Volume IV, Issue 6
Welcome to the monthly Midwest Apologetics newsletter. Each issue is designed to keep you informed on the latest news concerning the ministry and provide timely articles to help strengthen your faith. Be sure to check out our website for articles, book reviews, and answers to some of the tough questions concerning the Christian faith.
Merry Christmas!
Christmas is an enjoyable time of the year for most people. For many, this time of the year includes family gatherings, time off from work, reminiscing about Christmases of the past, and an overall sense of joy.
In the past several decades, Christmas has become more and more secular in our society as a large fraction of our society has forgotten or neglected the true meaning of Christmas in exchange for a commercialized version complete with Santa Claus, reindeer, elves, presents, programs, and trees. This article is not going to be a rant against these things but instead will be a call to remember the real reason for the season.
Christmas was originally designed to be a time of celebration and reflection on the greatest gift ever given. A little over two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ (God the Son) humbled Himself and became a man. He left His glorious estate in heaven to be born in a lowly manger in Bethlehem.
Of course, many of us think about the beautiful images conjured up by the Nativity story, but do we think about the bigger picture? Think about this for a little while. Why did Jesus come to this Earth? Why did God become a man? Was it so we could have an extra holiday to celebrate? Was it so we could reflect on the wonderful Nativity story and sing Christmas carols to commemorate this amazing event?
The answer to these last two questions is “No.” The real reason that Jesus came to Earth is to rescue us from what we deserve – an eternity of suffering apart from Him because of our sinfulness. He came to take our punishment and die on the cross. The Child in the manger came to die the most brutal death wicked men could imagine. And He did it for us.
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16). If Jesus had not come, we would have to pay the infinite penalty for sins, but He did come, and He paid the price for our sins. He conquered death by rising from the dead three days later. He offers freedom from that penalty and eternal life to all who would accept His free gift. This is the real reason for the season.
So, as you find yourself hustling from place to place and finishing up your last-minute Christmas shopping, please take time to remember and thank God for the greatest gift that could ever be given. He gave His life for you, would you be willing to show your gratitude by living for Him?
The Blog
Midwest Apologetics is now in the blogosphere. The blog can be found at Look for weekly updates, articles, book reviews, and more. There will be a monthly poll question and links to other ministries that may be helpful for you.
Please check it out, take the poll, and sign up (for free) to follow the blog so you can be notified of the latest updates from Midwest Apologetics.
Radio Time for Tim’s Book
Old-Earth Creationism on Trial is now available through most major bookstores, such as Amazon.com and Christianbook.com. It is also available through the Answers in Genesis online store, as well as the Master Books (division of New Leaf Publishing) online store.
In the past few months, I was interviewed on several radio programs to discuss the book. These lively discussions have been made available for download as mp3 files on the website. Just go to and click on the link on the homepage or click on the Media button. There will be more posted in the weeks to come.
Since Old-Earth Creationism on Trial was published in June, I have received numerous compliments from those who have read it. It would be wonderful if others were able to read what you think of the book. If you have read it, would you be willing to post a review of it on Amazon.com and/or Christianbook.com? Both places allow readers to write reviews and you simply need to create a free account and then post the review. These reviews are often very helpful for those who are considering whether or not to read it.
Here are few news items about the ministry.
-Tim will be publishing two more books in the coming months. The first one, God Means What He Says: A Biblical Critique of the Framework Hypothesis, will be published as a 72-page booklet in the next few weeks. The second, God and Cancer: Finding Hope in the Midst of Life’s Trials, should be out in early March.
-Tim will be speaking at Living Waters Bible Camp on December 29th and 30th for a high school camp.
-Tim has been invited to discuss/debate the proper interpretation of Genesis 1 with Rev. John Rankin at the Mars Hill Forum in Hartford, CT, in the near future. We are trying to set a date and it looks like it will be February 13th, but this is not confirmed yet. Check the blog or website for updates.
-Tim will also be speaking at the annual family conference at Bethel Baptist Church in Green Bay on March 13th and 14th.
-Tim and his family will be moving to a new house in January. Please pray that this transition will go safely and smoothly.
As always, if you have any questions, comment, concerns, corrections, ideas, prayer requests, etc., please email us and let us know. Also, thank you for your prayers. Please continue to keep us in your prayers throughout this month.
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