Carers Leeds
6-8 The Headrow
Leeds LS1 6PT
(0113 246 8338)
Company Registered No: 3242065
Charity No: 1058706
Sponsored by Direct Line Insurance
June/July 2009
Welcome to what I believe is the biggest ever Carers News! For the first time we have a central section of training opportunities and in this edition we are also celebrating Carers Week in June, so there is lots for you to read - and, we hope, for you to enjoy!
We always welcome old and new carers at our events and hope you will be able to join us.
Jill Foalks
News from Carers Leeds
Who’s Who at Carers Leeds?
We are very pleased to welcome two new members of staff to Carers Leeds.
Angie Thompson joined us in April as our Carers’ Groups Co-ordinator and will be involved in setting up new carers’ groups around the city.
Peter Hunter started as our new Manager in May and looks forward to meeting many of you over the coming months.
Our full staff team now is……
Manager: Peter Hunter
Deputy Manager: Val Hewison
Chair of the Trustees: Tony Spice
Finance Officer: Gill Hutchison
Carers Support Workers: Office-based: Helena Bladon, Jill Foalks and Karen Harris Outreach: Carrie Grey and Camille Sen
Carers’ Groups Co-ordinator: Angie Thompson
Administrator: Valerie Banks
Health Development Worker: Julie Smith
Project Support Worker Margaret Hebden
Carers Leeds Autumn Prize Draw 2009
We are planning another prize draw as last year’s was successful in raising a much-needed amount of £1,659 for Carers Leeds. Watch out for tickets with the next edition of Carers News.
Please let us know if you do not wish to receive tickets and we will try and avoid sending them to you. Also, please don’t worry if you get tickets and then can’t sell them.
Events for Carers
All events are free of charge unless stated otherwise.
Bookings taken from Tuesday 2nd June, tel. 0113 246 8338
Monday 8th June
Visit to the Royal Armouries
Meet in the coffee bar at the Armouries at 10.30 am for coffee and cake, and then form into small groups to look around the museum.
Need to book Tel: 0113 246 8338 from 2nd June
Information Stall at the White Rose Shopping Centre
Staff from several of the main carer support services in Leeds - including Carers Leeds - will be at the White Rose Centre from 10.00 am until 8.00 pm. Please visit our stall at any time during the day - we’ll either be near Boots or by the glass lifts. Look out for our Carers Week T shirts!
Tuesday 9th June
Relaxation & Meditation Workshop at Carers Leeds, 6-8 The Headrow, Leeds LS1 from 10.30 am - 1.30 pm. Just leave your concerns at the door. Find ways to clear your mind and let go. Leave the session feeling peaceful, rested and energised. A light lunch will be served.
Need to book Tel: 0113 246 8338 from 2nd June
Launch of the Carers Strategy for Leeds at Leeds Civic Hall. Please see the enclosed leaflet for more details. Watch out for the Carers Leeds stall if you’re there!
Coffee Afternoon for Carers living in South Leeds and the surrounding area, at Shafton Lane Surgery, Holbeck from 2.00 pm - 4.00 pm. All carers welcome to just turn up.
Wednesday 10th June
Coach trip to Cleethorpes
Join us for our summer seaside trip to Cleethorpes, with its picturesque promenade, light railway, shops and lovely views.
This trip is open to carers and the people they care for. There is a toilet on the coach and space to store wheelchairs; however there are steps into the coach. We will leave Carers Leeds at 10.30 am and arrive back in Leeds around 5.00 pm.
Cost £2 per person, payable on boarding the coach.
Need to book Tel: 0113 246 8338 from 2nd June
Information Stand for all carers at the Bexley Wing, St James’s Hospital, between 11.00 am and 2.00 pm. Please feel free to drop by to pick up some information on caring for someone and to have a quick word with a carers’ worker.
Caring for Carers - Carers are invited to join in a special Carers Week taster session, highlighting the techniques and benefits of massage and the use of essential oils, at the Barbados Association, 15 Reginald Row, Leeds LS7 from 1.00 pm to
3.00 pm.
No need to book - just come along.
Thursday 11th June
Carers Café at Carers Leeds, 6-8 The Headrow, Leeds LS1 from 10.30 am - 12.00 pm
Join us for refreshments and also for some special games and music for Carers Week.
Caring for Carers Carers are invited to join in a special Carers Week taster session, highlighting the techniques and benefits of massage and the use of essential oils, at Shine Enterprise Building, Harehills Road, Leeds LS8 from 1.00 pm - 3.00 pm.
No need to book - just come along.
Friday 12th June
‘My name is Frances’
Join us at Carers Leeds, 6-8 The Headrow, Leeds LS1 at 11.00 am to listen to a fascinating and moving talk by Anne Batchelor about her mother’s childhood in a Waifs and Strays Home, her years in service and her family history research.
This will be followed by a light lunch.
Need to book Tel: 0113 246 8338 from 2nd June
Saturday 13th June
Leeds City Walk - Meet at Carers Leeds, 6-8 The Headrow, Leeds LS1 at 11.00 am for a walk of approximately one hour around the city centre, looking at some of the many treasures of Leeds. Return to Carers Leeds for drinks and snacks afterwards.
