21st Century Standards Profile

Engineering and Technical

Course Title: Electrical Maintenance WVEIS Code 1871

Student’s Name______


Course Description: This course introduces the student to the knowledge base and technical skills for entry level skills in industrial Electrical Maintenance. Areas of study include basic electrical theory and calculations, electrical tools, instuments and safety, electical symbols and diagrams, industrial power and control circuits, electrical equipment and devices, electrical motors, and an introduction to programmable logic controllers, as applied in industrial locations. Emphasis will be placed on career exploration, job seeking skills, and personal and professional ethics.Safety instruction is integrated into all activities. Students will utilize problem-solving techniques and participate in laboratory activities to develop an understanding of course concepts and teachers should provide each student with real world learning opportunities and instruction related to electrical maintenance occupations. Students are encouraged to become active members of SkillsUSA for additional co-curricular opportunities that enhance student achievement, develop student leadership, and support experiential learning.Course components also address the 21st Century Learning Skills and Technology Tools. All West Virginia teachers are responsible for classroom instruction that integrates learning skills, technology tools, and content standards and objectives.

Level of Competence:

  • Above Mastery: The student demonstrates exceptional and exemplary performance with distinctive and sophisticated application of knowledge and skills that exceed standard. The student can independently solve problems and is self-directed.
  • Mastery:The student demonstrates competent and proficient performance and shows a thorough and effective application of knowledge and skills that meet standard. Application of knowledge and skills is thorough and effective and the student can work independently.
  • Partial Mastery: The student demonstrates basic but inconsistent performance of fundamental knowledge and skills characterized by errors and/or omissions.Performance needs further development and supervision.

