The reason why you and I fight the same problems

The word “syndrome” in the Merriam Webster Dictionary, 1994, is described as: “A group of signs and symptoms that occur together and characterize a certain abnormality”. Here I will give you the signs and symptoms that characterize the abnormality that is the norm almost all Americans. Being an American myself, I write this with sadness, but I must write this in an attempt to wake up a few who want to be cured of this abnormality.

Romans 13:11-13a: “…it is already high time for us to wake up from sleep, for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. The night is far advanced; the day has come near. So let us put off the works of darkness and let us put on the armor of light. Let us walk becomingly as in the day…” The expression “high time” is used by NASA to describe the counting down from 10 to 1 before “blast off” of the space shuttle.

The core of the human abnormality is a nature that gravitates to sin, rebellion, revolt, and lawlessness. This starts showing up in toddlers. Ezekiel 3:1-11 and 33:30-33 describes the house of Israel as stiff-necked, hard-hearted, stubborn people who would listen to truth but wouldn’t do it. The house of Judah has not been much better. All combined, the house of Jacob’s sons, all the thirteen tribes, have deteriorated so far from Yahuweh’s Covenant into either the religions of man or secular humanism that there is little true “faith” left on the earth. Messiah asks the question: “…When the Son of man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8)

The Hebrew understanding of faith: If you say you believe something, act it out in your everyday life, or you are liar, a fake and a phony.

Everyone has a religion. The objects of worship are diverse, but every human worships something or someone, whether “God”, or money and human achievement (Humanism). But, few who say they believe in the “God” of the Bible act out their beliefs in their every day lifestyle, except a remnant that loves Yahuweh and Yahushua.

Acting out belief in Yahuweh and Yahushua means to guard the Covenant of Yahuweh, and love Him and trust Him with our entire being. Example: The Biblical Israelites brought animal sacrifices before Yahuweh, not to get Him to take away their sin, but to act out their repentance publicly--showing they had already been forgiven of sin. Torah: The Instructions and Teachings of the Kingdom of heaven given to us as a Covenant with Yahuweh, teaches us to walk by faith with corresponding actions.

Ezekiel 3 was 2,500 years ago. The ones who came out of Egypt 4,000 years ago were the same type—rebellious, self-centered, rebels, lawless, and rejecters of Yahuweh’s Torah—no matter what they said at the base of Mt. Sinai. The family of Yahuweh, whom He chose above all the families of the earth, promised one day to follow His teachings and instructions of the

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Kingdom of heaven—Torah--and the next day to rebel and revolt against Him because He didn’t give them something they wanted. Sound familiar!

During the plagues and in the Red Sea crossing, they got scared of Yahuweh’s power for a little while, then when He wasn’t coming to them in fire and smoke, they began turning on His leaders, complaining greatly, and provoking Yahuweh to anger.

The post flood world carried on the same scenarios that got them the flood. Once Lucifer enticed Adam and Eve to eat of his tree in the hopes of being gods, the whole human race has propagated Lucifer’s doctrine of “me first” ever since--satisfy and gratify my lusts, for “I am” and there is none else.

This is mankind: This is His people’s abnormality, as well as it is among the

gentiles (“Gentile” means: Pagans, barbarians, heathen, aliens, strangers and foreigners to the Covenant of Yahuweh). His people, children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, embraced gentile ways, and their gods, because the common denominator was human sin nature—love of fleshly gratification, which brings rebellion against Yahuweh’s Kingdom absolutes.

By 722 BCE Yahuweh began the final scattering of the house of Israel (the 10 northern tribes of Jacob) into all nations AMONG the gentiles (pagan nations), which they adapted to so well. Now, after 2, 730 years, the punishment of Ephraim (house of Joseph/house of Israel/ten northern tribes of Jacob) is over—and Yahuweh is calling a faithful remnant back to Himself and the Torah, through the sacrifice of Messiah Yahushua.

In this article, and in others that I write exposing American culture and its pagan-based counterfeit religion of Christianity, I am not picking on Americans or American Christians. I love people. I am not picking on individuals. I am trying to expose the lying illusions of a pagan religion that has bound His people for close to 2,000 years, and expose the hidden deceptions regarding the nation of America. We must stop worshipping any gods, and worship only Yahuweh!

I grew up in America, and I loved it. It was a wonderful nation to grow up in—especially in the 50’s. No one suspected in the “Happy Days” that our government was working for our destruction. The worst thing for “kids” of the 1950’s was their parent’s disapproval of Elvis.

I have spent eight years in detailed research going to the roots of our culture, the root of Christianity the religion, and the roots are wicked lawlessness

against the Torah of Yahuweh in general. The roots of the religion of Christianity are defiled--hidden under a smokescreen of sentimentality. The roots of America have been hidden in sentimental patriotism.

Father spoke to me a few years ago: “If the root is defiled, the tree is defiled and the fruit is defile, and all who eat of it are defiled”. We must learn about these defiled roots and stop eating the fruit of their trees!

What we fight today, as with all people on this earth, is our basic sin nature. But, we’ve had help from Lucifer. Americans in particular purposely are the most mind-programmed people in the world. America is a virtual national laboratory for mind and emotional programming by the best of Lucifer’s

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world—where experiments have been done on us that have had horrific consequences for us all. I include myself.

America is also a national laboratory for experiments to carry out the goals of the Luciferic elite, thought up in think tanks like the Club of Rome and the Bilderberg Group, to eliminate 95% of the world’s people. That’s the biggest thing going—the top agenda of the Luciferic elite--inventing ways of killing off over 6 billion people, so that the population is reduced to 500 million or less. Biological and chemical experimentation has been done systematically and methodically among American citizens, much of it began with our laboratories among Hitler’s Nazi doctors. If we are to wake up in time, I am compelled out of love for my fellow Americans, to write these things to warn the citizens to obey Yahuweh’s instructions to those who live in end-time Babylon/America. And He has given us instructions for the wise to do something about it, or at least prepare for martyrdom.

