Web Interface Test Scripts for knowledgeWorks 1.3.1

Nicholas DiPiazza

Script 1: Verify, after a clear database, that all the default users have the correct rights with a simple check.

Stop Tomcat Server

Clear database state

Run Tomcat Server

Enter user: kworks, password: kworks

Verify admin console is shown and course list is shown


Enter user: kworkslrnr, password: kworkslrnr

Verify admin.jsp is not shown


Enter user: kworksinstr, password: kworksinstr

Verify admin console is shown and course list is NOT shown.

Create User Test Scripts

Script 2:

Log in as kworks

Click on Add User

Check on Blank Inputs: Verify leaving everything blank highlights each missing field when Add User is clicked.

Script 3:

Log in as kworks

Click on Add User

Check on User ID too short: Verify UserID of length == 1 (all others valid values) reports failure by alert box and highlights UserID. (All other inputs correct)

Script 4:

Log in as kworks

Click on Add User

Check that duplicate User ID is illegal: Verify UserID = kworks (all other valid values) reports failure with message User ID already exists. Repeat with Administrator and Instructor roles selected.

Script 5:

Log in as kworks

Click on Add User

Check on User ID is too long: Verify UserID = toolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolong fails: should report that the UserID is too long.

Script 6:

Log in as kworks

Click on Add User

Check that all spaces in User ID is illegal: Verify UserID= (a bunch of spaces) is invalid and brings up the correct alert box.

Script 7:

Log in as kworks

Click on Add User

Check on invalid Group ID: All fields valid with group = asdfasdfasdf should fail.

Script 8:

Precondition: Create Group functions correctly

Log in as kworks

Click on Groups

Create a new group called “group1”

Click on Add User

Check on invalid Group ID: All fields valid with group = group1, asdfasdf, asdfasdf2, asdfasdf3 should fail. At least should report that asdfasdf is an invalid group ID, if not all of them.

Script 9:

Precondition: Create Group functions correctly

Log in as kworks

Click on Groups

Create a new group called “group1”

Click on Add User

Check on duplicate group ID’s specified: With all fields valid, set group = group1, group1, group1 either works or fails gracefully.

Script 10:

Log in as kworks

Click on Add User

Check on email invalid: All other fields valid, attempt to create users with invalid emails a.a.com, [email protected], aaaa.com, @.com, a.a.a.a.a.a.com, a@, @a.com, b@c., abc, @abc, , a. @ab.com

Script 11:

Log in as kworks

Click on Add User

Check on email valid: All other fields valid, attempt to create users with emails , , should all create the users with no issues.

Script 12:

Log in as kworks

Click on Add User

Create a new Instructor, a new learner and a new administrator with all valid Id’s. Repeat test Script 1 with those new users.

Create Multiple Users

Script 13:

Log in as kworks

Click on Users, then Add Users

Use the excel sheet attached called Xerceo_Add_Users_Pass_Nice1.xcl

Verify it works correctly

Script 14:

Log in as kworks

Click on Users, then Add Users

Use the excel sheet attached called Xerceo_Add_Users_ Pass_Nice2.xcl

Verify it works correctly

Script 15:

Log in as kworks

Click on Users, then Add Users

Use the excel sheet attached called Xerceo_Add_Users_ Pass_Nice3.xcl

Verify it works correctly

Script 16:

Log in as kworks

Click on Users, then Add Users

Use the excel sheet attached called Xerceo_Add_Users_ Pass_Mean1.xcl

Verify it works correctly

Script 17:

Log in as kworks

Click on Users, then Add Users

Use the excel sheet attached called Xerceo_Add_Users_Fail_Nice1.xcl

Verify it works correctly

Script 18:

Log in as kworks

Click on Users, then Add Users

Use the excel sheet attached called Xerceo_Add_Users_Fail_Nice2.xcl

Verify it works correctly

Script 19:

Log in as kworks

Click on Users, then Add Users

Use the excel sheet attached called Xerceo_Add_Users_Fail_Mean1.xcl

Verify it works correctly

Add Group Tests

Script 20:

Log in as kworks

Click on groups

Click Add Group

Check on both blank fields then click Add Group: Should Fail and highlight one or both fields.

Script 21:

Log in as kworks

Click on groups

Click Add Group

Check on both long ID’s: Should Fail and highlight one or both fields. Group ID = toolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolongtoolong should fail saying ID is too long.

Script 22:

Log in as kworks

Click on groups

Click Add Group

Check on creating a duplicate ID: Create test_group1 and then do it again with a valid description. Expect an error with why it failed.

