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Setting and Objectives

Teacher: Miss Danielle Pollock School: Woodland Date of Lesson: 11/9/04

Lesson # 2 of 2 Grade Level: 3 & 4 Class Size: 20-25

Lesson duration: 40 min Instructional Format: Tactical Approach

Current lesson focus: Overhead Pass

Lesson Objectives (psychomotor [p], cognitive [c], affective [a]):

1)  SWBAT perform an overhead pass using the cues; antlers, open hands, finger pads, knees bent, feet shoulder width apart, push with your arms and legs [p].

2)  SWBAT maintain a rally with a partner over a tennis height net, using an overhead pass goal is 10 in a row [p].

3)  SWBAT work with a team to make 3 consecutive overhead passes before sending the ball over the net to the other team.

Teacher Objectives (your goals based on effective teaching behaviors):

1)  Management – My main goal is I want to have my students spend least 50% in activity time. I will measure this with the BALT PE observation form. I will do this by keeping my demonstration and instruction time short and to the point.

2)  Instruction – My goal is to consistently use cues throughout my lesson. I will measure this by obtaining a 2-3 cues/minute ratio on the cues analysis form.

Equipment Needs: Volleyball Poles, Rope Flags, 12 volley lights, 6 jerseys

Equipment Routines (distribution, during activity, collection):

Distribution – Net with flags will be set up when students are finished with the tag game.

During Activity – Equipment will remain on the court when brought together for instruction or if the students are asked to rotate partners.

Collection – Students will be asked to return volley lights back to the designated areas at

the end of the class.

Management Concerns:


1.  Safety – Watch out for each other while chasing your ball.

2.  Safety – Watch out for each other, stay inside the boundaries, Stay on your feet.

3.  Listen for Start and Stop Signals

4.  Freeze = Ready Position, hands on hips, volleyballs on floor in between your feet.

5.  Respect Equipment


Minor ~ Repetitive

1.  Verbal Warning

2.  Timeout for 1 minute

3.  Sit out for the rest of class

4.  Talk with Mrs. Boley and myself after class


1.  There will be two students on each court for the first game and practice. If there is extra time for an ending game there will be 4 students on each side of the net (2 v 2).


1.  During transition from activity to activity the students will be in the ready position with the volleyballs on the floor, hands on their hips, eyes and ears on me.

2.  Students will freeze on freeze signal and listen for instructions.

3.  When we gather for demonstrations students will sit at center court in a semi circle so all can see.

References (include author, year, title, chapter, page #, or web URL)

Mitchell, S.A., Oslin, J.L., & Griffin, L.L. (2003). Sport Foundations for Elementary Physical Education: A Tactical Games Approach. Champaign: Human Kinetics. (pp 63).

Developmental Task Analysis

Factors à




/ Type of Ball / Height of Net / # Of Players / Type of Pass / Direction or Distance of Toss


/ Close within 5 ft / Balloon / Tennis / 1 v 1 / Forearm Pass / Straight On


/ Med 10 ft / Volley Trainer / Badminton / 2 v 2 / Overhead Pass / Side to Side
Complex / 10ft or more / Volleyball / Volleyball / 3 v 3 / Spike / Short or long

Lesson Content

Task Type: Warm Up Activity

Time: 5 minutes

Task Description: Jurassic Park Tag

Good morning everyone, my name is Miss D. I will be teaching you today and next Thursday. This morning we are going to start off playing my version of Jurassic Park tag. I know you played this last week but lets review some of the important parts of the game. The students wearing the red jerseys are the Tyrannosaurus and the students wearing the blue jerseys on the scooters are the Brontosaurus. The Tyrannosaurus are it and if they tag you, you have to freeze. The Brontosaurus will be running around unfreezing people. Could you two please stand up for me (boy and girl), thank you. Instead of having poly spots as safe zones, you can now be safe by getting back to back with one of your classmates, like this. You can only stay this way for 3 seconds. Now as we are playing this game and throughout the rest of the lesson whenever I say freeze, I want you to stop right where you are put your hands on your hips, eyes and ears on me, and mouths closed. This will show me that you are ready to hear the instructions for the next activity. While running around you need to keep yourselves and each other safe. So watch out for each other, stay inside the boundaries, and stay on your feet. Your boundaries are the black line around the outside. If you go outside of these boundaries you are immediately frozen.

Refining Cues/Questions (related to management or student performance):


1)  Tag lightly

2)  Stay in the boundaries

3)  Stay on your feet


1)  What happens when you are tagged?

  1. You have to freeze

2)  Who can unfreeze you?

  1. Brontosaurus

3)  How can you be safe?

  1. By getting back to back with someone

4)  How long can you stay that way?

  1. 3 seconds

5)  Who can tell me an important safety rules?

  1. Watch out for each other
  2. Stay on your feet
  3. Stay inside the boundaries
  4. Tag lightly

Extension to Challenge: I am going to hand out 2 more red jerseys. This means you are going to have use your dodging skills to avoid more people who are it.

Extension to Simplify: I am going to hand out 2 more blue jerseys. Now there are more Brontosaurus to unfreeze everyone.

Assessment: Teacher will walk around observing to make sure students are actively moving, following the safety rules, tagging lightly, and not staying back to back the entire time.

