RAC Region 3 Meeting
Sunday, January 13, 2013 3:30-5:00pm
Marriott Wardman Park Tower, Suite 8212
- Review of agenda, roll call - Tommy
- Amy, Cynthia, Barry, Peggi, Linda N., Rod, Daniel, Jaqueline, Peg, Diane, Michael, Bill, Steve, Linda T., Tommy; Lisa Williams, Leslie Wright, Debra Rinderknecht, Skip Paul
- Officers beginning January 2013:
- Chair: Amy Schutzbach
- Vice Chair: Cynthia Gerst
- Approval of minutes from November conference call - Amy (approved)
- Old Business:
- Review action items from November conference call - Amy
- Jacqueline shared the Wisconsin guide (11/13/12 email)
- SHRP2 - Tommy and Amy shared discussion from the December SCOR meeting
- Mentorship: Linda Taylor stepped up
- TRB Agenda: done
- Task Force Membership - Amy
- Admin: Amy, Rod, Cynthia
- C&C: Peggi, Michael, Linda T.
- PM&Q: Tommy, Sandra(f), Steve(f), Linda T
- TKN: Tommy(f), Peggi, Dave, Daniel
- Value: Steve, Linda, Bill(f), Daniel
- Other groups:
- RAC/CUTC: Daniel. Rod & Bill volunteered (Amy rotating off)
- STRAP: Amy and Linda.
- Task Force Updates - ALL
- Admin TaskForce
- Website DOT fact sheets are still being compiled and will need to be reviewed and updated.
- Website: Natassja updates it upon request; Cynthia is leading an orderly review. Linda will provide feedback.
- Task Force Reporting: we're trying to agree on a form
- Ahead of the Curve: potential program, may include C&C and PM&Q
- C&C: No new content;reviewing web sites they're working on. RPPM, Research Needs
- PM&Q: 20-89 Intellectual Property final guide is being completed; only 13 states responded. Ahead of the Curve was discussed as professional development. RPM website has a video posted - it's only committed for a couple of years. The developer contract will end but NCHRP intends to continue it. The RPPM website will be moved from RITA to AASHTO. They're revising the SP&R guide, but postponing until the MAP-21 guidance is final. SHRP2 implementation topics at the RAC summer meeting.
- TKN: They submitted proposals for the library Pooled Fund:
- report distribution issue where should we / can we submit
- the distribution needs to be updated
- NTL commitment on keeping reports
- guidance for researcher to better complete documentation 1700
- Missouri and Iowa have had to explain it to researchers - it'd be helpful to have it
- Value of Research: (to be discussed later)
- SCOR Meeting Update - Tommy
- AASHTO ballot 45 for and 3 against
- ASTM and AASHTO - if there are two specs then we need to endorse AASHTO version
- Moving TCCCP to AASHTO
- Every Day Counts projects will be used to deploy SHRP2
- TRB subscription lists will be managed by web portal in the future
- TRB publications moving to RSS feeds - that's encouraged but not mandatory (Linda has it on their iHub and recommends it)
- RITA no earmarks this next round; ten regional centers in federal regions (two for Region 3 was 5 and 7). RFP released last week. Competitive, peer review with involvement.
- They're considering whether TRB opens research needs statement to private sector, consultants. Skip says the external submitters' ideas won't have as much weight, unless states get behind them. Yes, they can have good ideas that could help state DOT's. Currently, consultants can submit to TRB committees and have things considered there.
- RAC Leadership Update - Tommy
- 2015 TRB meeting at DC Convention Center.
- 2014 NCHRP is paperless process.
- FHWA is considering a better way to distribute reports (as TKN)
- SPR guidance is on hold through the rule making process
- 2013 Baton Rouge we will have more information
- Discussion on Wisconsin 2014 RAC meeting
- Transportation Research: Collaboration and Deployment
- Mentoring of new members - Linda
- Linda is reviewing the calendar and seasons for our process, and re-learning the web site.
- E-mails: Peggi and Linda aren't getting the NCHRP, SHRP survey & SHRP2 emails. Sandra is forwarding them on. Bill Stone isn't getting some items too. Is there an AASHTO_RAC list and a RAC Member list? Amy will check on this.
- State by State update - ALL
- Illinois
- Executive committee voted 4 projects forward for funding. They are changing from twice to once per year, and redefining criteria for off cycle fast track projects.
- They're evaluating time balance for project work and increase the implementation commitment. Being sensitive to all parties (grad student availability).
