Interview Questionnaire

Section One: Organizational Statistics

1.1) Organization Name:

1.2) Address:

1.3) Phone Number:

1.4) Website:

1.5) Email Address:

1.6) Number of Years in Operation:

1.7) Which of the following organizational structures does your group utilize?

a) Board/Committee-run

b) Collective-run

c) Other (please specify):

Section Two: Demographics Served

2.1) Please identify the three primary geographic communities that your organization serves. The geographic community is defined by its physical location. Please choose the three in which most of your clients reside:

a) Coal Harbour

b) Commercial Drive

c) Downtown

d) Downtown Eastside

e) East Vancouver

f) False Creek

g) Hastings Sunrise

h) Kerrisdale

i) Killarney

j) Kitsilano

k) Marpole

l) Mount Pleasant

m) Oakridge

n) Shaughnessy

o) South Cambie

p) South Granville

q) South Main

r) Strathcona


t) Other

2.2) Please identify which ethnocultural communities your programs serve.

Chinese: Yes No
South Asian (Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Tibet): Yes No
Southeast Asian (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Brunei, East Timor, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Singapore): Yes No
Black: Yes No
Filipino: Yes No
Arab/West Arab: Yes No
Latin American: Yes No
Korean: Yes No
Japanese: Yes No
First Nations: Yes No
Other (please specify):

2.3) What percentage of your users identifies as:

Gender / Percentage
a) female
b) male
c) transgendered
d) other

2.4) Providing percentages, please identify the age ranges which your program serves:

Age Range / Percentage

2.5) Provided below are definitions of At Risk, Multi-Barrier, and Street Involved Youth. Please read (or listen to) these definitions, and identify what percentage of your clients fit within these categories.

At Risk Youth: Youth who are exposed to factors that may increase their tendency to engage in problem or delinquent behaviors. Risk factors are typically classified within four realms: community, family, school, and individual/peer. They include, among other things, extreme social and economic deprivation; family conflict; lack of commitment to school; and alienation.

Multi-Barrier Youth: Youth who have not finished high school (and are not currently enrolled), and/or are under or unemployed, and/or have a criminal record, and/or have mental or physical challenges (including Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder), and/or have psychological disorders.

Street Involved Youth: Youth who meet most of their daily needs through street communities are considered to be Street Involved. While the youth may have shelter, reliance on community centres, outreach, needle exchange and food programs for support class a youth as Street Involved.

Category: / Percentage:
At Risk Youth
Multi-Barrier Youth
Street Involved Youth

2.6) Please identify, by percentage, what level of education your clients have obtained. Additionally, please identify how many of the clients in each category are still enrolled in classes:

Level of Education / Percentage
Less than grade eight / Total: In Progress:
Grade eight / Total: In Progress:
Less than grade twelve / Total: In Progress:
Grade twelve / Total: In Progress:
Some post-secondary / Total: In Progress:
Post-secondary / Total: In Progress:

2.7) Is there any additional information you wish to provide about your clientele?

Section Three: Volume of Clients

3.1) Please identify the number of clients that your organization provides services for during each of the time periods provided:

Time Period / Number of Clients
Per project (where applicable)
Per month
Per year

3.2) Is there an annual time period during which your organization experiences increased client volume? If so, when?

Section Four: Funding

4.1) How is your organization funded? Please identify all types of funding, and provide a percentage breakdown.

Source of Funding: / Percentage of Total Funds:
Public: Federal/Provincial/Municipal / / / /
Donor Supported

Section Five: Organizational Networks

5.1) Does your organization network with other organizations in Vancouver? Outside of Vancouver? Please identify how many organizations you network with:

5.2) What is the level of your networking (select all that apply):

Project collaboration:
Resource sharing:
Labour sharing:
Funding sharing:
Other (please specify):

Section Six: Organizational Analysis

6.1) Please identify what your organization’s strongest components are.

6.2) Please identify where your organization has opportunity to improve its structure or services.

6.3) What do you consider to be your organization’s greatest challenges?

Section Seven: Future Forecasting

7.1) Are there potential organizational networks that your organization is interested in pursuing?

7.2) What incentives would make your organization more likely to join in an inter-organizational network?

7.3) Do you feel that inter-organizational networking will be an important component of your organization’s future? Please explain your answer.

7.4) What areas will your organizations future projects focus on?

7.5) Will your organization continue to foster Youth Generated Media? If no, why not?

7.6) Is your organization concerned about the feasibility of its long-term funding?

Part Two: Youth Generated Media Content (YGM)

Section One: Creation and Distribution

1.1)What is the primary medium used in your organization’s YGM projects?

1.2) What is the secondary medium (if applicable)?

1.3) Please identify the creation processes used by your organization.

Type of Creation Process: / Yes or No
Cyclic (i.e. Newspaper publishing)
Skills Training/Apprenticeship

1.4) Please identify your organization’s method of distributing the texts created by its YGM projects.

Distribution Method: / Yes or No
Community Television

Section Two: Level of Youth Involvement

2.1) Please identify what level(s) youth are involved in your organization’s structure:

Organizational Level / Yes or No
Board Members (where applicable)
Program Planners
Workshop Facilitators
Content Planners
Creative Participants

2.2) For the various forms of involvement outlined above, please provide brief descriptions for how the youth participate at various levels within your organization.

2.3) Please indicate, on average, the amount of time most youth spend engaged with your organization.

Period of Time / Amount Spent by Youth
# of hours
# of days
# of months

Section Three: YGM Content Analysis

3.1) What do you consider to be the strengths of the YGM created by your projects?

3.2) What positive feedback (where applicable) do you receive from the youth regarding the YGM created?

3.3) What do you consider the challenges for your organization’s YGM creation and distribution processes?

3.4) What suggestions (where applicable) do you receive from the youth regarding the YGM created?

Section Four: Sample of YGM

Please include a sample of the YGM created by your organization. Recent work is preferred.