In the 1940’s, medical programming, brought from Hitler’s Nazi doctors, began on us in earnest. But, so did mind and emotional experimentation. Two examples: Doctors told new mothers, at the time of the baby boomer phenomenon, that breast milk was not good for babies—give them whole cow’s milk. Baby formulas were invented. Some were sent to Third World nations, where the naïve mixed the formulas with polluted water and their babies died. Babies got colic—terrible stomach pains, and allergies from whole milk, designed to bring a baby cow from birth weight up to 300 pounds quickly. Today, Pediatricians are telling new mothers to put their child on formula and whole cow’s milk.

Our obesity problem is not so much people’s overeating but because of the poor quality of our food—hidden calories with little nutrition. Most American children are fed a killer diet that makes them obese and overactive, and then they are punished for their hyperactivity, and put on medicine for Attention Disorders, which hooks them on drugs early in life.

In not being breast fed, babies lost the cuddling, and nurturing necessary for them to grow up as secure adults. Doctors and psychiatrists at the time when the baby boomers were baby booming told parents not to pick up their children if they screamed from the stomach pains from the cow’s milk—saying that picking up your child when they screamed was bad for them. This produced a generation of people who feel unloved, unwanted, rejected, lonely and insecure. These are painful emotions I fought most of my life, for my parents were very astute to obey the doctors. This is why so much alcohol and drug addiction—youth and adults can’t cope with the real world—it is too painful. The process of programming begins in infanthood.

Then Dr. Spock came along in the late 1960s and said to never tell your child “no”. Thus those robot parents who followed their doctor’s advise and Dr. Spock, did not give their children absolutes, and the horrible result is evident.

Deuteronomy 6:5-9 and Psalms 78:5-8 command us to teach out children the

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absolutes of Yahuweh’s Torah, so that they do not end up in the same deplorable condition as their forefathers who gave in to lawlessness.

One of my daughters trained to be a high school teacher. Her last assignment was to teach Freshmen in Social Studies/Geography. She also had mixed classes—Freshman to Seniors. She said most of them acted on an emotional level of a 2-3 year-old child. Now that she has her own near 2 year-old in the house, she is noticing the same emotional patterns that wore her out with in teaching these High School age babies. Thank goodness for the few who were well mannered. Most of her day was spent correcting 14-18 year olds because they were disturbing the class, being naughty, trying to get everyone to pay attention to them. This is the result of America’s methodical and systematic

mind programming of people into an emotional level of a little child, and an intellectual level of a 12-year old.

I know many home-schooled children—in early grades through High School. All the ones I’ve ever know are sweet, obedient to their parents, lovers of truth, well mannered, and very smart and creative. They are outward thinking—not centered on themselves. Their parents are Torah-observant believers who discipline them according to the teachings of the Kingdom of heaven, and therefore the young people are content. They have been given correct thinking regarding male and female roles, authority, and self-discipline. They are fun-loving youth, who are also peaceful. Their parents feed them nutritious food and so they are healthy, also.

In 1950, the advertising industry began separating the “teen age” as a marketing tool—thus separating a very vulnerable age from parental control, creating the “generation gap”. This programming of “teens” set them apart in the public schools, where they were treated like children in adult bodies. No responsibility was required of them because they were “children”. Yet, they thought like adults, sexually primarily.

The Hebrew culture says that when a boy reaches the age he can shave, and a when a girl reaches the age she can have a baby, they are adults—for a boy that is about 12-13, and for a girl about 12. This is realistic. From age 12, a boy becomes “a son of the commandments” (“bar mitzvah”).

Proverbs 22:6: “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it”. “Old” is when a boy can shave, and a girl can have a baby. Thus, responsibility is on the parents to prepare them for being children of the commandments – bar mitzvah or bas mitzvah.

The teen years are years when young people can be easily programmed, especially if separated by culture from parental authority. They can be programmed to receive Luciferic/Satanic philosophy. Colleges and Universities are hotbeds of satanic philosophical teaching. Students are programmed to “think for themselves”—to obey the lusts of their flesh because they are simply evolved animals (Evolution teaching), and programmed to get what they want no matter who was hurt—Harry Potter programming. Harry Potter, an ex-Satanist told me, has subtle dangers—it teaches the philosophy of Satan.

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Satanists will tell you that there is only one rule of life for them: Get what you want, when you want it, no matter who you hurt in getting it—you are god. Thus when the anti-messiah comes to the Temple Mount, he will declare himself to be god and demand worship. He will be Lucifer in the flesh. This doctrine is aimed at Americans from babyhood up. The scary thing is that this is the philosophy of the modern American Charismatic church. The “I am god” teaching is very prevalent, teaching that “God” will give you what you want because you are a god. TBN is the great promoter of this doctrine of Lucifer.

About five years ago Father spoke to me that TBN would be used as a catalyst for the world religion—and it is that today.

Americans in particular have been systematically, purposely, mind-programmed. Europeans have also been set-up by the world government, which is breeding on their soil, but because of reality in world wars the Europeans are more hearty and realistic than Americans.

Those people that we Americans learned to trust in the days when we pledged allegiance to the flag in school and said “under God”, were working for our mental, emotional and physical destruction, in obedience to their Luciferic Illuminati leaders. We have been “lambs to the slaughter”.

The Hellenising of America, and the world, is not random happenstance—it has been planned. As Antiochus Ephiphanes hellenised the Levant, so America has been hellenised by ruthless modern Antiochus Ephiphanes.