Script 23:

Log in as kworks

Click on groups

Check on remove group functionality: Click on Remove for test_group1.

Course Import Test Scripts with PIF

Script 24:

Log in as kworks

Click on Import Course

Check on invalid manifest check for 2004: Browse and import a course with an invalid manifest bad_manifest_2004.zip. Expect error report.

Script 25:

Log in as kworks

Click on Import Course

Check on non-existent manifest check for 2004: Browse and import a course with an no manifest no_manifest_2004.zip. Expect error report.

Script 26:

Log in as kworks

Click on Import Course

Check on missing controlling documents manifest check for 2004: Browse and import a course with an invalid control docs no_controldocs_2004.zip. Expect error report.

Script 27:

Log in as kworks

Click on Import Course

Check on invalid manifest check for 1.2: Browse and import a course with an invalid manifest bad_manifest_1.2.zip. Expect error report.

Script 28:

Log in as kworks

Click on Import Course

Check on non-existent manifest check for 1.2: Browse and import a course with an no manifest no_manifest_1.2.zip. Expect error report.

Script 29:

Log in as kworks

Click on Import Course

Check on missing controlling documents manifest check for 1.2: Browse and import a course with an invalid control docs no_controldocs_1.2.zip. Expect error report.

Script 30:

Log in as kworks

Click on Import Course

Check on a working 2004: Import working_2004.zip and verify it imports correctly

Script 31:

Log in as kworks

Click on Import Course

Check on a working 1.2: Import working_1.2.zip and verify it imports correctly

Script 32:

Log in as kworks

Click on Import Course

Check on duplicate Manifest ID: Import working_1.2.zip again and verify it fails.

Clear database State before continuing.

Import Courses non-PIF

Extract all the zip files from Script 24 – 32 into the same folder of your choice.

Repeat Scripts 24 – 32 using these folders. Expect the same results from each Script.

Clear database State before continuing to script 33.

Script 33:

Log in as kworks

Click on Import Course

Click on Advanced Import Options

Import with an invalid directory check: Put in an invalid directory like “asdfasdfasd” with everything else valid. Expect failure.

Script 34:

Log in as kworks

Click on Import Course

Click on Advanced Import Options

Import with an empty directory check: Make an empty directory and use it as the path with all else valid. Expect failure.

Script 35:

Log in as kworks

Click on Import Course

Click on Advanced Import Options

Import working_1.2.zip and working_2004.zip with self-registration turned off.

Click on My Courses

Click on Add Course

Check on self-registration: working1.2 and working2004 should not appear in the courses to register.

Log out of kworks

Log in as kworkslrnr

Click on Add Courses

Check on self-registration: working1.2 and working2004 should not appear in the courses to register.

Email Tests

Test Setup for Email Scripts and the Quick History Test Script:

Make sure JavaMail is set up correctly

Create 4 new email addresses somewhere (on Xerceo, hotmail, wherever). Alternatively you can just use your own email for all four emails.

Log in as kworks

Create 4 users learner1, learner2, learner3, and learner4 with the following setup:

Learners 1 – 4 have the created email addresses

Learners 3 and 4 are in group1

Register learner1 and learner2 in working_2004.zip.

Log out of kworks

Log in as learner1

Launch working2004 and click completed and close the window.

Log out of kworks

Log in as learner2

Launch working2004 and click Not completed and close the window.

Script 36:

Log in as kworks

Note all available courses that have been imported.

Click on Email

Check to see if imported courses are available from the Registered Courses list: Click on Enrolled in Course and make sure all courses noted earlier are available.

Script 37:

Log in as kworks

Click on Email

Check on email to all learners in a specified course functionality: For enrolled in course, select working_2004. Email subject “subject” and body “body.” Click send and verify the emails reached the correct destinations. Delete the emails.

Script 38:

Log in as kworks

Click on Email

Check on email to a course with no learners: For enrolled in course, select working_1.2. Email subject “subject” and body “body.” Validate that the send mail failed because there is no one in the course.

Script 39:

Log in as kworks

Click on Email

Check on email to all learners in a specified group functionality: Type in group1. Email subject “subject” and body “body.” Click send and verify the emails reached the correct destinations. Delete the emails.

Script 40:

Log in as kworks

Click on Email

Check on email to all learners in a specified course functionality with course status filter completed: For enrolled in course, select working_2004. For With Course Status, select “Not Completed.” Email subject “subject” and body “body.” Make sure learner2 receives the email and learner1 doesn’t.