Content Standards and Objectives / Above Mastery / Mastery / Partial Mastery / Date / Comments
Standard 1: Basic Electrical Theory and Calculations
Objectives / The student will
ET.O.ELMT.1.1 / define common abbreviations and prefixes used to quantify electrical values
ET.O.ELMT.1.2 / define voltage, current, resistance, and power in electrical circuits
ET.O.ELMT.1.3 / explain the production of electricity, and define electro-magnetism theory and application
ET.O.ELMT.1.4 / apply Ohms Law and the power formula to calculate electrical values in series and parallel circuits
ET.O.ELMT.1.5 / differentiate between alternating current and direct current, and identify common applications of each
ET.O.ELMT.1.6 / list and describe common types of electrical circuits
Standard 2: Electrical Tools, Instruments, and Safety
Objectives / The student will
ET.O.ELMT.2.1 / identify and explain the application of tools and instruments commonly used in industrial electrical maintenance occupations
ET.O.ELMT.2.2 / demonstrate ability to interpret linear and non-linear analog scales used on volt-ohm meters (VOM)
ET.O.ELMT.2.3 / demonstrate ability to select proper settings and ranges, and interpret values indicated on digital multimeters (DMM)
ET.O.ELMT.2.4 / demonstrate ability to safely and correctly use electrical instruments to measure voltage and resistance
ET.O.ELMT.2.5 / identify hazards commonly encountered in industrial electrical occupations
ET.O.ELMT.2.6 / describe the purpose and application of the National Electric Code
ET.O.ELMT.2.7 / explain grounding of electrical equipment, and describe equipment grounding as required by the National Electric Code.
ET.O.ELMT.2.8 / explain the cause and effects of electrical shock, and describe how conditions determine the severity of electrical shock
ET.O.ELMT.2.9 / discuss the design, purpose, and operation of a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter, and exhibit knowledge of proper installation of a GFCI
ET.O.ELMT.2.10 / explain the purpose of Lock-out-Tag-out, identify potentially hazardous energy sources, and list procedures to be followed when preparing to work on or around electrical equipment
ET.O.ELMT.2.11 / demonstrate proper Lock-out-Tag-out procedure to remove power from electrical equipment
ET.O.ELMT.2.12 / define a Hazardous Location as related to industrial electrical installations, and identify relevant sections of the National Electric Code
Standard 3: Electical Symbols and Diagrams
Objectives / The student will
ET.O.ELMT.3.1 / identify and apply common electrical symbols
ET.O.ELMT.3.2 / differentiate between one-line diagrams, line (ladder) diagrams, and wiring diagrams
ET.O.ELMT.3.3 / differentiate between power and control circuits on electrical diagrams
ET.O.ELMT.3.4 / produce and interpret a line (ladder) diagram to explain the operation of a basic electrical control circuit
Standard 4: Industrial Power and Control Circuits
Objectives / The student will
ET.O.ELMT.4.1 / describe power distribution in general terms, and identify components commonly used in power distribution systems
ET.O.ELMT.4.2 / explain the application of transformers in power distribution systems
ET.O.ELMT.4.3 / list voltage levels commonly used in industrial locations
ET.O.ELMT.4.4 / differentiate between single-phase, three-phase, and direct current power circuits, and identify common applications in industrial locations
ET.O.ELMT.4.5 / differentiate between power and control circuits, and explain the purpose of each
ET.O.ELMT.4.6 / list voltages commonly used for control circuits
ET.O.ELMT.4.7 / differentiate between manual and automatic control circuits, and describe typical applications for each
Standard 5: Electrical Equipment and Devices
Objectives / The student will
ET.O.ELMT.5.1 / explain the purpose and application of fuses and circuit breakers, and identify relevant sections of the National Electric Code
ET.O.ELMT.5.2 / identify types of disconnect devices
ET.O.ELMT.5.3 / demonstrate proper procedures for testing and replacing fuses in electrical power circuits
ET.O.ELMT.5.4 / explain the purpose and application of an electrical coil
ET.O.ELMT.5.5 / explain the application of contactors
ET.O.ELMT.5.6 / describe the operation and application of solenoids
ET.O.ELMT.5.7 / demonstrate the application of maintained and momentary switches to control loads in electrical control and power circuits
Standard 6: Electrical Motors
Objectives / The student will
ET.O.ELMT.6.1 / identify the section of the of the National Electric Code related to the installation of electric motors, and list the minimum basic requirements for installation of electric motors
ET.O.ELMT.6.2 / identify types of electric motors commonly used in industrial applications
ET.O.ELMT.6.3 / describe the component parts and operation of a magnetic motor-starter
ET.O.ELMT.6.4 / interpret manufacturer’s chart to select proper overload heater elements for a given motor
ET.O.ELMT.6.5 / identify the parts and explain the operation of a three-phase induction motor
ET.O.ELMT.6.6 / identify the parts and explain the operation of direct current motors
ET.O.ELMT.6.7 / demonstrate the knowledge to connect a dual-voltage three-phase induction motor for operation, and explain methods to reverse rotation
ET.O.ELMT.6.8 / demonstrate the knowledge to connect a direct current motor for operation, and explain methods to reverse rotation
Standard 7: Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers
Objectives / The student will
ET.O.ELMT.7.1 / explain the purpose of programmable logic controllers, and identify applications in industrial locations
ET.O.ELMT.7.2 / identify the component parts of a PLC system
ET.O.ELMT.7.3 / define Input/Output (I/O) as it relates to PLC’s, and describe the function of a PLC system
ET.O.ELMT.7.4 / describe common procedures for programming PLC’s
ET.O.ELMT.7.5 / describe common procedures for troubleshooting PLC’s
Standard 8: Student Organization Participation
Objectives / The student will
ET.O.ELMT.8.1 / examine the purposes and goals of student organizations.
ET.O.ELMT.8.2 / demonstrate leadership skills through participation in student organization activities such as meetings, programs, projects, and competitions.
ET.O.ELMT.8.3 / discover the benefits and responsibilities of participation in student, professional, and civic organizations as an adult.

Profile Summary


Student’s Signature______Date______


Instructor’s Signature______Date______