Health and Safety Policy
Date updated: insert date
Statement of Intent
Name of groupis committed to protect the managers, staff(delete if not appropriate), volunteers and members of the public that take part in our activities. We will seek to comply with the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and associated legislation as far as is reasonably practicable.
Roles and responsibilities
Our management committee (indicate another name if preferred eg steering group) has overall responsibility for health and safety. This includes
- managing the health and safety risks of our activities by writing, agreeing and monitoringour health & safety policy and procedures, with reference to the Health and Safety Executive website (These pages might be particularly useful and
- providingclear instructions & information, and adequate training, to ensure that managers, staff (delete if not appropriate)and volunteers are competent to undertake their activities
- engaging and consulting with managers, staff (delete if not appropriate)and volunteers on ongoing health and safety conditions
- reviewing our health & safety policy and procedures state how often (at least every twoyears), with reference to changes in legislation and any incidents that have occurred.
- delegating responsibility for their implementation to anamed manager, member of staff (for organisations without managers) or lead volunteer (delete as relevant)leading aparticular activity or at a particular location.
Our managers, staff (for organisations without managers) and volunteers(delete as relevant)leading a particular activityor at a particular locationhave day-to-day responsibility for ensuring that this policy is put into practice. This includes
- conducting risk assessments(see form below) & taking the necessary measures to remove or control the hazards identified
- implementing emergency procedures, such as evacuations
- maintaining equipment in good working order and storing substances safely
- reporting accidents to the management committee (indicate another name if preferred eg steering group)
Our staff (for organisations without managers) (delete if not appropriate)and volunteers recognise, accept and implement their responsibilities in relation to our health & safety policy and procedures. This includes
- becoming familiar with relevant health & safety documents
- attending health & safety training as required
- reportingaccidentsincidentsthat took place during our activities or in ourlocationsto the relevant manager, staff member(for organisations without managers) or volunteer(delete as relevant).
Locations(for groups with premises, delete if not appropriate)
- the Health & Safety Law poster is displayed at ………………………….
- the First Aid box is located at ………………………………………………
- the accident book is located at …………………………………………….
Name of Group Risk Assessment Form
Event: / Date: / Main organiser: / Venue:
What are the hazards? / Who might be harmed and how? / Measures to remove or reduce risk / Action by who? / Action by when? / Checked
Think through all theprocedures, tasks, activities and people involved. What substances, structures, power sources or equipment will be in or around your venue. What could cause harm to people? / Consider especially the effect on children, pregnant women, people with disabilities and older people. / Consider in this order
- Eliminating the hazard at source
- Reducing the hazard (eg the amount of time exposed to it)
- Isolate the hazard (eg barriers)
- Control the hazard (eg supervision)
- Personal protective equipment
- Display warning signs
Example: road traffic close to a street party / Children might run out and be struck by a car / Barrier between party and cars. Adult at barrier throughout party. / Party organiser / During the party / √ Name
Name of assessor: / Date of assessment: / Date assessment shared with management committee:
Signed:…………………………………… Name:…………………………………… Position: Chair or equivalent Date:………