your child is normally a walker and you opt to pick him/her up, your child will not be dismissed with car riders unless you have provided the classroom teacher with a note stating your change of routine.

NOTE: Please pick up your child promptly. Your child’s safety is our first priority, and we are unable to provide supervision after dismissal.

If you are unable to pick up your child, you will need to make other arrangements. Before and after school childcare is available at Parkway through the YMCA. Transportation is provided to and from Hall to Parkway via bus.

If you are late picking up your child, you will be expected to come and sign them out in the office. This is to ensure that your child will be picked up safely by a trusted adult/guardian.


The school district is responsible for the safety of children during the school day. Therefore, no staff member shall excuse any student from school prior to the end of the school day or into any person’s custody without the direct prior approval and knowledge of the building principal or designee. In keeping with these precautions:

  1. The school office shall NOT excuse a student before the end of the school day without a request for the early dismissal by the student’s parent or guardian.
  2. Children of estranged parents will be released only to the parent whom the court holds directly responsible for the child and who is the parent or guardian registered on the school record.
  3. No animals/pets are allowed on school property before, during, or after school.

Additional precautions shall be taken by the school administration when the need arises.


We encourage you to try to schedule your child’s doctor and dental appointments around school hours. Instructional time is very important; therefore, if a student is picked up early or arrives at school late for any reason, they will not be eligible for perfect attendance.