Task Type: Transition

Time: 1 min

Task Description:

FREEZE. Thank for freezing so quickly. WISG Would you please return the equipment to the bins along the wall and please have a seat on the centerline facing me. Ready GO!!

Task Type: Activity

Time: 5-7 minutes

Lesson Focus: Maintain a Rally with a partner/team using an overhead pass.

Objective(s) addressed: 1, 2

Task Description: Game #1: Maintain a rally with a partner (1 v 1) using an overhead pass

Last week we learned how to forearm pass. Today we are going to learn the overhead pass. You are going to hit the ball over your head with two hands; your hands don’t have to be together. We are going to begin with a game of tossing and overhead passing back and forth with our partners. Could you two please stand up for me? Thanks. You are going to stand across the net from each other and start with a high rainbow toss to your partner. I want you to toss and catch 5 in a row. High rainbow toss, catch over your head and throw back with 2 hands over your head. Once you have done this 5 times you can begin overhead passing back and forth. Always start off with a rainbow toss. WISG See if you can overhead toss back and forth 5 times in a row.

Conditions: You must hit the ball over your head with both hands. Try to keep the ball in the air while passing over the tennis height net.

Goal: See how many passes you can make in a row. Set a goal for ten to start and keep

going if you get there.

**Transition**Now you have 5 seconds to find a partner. If you don’t have a partner come see me. With your partner figure out whose name comes first alphabetically. The partner whose name is first would you please come up and get a volley trainer for you and your partner.

Organizational formation (diagram task and whole class):


1)  Over your head

2)  Both hands

Extension to Simplify: Toss and catch overhead

Assessment: Teacher will ask students; How many did you and your partner get in a row?

How did you hit the ball so that you were successful?

Task Type: Questions (Asked while tossing to student for demonstration)

1)  What are some things that made you more successful at maintaining your rally?

a.  Open hands, finger pads, antlers, knees bent, feet shoulder width apart, push with arms and legs.

2)  Where are her hands?

a.  Over her head.

3)  Are his knees bent or straight?

a.  Bent

4)  Are her feet close together or far apart?

a.  Shoulder width apart.

5)  What part of his hands touches the ball?

a.  Finger Pads

6)  How does she get the ball to go all the way back to her partner?

a.  Pushes with her arms and legs.

Task Type: Practice

Time: 8 minutes

Objective(s) addressed: 1

Task Description:

Now that you have gotten the idea of the overhead pass, I want you to focus on these cues when you go back to your courts. You are now going to rainbow toss and overhead pass with your partner. Tossers will be at the net. WISG you are going to return to your courts and rainbow toss to your partner on the same side of the net. Toss until your partner has passed 5 good passes within 1 step of you. Once your partner has made 5 good passes switch and you become the tosser… Once you have each made 5 good tosses take turns again with a goal of 10 good passes.

Organizational formation (diagram task and whole class):

Refining Cues/Questions (related to management or student performance):


1)  Antlers

2)  Finger Pads

3)  Push with Arms and Legs


1)  Where are her hands?

a.  Over her head.

2)  Are his knees bent or straight?

a.  Bent

3)  Are her feet close together or far apart?

a.  Shoulder width apart.

4)  What part of his hands touches the ball?

a.  Finger Pads

5)  How does she get the ball to go all the way back to her partner?

  1. Pushes with her arms and legs.

Extension to Simplify:

1)  If your partner is having trouble getting under the pass toss higher so they have more time to move and react.

2)  Move closer together.

3)  You may also count a pass as good if it is within 2 steps of the tosser.

Extension to Challenge:

1)  If you have made 10 good passes in a row toss to your partner alternating passes from side to side, making your partner 1 step right and left.

2)  Once your partner has made 5 good passes side-to-side, toss to your partner alternating passes short and long, making your partner move forwards and backwards.

Assessment: Teacher will observe to see if students are using antlers, open hands, finger pads, and have their knees bent feet shoulder width apart, and are pushing with their arms and legs.

Task Type: Activity

Time: 8 minutes

Objective(s) addressed: 1, 2

Task Description: Game 1 Repeated

Now that you have had some more practice with the overhead pass, we are going to try our first game again. You will return to your spots and be across the net from your partner trying to maintain a rally with the overhead pass. WISG I want you to go back to your spots across the net from each other and get in your FREEZE positions so I know you are ready to begin.

Conditions: You must hit the over your head with both hands. Try to keep the

ball in the air while passing over the tennis height net.

Goal: See how many passes you can make in a row. Set a goal for ten to start and keep

going if you get there.

Organizational formation (diagram task and whole class):

Refining Cues/Questions (related to management or student performance):


1)  Antlers

2)  Finger Pads

3)  Push with Arms and Legs


1)  Where are her hands?

  1. Over her head.

2)  Are his knees bent or straight?

  1. Bent

3)  Are her feet close together or far apart?

  1. Shoulder width apart.

4)  What part of his hands touches the ball?

  1. Finger Pads

5)  How does she get the ball to go all the way back to her partner?

  1. Pushes with her arms and legs.

Assessment: Teacher will observe to see if students are using antlers, open hands, finger pads, and

have their knees bent feet shoulder width apart, and are pushing with their arms and legs. This is your Goal: See how many passes you can make in a row. Set a goal for ten to start and keep going if you get there.