Need to book, tel: 0113 246 8338 from 2nd June
Information stand at Beeston Festival in Cross Flatts Park from 11.00 am - 4.00 pm
The Festival brings together the many different people of the local community every June, for a fun day of music, sport, kids’ activities, games and more, with 4000+ joining in each year. Look out for our stall and pick up some information or have a quick chat with one of our carers’ workers (Urdu, Punjabi and Bengali speaker available).
Your chance to tell an NHS Leeds Director what being a carer is really like
We are looking for carers who would be prepared to be visited at home by a Director or the Chief Executive of NHS Leeds during Carers Week, in order to give them a snapshot of what it’s like to be a carer.
This is an opportunity for you to tell those who make decisions all about your experiences of health and social care (good and bad!) and show them a little bit of your world. If you would be interested in taking part in this initiative please get in touch with Siân Cartwright, NHS Leeds Carers Development Worker. Tel: 0113 305 7556; mobile: 07984 915501
Or e-mail:
Visit the Health Bus
The NHS Health Bus will be out and about on Thursday 11th June at ASDA Owlcotes/Pudsey from 9.00 am -12.30 pm and then at ASDA Killingbeck from 1.00 pm - 4.00 pm. As well as information about services and support for carers there will be a nurse on board offering health checks, so please come and join us.
Free health checks for carers from Lloyds Pharmacies
Carers UK has teamed up with Lloyds Pharmacies to offer free checks of your cholesterol, heart health, diabetes, blood pressure and lifestyle at participating branches of Lloyds Pharmacies during Carers Week. You need to collect a voucher from Carers Leeds (while stocks last) or request one by sending an e-mail to
These checks are normally worth £15.
There’s lots more events happening throughout the city during Carers Week, for more details contact Carers Leeds on 0113 246 8338.
More news from Carers Leeds
Caring with Confidence
As you may remember, Carers Leeds submitted a bid to run courses for carers under Caring with Confidence. The bid was submitted with what we thought was achievable and with realistic costings, but unfortunately we were unsuccessful.
Carers Leeds will continue to offer high quality courses for carers but would like to assure our readers that we will keep them informed of local opportunities to access Caring with Confidence sessions.
Caring with Confidence is also available to all carers aged 18 and over in England via self study workbooks and online sessions. Take a look at
Carers’ Cafés
In order to give different carers a chance of attending, we are changing our monthly Cafés to the 2nd Tuesday of each month from August. Obviously we will still welcome our ‘regulars’ but hope to see a few new faces as well! More details on page 8.
Calling all carers in Morley
On Tuesday 21st July there will be a chance for you to have your say about the development of the new bi-monthly carer-led Morley group. Carers Leeds will continue to run the group every other month, but in July, September and November 2009 the group will be run by the carers themselves. Please join us and share your ideas. More details later on.
Easy Fundraising
Thank you to everyone who has registered Carers Leeds to benefit from their online shopping. So far we have raised around £100!
If you are not ‘in the know, visit
Substance and alcohol misuse Carers Support Group
We will soon be holding support group meetings at Carers Leeds for carers looking after someone with an alcohol or substance misuse problem.
At the time of going to press, the dates and times were not finalised. Please ring Angie at Carers Leeds on 0113 380 4301 for further information or to register your interest.
Opportunities for carers to get involved
Carers – We Need You!
Community groups and Leeds City Council have come together to set up a new forum which will make it easier for Leeds’ diverse communities to engage with and influence the decisions the council makes. The Equalities Assembly offers the opportunity for people to represent their community of interest and work with the council to help improve council services and employment opportunities.
The Equalities Assembly is made up of seven equality groups, representing the interests of disabled and black and minority ethnic communities, for example. One of the groups will represent the interests of carers in the city.
This group offers carers of all ages the opportunity to meet and work together and let the council know the issues that affect you. Your voices and concerns will be heard by the authority’s decision makers to help ensure council services and employment opportunities meet your needs and are as accessible as possible for everyone.
The Carers Group will next be meeting on Thursday 23rd July 10.30 am – 12.30 pm and Thursday 22nd October 10.30 am – 12.30 pm, both at Leeds Centre for Integrated Living.
If you would like to be part of this exciting new forum or would simply like further information please contact Alice Fox or David Gold at the Equality Team:
Tel: 0113 247 4190
Text phone: 07891 270 162
Address: Leeds City Council, Equality Team, Ground Floor, Civic Hall, Leeds LS1 1UR
Carers Week – we will be on hand to provide further information at the Carers Strategy Launch on Tuesday 9th June at Leeds Civic Hall. Please chat to us there!
Events for Carers in June & July 2009
Bookings (where necessary) are taken from Tuesday 2nd June Tel: 0113 246 8338
All events are free of charge unless stated otherwise.
