MIKE CORNISH TIMED TRIAL Sunday 1st December 2013Permit No. ACU 39826
Held under the NSC of the ACU and the Wessex Centre rules together with the following Supplementary Regulations.Restricted to riders of solo motorcycles who are members of Wells and District Motor Cycle Trials club.
1. OFFICIALS: Wessex Centre Steward – ; Club Steward – M. Lawford; Clerk of the Course – J. Cross (106270)Secretary of Meeting: J Cross, 5 Winterfield Park, Paulton, Bristol, BS39 7RY. Tel.07768 505958
2. ENTRIES: Up to 30 mins before start at a fee of £12.00 solo only. Max. 60 riders.
3. AWARDS: Premier - Best Solo. R/up, Best B, Best C, Best TS. First Class awards to the next best 10% in each class. No rider may win more than one award. Awards subject to minimum 5 entries in class.
4. START Maesbury Castle, Old Frome Road, between A37 & B3139 near Wells. BA5 3HB Starting at 10.30am.
5. MARKING: 0 – clean; 3 – dab or footing; 5 – stop; Also 2 marks per minute over standard time. Maximum 10 mins to complete course after fastest driver has finished. Ties decided by fastest overall time then highest number of cleans.
6. PROTESTS: To be made in accordance with the NSC of the ACU to the Secretary of the Meeting within 14 days.
7. COURSE: A sporting course containing 6 sections to be completed as many times within approx 1 hour. Riders who exceed average speed [20mph], miss sections, cut the course or, ride dangerously will be disqualified.
8. PROTECTIVE CLOTHING: Boots, helmet and gloves to an approved standard must be worn.
9. RESULTS: Will be posted on
ENTRY FORM Wells & District Motorcycle Trials Club
MIKE CORNISHTIME TRIAL1st December 2013 Permit No. ACU 39826
ENTRY DECLARATION: I the undersigned apply to enter the event described above and in consideration thereof:-
1. I hereby declare that I have had the opportunity to read, and that I understand the National Sporting Code of the ACU, the ACU StandingRegulations, such Supplementary Regulations as have or may be issued for the event, and agree to be bound by them.
2. I further declare that I am physically and mentally fit to take part in the event and are competent to do so.
3. I confirm that I understand the nature and type of events and the risk inherent with the sport and agree to accept the same notwithstanding thatsuch risks may involve negligence on the part of the organizers or officials.
4. I confirm that the machine as described below which I compete on shall be suitable and proper for the purpose.
5. I confirm that if any part of the event takes place on a public highway, the machine described below shall be insured as required by the RoadTraffic Acts, or equivalent legislation, and that it will comply with the regulations in respect thereof.
6. I understand and agree that I am required to register my arrival by signing-on at the event control office or other designated area, not less than 30minutes prior to commencement of said competitor’s practice or first competition, whichever occurs first.
Riders Name (Blockletters)...... Address..……...... ………...…………...... Postcode......
e-mailaddress…………………….……………………..………………Tel. No.………………………………
ACU Affiliation No…......
Make of Motorcycle...... ……. cc ...... Entry Fee £…......
Route Markers / Class - Tick OneOrange or White arrows / [A] Expert
You MUST pass through gates / [B] Non-expert
formed by pairs of arrows / [C] Novice
[TS] Twinshock
[SCR] Enduro
Acknowledgement of the risks of motorsport: I understand that by taking part in this event I am exposed to a risk of death,becoming permanently disabled or suffering some other serious injury and I acknowledge that even in the event that negligence on thepart of the ACU, the promoter, the organizing club, the venue owner, or any individual carrying out duties on their behalf were to be a contributory cause of any serious injury I may suffer, the dominant cause of any serious injury will always be my voluntary decision to take part in a high risk activity.
I have read the above and acknowledge that my participation in motorsport is entirely at my own risk.
Rider’s Signature...... Date...... *If under 18 state D.O.B…………….…
*For riders under 18 years of age – I accept the above conditions of entry to this event and give my approval:-
Signature of parent/person with parental responsibility…………………………………………..Date………………….
Riders under 18 years of age who cannot produce a valid ACU Competition Licence/Trials Registration must alsocomplete a ‘Parental Agreement Form (single event)’ in addition to this entry form.