- Technical Advisory Group votes to move project forward, and Executive Committee votes which ones to fund.
- Shared the Research Works
- Indiana
- 2/3 of projects are in and February will review them.
- Focusing on "Marketing of Research". Barry will share flyers during Tuesday lunch. DOT needs to share it to enable full implementation.
- Scaling projects down to be manageable.
- Focus on implementation - with project managers etc.
- Iowa
- Distributed pooled fund projects list and peer exchange save the date
- Asset Management is the focus of the peer exchange and symposium
- Developed videos that are being shown here at TRB
- Kansas
- 12/1 received 40 university proposals. Panels review 3/1
- Benefit cost ratios and contract research may be the peer exchange for 2013
- an external chair for the peer exchange panel is an option, but not required
- Lead state for the aggregate imaging pooled fund.
E. Michigan
- They prepare a three year investment plan and continually review
- completed the revised manual (started October 2012 and just finished):
- UTC administration manual
- contract manual
- Looking at the library
- Being able to tout the value of research, prior year implementation
- Next month’s newsletter will highlight successful projects
- Minnesota
- Staffing changes: new commissioner starts next week
- Research added a marketing & communication person, external application process and he's working on a revised website
- Training research staff in being customer centric - responsive to feedback to supplement good products
- Completed FY2014 program with 24 projects, some out to consultants
- Process Flow processes just streamlined and documented, needed due to turnover
- One solicitation for the research and implementation programs, tested this year
- Library - rate of return publication for libraries was supported this year
- Annual Report - shared the at a glance version - it's clickable online
- Missouri
- UTC activity: funding opportunities for unrenewed UTC must be spent by December 2013
- Recycled materials centers may be established to encourage using recycled concrete
- Every project they do they need to calculate the savings to the department. Rules are to project forward and not backwards. e.g., replacing LED bulbs on 7-year cycles not 5-year. Wants calculated for other purposes.
- Next week they meet with financial staff on implementation. They are NOT joining any pooled funds this year due to required SHRP2 Implementation funding.
- Ohio
- Posted 16 RFP's for FY 2014 program, deadline is 3/11/13 and selection meeting is 4/1/13.
- We have selected 8 externally sourced projects for $1.1 million.
- Getting a business analyst to help determine how to resolve our database situation: 2006 business requirements, 2010 partial construction, no IT support or queries
- Library - now a solo librarian with opportunity for role and service reevaluation and redefinition.
- using librarian by contract posting
- We will host an annual summit 9/20/13 with program, project & training 9/20/13
- Wisconsin
- Annual report was internally produced this year.
- Based on results of old peer exchange, planning on piloting PI evaluations this year
- Planning program peer exchange: effective partnership with national research programs
- Looking for tips on how to contract with USDA – they want to be paid upfront before work is done
- Basic Timeline for 2014 National RAC Meeting – see handout
- New Business
- STRAP Update
- State TRB contributions for last 2 years of triennium will be reduced 5%
- 2013 State TRB Visits – State’s choice - can be conventional multi-day visit, 1-day mini-visit, or no visit (can’t do no visit 2 years in a row)
- RAC 3 Secretary
- Looking for someone to fill this position; if no one volunteers, Amy can appoint. Rod and Daniel have already served in this role.
- 2013-2014 Conference Call schedule handed out
- 2014 Summer RAC Meeting
- Program Committee is being formed
- 2014 High Value Research – look for info from Amy. Projects will be submitted online via the RPM website.
March 12, 2013 call is hosted by Michigan. Agenda item deadline is March 5, 2013
Action ItemsNo. / Action Item /
/Target Date
1 / Updates to Task Force Membership / Amy Schutzbach / March 20132 / Linda Taylor has been using the RAC website recently for mentoring and will provide Natassja feedback and review comments from her experience. / Linda Taylor / March 2013
3 / Peggi and Linda aren't getting the NCHRP, SHRP survey & SHRP2 emails. Sandra is forwarding them on. Bill Stone agrees he isn't getting some items too. Is there an AASHTO_RAC list and a RAC Member list? Amy will check on this. / Amy Schutzbach / March 2013
4 / Request person to serve as RAC region 3 secretary / Amy Schutzbach / March 2013
5 / 2014 Summer RAC MeetingProgram Committee formation / Amy Schutzbach / March 2013
6 / 2014 High Value Research submittal information will come from Amy. Projects will be submitted online via the RPM website. / Amy Schutzbach / March 2013
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