Check on email to all learners in a specified course functionality with course status filter incomplete: For enrolled in course, select working_2004. For With Course Status, select “Completed.” Email subject “subject” and body “body.” Make sure learner1 receives the email and learner2 doesn’t.

Quick History Script

Log in as learner1

Click on My History

Check on My History shows completed courses: Validate that the course working_2004 appears in the My History list and that it is the only course listed.

Log out

Log in as learner2

Click on My History

Check on My History does not show incomplete courses: Validate that the My History window reports “You have not completed any courses.”

Clear database state before script 41:

Script 41:

Log in as kworks

Click on email

Check on mailing to all courses when there are no courses: Select all courses and add “subject” for subject and “body” for body. Validate that the course failed because there were no students that satisfied the search.

Group usability test scripts

Script 42:

Log in as kworks

Click on groups

Make a group with ID group1 with description “desc.”

Click on Members.

Check on group member list addition multiple: Click Add Members and add kworkslrnr, kworks, and kworksinstr BY HITTING SELECT ALL then add. Validate that they all appear in the right hand side list.

Check on group member list removal multiple: Remove kworks, kworkslrnr and kworksinstr BY HITTING SELECT ALL. Validate that they no longer appear in the right hand side list.

Check on group member list addition: Click Add Members and add kworkslrnr, kworks, and kworksinstr ONE AT A TIME. Validate that it appears in the right hand side list.

Check on group member list removal: Remove kworks and kworksinstr ONE AT A TIME. Validate that they no longer appear in the right hand side list.

Check on submit addition: Click +Add Members and validate that the page refreshes to Group1 and it reports that there is 1 member in the group.

Script 43:

Log in as kworks

Import working2004.zip and working1.2.zip

Click on groups

Click on courses

Click on assign courses

Check on course list addition multiple: Add working2004 and working1.2 BY HITTING SELECT ALL then add. Validate that they all appear in the right hand side list.

Check on course list removal multiple: Remove working2004 and working1.2 BY HITTING SELECT ALL. Validate that they no longer appear in the right hand side list.

Check on course member list addition: Add working2004 and working1.2 ONE AT A TIME. Validate that it appears in the right hand side list.

Check on course member list removal: Remove working1.2 by clicking on it in the list box. Validate that it no longer appears in the right hand side list.

Check on Submit Assign: Click Assign and validate that the page refreshes to Group1’s group list.

Log out.

Log back in as kworkslrnr.

Check on correct group course assignment: Validate that working2004 is in the active courses window and that it launches correctly.

Script 44:

Log in as kworks

Click on groups

Click on Remove for Group 1 and click OK on the alert box.

Check on Group removal: Validate that the page refreshes with no groups.

Log out

Log in as kworkslrnr

Validate there are no available courses at this time.

My Profile Scripts

Log in as kworks

Click on My Profile

Check on User profile lookup correctness: Validate that User ID = “kworks”, Full Name = “Administrator”, email = “”, and that the password field has more than 5 characters. (Security feature)

Check on Cancel button: Click cancel and verify that the window goes to the My Courses screen.

Click on My Profile again.

Check on Modification of Profile correctness: Re-run scripts 10 and 11 (modified in the obvious ways).

Check on normal modification: Change the fields to User ID = “kworks”, Full Name = “Administrator”, email = “”, and password = “kworks” / “kworks”. Click edit profile. Validate the profile was updated.

Check on blank fields: Validate leaving any field blank fails and is highlighted appropriately.

Objectives Test Script

Log in as kworks

Click on Objectives

Check on no objectives: Validate that the window in both cases reports that there are no existent objectives, and there are 0 objectives.

Import objectives.zip

Click on objectives

???? Check on objectives before launch: Validate that objectives is reported as:

Learning Objective ID
/ Is Satisfied By Measure?
/ Current Measure
/ Current Satisfied Status
/ Satisfied On Date
obj_1 / false / not satisfied
obj_2 / false / not satisfied

Click on my courses and launch Template 5 – Remediation.

Close it immediately by clicking the X on the top right. Ignore error messages.

Click objectives again.

Check on objectives after launch and no objectives set to anything: Verify it looks the same.

Click on my courses and launch Template 5 – Remediation again.

Click Next twice and then set the first list box to passed and the second to failed.

Close the launch window.

Click on objectives.

Check on objectives after launched and set: Verify the following looks the same

Learning Objective ID
/ Is Satisfied By Measure?
/ Current Measure
/ Current Satisfied Status
/ Satisfied On Date
obj_1 / false / satisfied / CURRENT DATE
obj_2 / false / not satisfied