Major grade!!!

On November 11, 2015 – Veteran’s Day – Schindewolf will be honoring friends and family members who have served our country in the United States Armed Forces.

Your part in this salute to veterans will be to research the history of the United States military service of a family member or a friend/acquaintance and make a poster showing the results of your research. You will need to interview your veteran, if possible, asking such questions as: what branch of service were you in, when, your rank, honors received, wars fought in, etc.

Requirements: Poster must be made using one-half sheet of poster board- NO foam board

The poster is decorated in a manner that shows honor for service to our country. This means the poster is attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness. Lettering should be large and legible. Use the computer to print out your information.

Horizontal presentation on poster board

Information that

Must be included: Branch of military service (Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, or Coast Guard)

Name of your veteran

Rank (Private, Sergeant, Captain, etc.)

Years Served in military (ex.: served from 1993-1999)

Relationship (if any) to you

Wars served in – if any

Honors received – if any

Optional information: Make a copy of a photo if available

(Please do not include anything of value on your poster as we are planning to display them in front of the school.)

**We will laminate the posters AT SCHOOL. All decorations must be “flat” on the poster board. Ribbon or flags will not laminate.

Date due: Monday, November 2, 2015

Name: ______Class Period:______

Veteran’s Day Poster Rubric

Required Elements: 10 Points Each ½ sheet poster board ______

Name of Veteran ______

Branch of Service ______

Rank ______

Years of Service ______

Information Typed: 10 Points ______

Neatness: 10 Points ______

Horizontal Layout: 10 Points ______

Design: 20 Points ______

Total: ______