Carers’ Cafés
All carers are welcome to drop in to Carers Leeds,
6-8 The Headrow, Leeds LS1 in Carers Week, on Thursday 11th June from 11.00 am to 12.00 pm
The Café in August will be on Tuesday 14th July at Carers Leeds from 11.00 am - 12 noon, when carers who haven’t visited Carers Leeds before are particularly invited to call in for a cuppa and light refreshments. It’s a good opportunity to meet other carers and to see our facilities.
Caring for Carers
Carers Leeds is running a 4 week training course at the Barbados Association, 15 Reginald Row, Leeds LS7 on Wednesdays 3rd, 10th, 17th & 24th June from 1-3 pm OR on Thursdays 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th June at Shine Enterprise Building, Harehills Road, Leeds LS8 from 1-3 pm.
The course will highlight the techniques and benefits of massage and the use of essential oils.
All carers welcome, but please book in advance by calling Camille on 0113 380 4303. Leave a message if you get a machine!
Wellbeing Days
Monday 15th June, Monday 29th June & Monday 6th July at Carers Leeds, 6-8 The Headrow, Leeds LS1.
Choose from Aromatherapy Massage, Indian Head Massage, Reflexology, Relaxation or face and neck massage with pressure points.
Individual appointments, lasting 40 minutes, are available between 10.00 am and 2.10 pm at a cost of £3 per person.
Need to book Tel: 0113 246 8338 from 2nd June
Please note: Each carer may have a maximum of 2 therapy sessions between April 2009 and March 2010.
Wetherby Carers
On Thursday 16th July at Wetherby Town Hall, in the Micklethwaite Room, from 10.00 am - 12 noon.
All carers from Wetherby and surrounding areas are invited to come along (no need to book, just turn up) and meet Angie, who will be facilitating the group in future, and to plan the programme for the rest of the year.
More details from Angie at Carers Leeds
Tel: 0113 380 4301.
Please note: no meeting in June.
Extend Gentle Exercise
Thursday 18th June at 11.00 am at Carers Leeds
6-8 The Headrow, Leeds LS1
Extend is an hour long enjoyable and light-hearted gentle exercise class to music. Expect to move around a bit but not to get tired out!
Come and spend some time with other carers and be healthy whilst doing it.
Class followed by drinks and snacks if you wish to stay on for a short time.
Need to book Tel: 0113 246 8338 from 2nd June
PACES Parent Carers Express Support Group for parent carers of children and young people with special needs, disabilities and long-term health conditions in South Leeds. Everyone welcome to come!
On Tuesday 9th June we’ll be celebrating Carers Week at our usual get-together.
On Tuesday 14th July we hope to have a speaker from the Benefits Agency.
Both of these sessions run from 12 noon to 1.30 pm at Belle Isle Family Centre. Soup and sandwiches are provided - please make a small donation if possible.
More details from Angie at Carers Leeds
Tel: 0113 380 4301.
Otley Parent Carer Support Group at Otley Children's Centre, Ashfield Primary School, Weston Lane.
If you are a parent carer of a child or young person with special needs, disabilities and/or a long term health condition in Otley and the surrounding area, please come along to this group to meet other parent carers in a social and supportive environment.
The next meeting is on Tuesday 16th June from 10.30 am - 12 noon.
On Tuesday 21st July we are planning a picnic in the grounds of the Centre, for carers and their children, from 10.30 am - 12 noon.
You can just turn up, or for more details call Angie at Carers Leeds on 0113 380 4301.
Morley Carers in the Community Room at Morley Fire Station 10.00 am - 12 noon
Join us on Tuesday 16th June for a chance to enjoy a relaxing hand massage and to meet other carers in a friendly and supportive environment.
On Tuesday 21st July please try to come along to the first meeting of the bi-monthly carer-led Morley group - see earlier
More details from Jill at Carers Leeds
Tel: 0113 380 4306.
Carers’ Craft Circle - The 3Cs
A new group at Carers Leeds, 6-8 The Headrow, Leeds LS1, for those who would like to explore their creativeness at a craft session. Whether you have some or no experience, just come for the fun of playing with different materials. The sessions are from 10.30 am - 1.00 pm
Monday 15th June Our first session will be designing cards for a man. Make a Father’s Day card or greetings card suitable for men.
Monday 29th June Rubber stamping and embossing techniques. Make your own rubber stamped embellishments and add them to a card for a special occasion.
Wednesday 5th August Try your hand at making a small piece of jewellery.
Need to book: tel. 0113 246 8338 from 2nd June
Cruse Bereavement Care Information & Support Session
Wednesday 17th June, 1.30 pm – 3.00 pm at Carers Leeds, 6-8 The Headrow, Leeds LS1. Light refreshments will be provided.
This session, run by Cruse Bereavement Care, will provide information about local Cruse services and offer a short introductory group support session.
This event is suitable for bereaved former carers who would like to know more about these support services.
Need to book Tel: 0113 246 8338 from 2nd June
Leodis Carers Support Group
This group will meet on Wednesday 3rd June and Wednesday 1st July from 2.00 pm - 4.00 pm at Crossgates Good Neighbours, Station Road, Leeds LS15.
Light refreshments provided, All carers are welcome, especially those living in East Leeds. More details from Angie at Carers Leeds
Tel: 0113 380 4301.
Mental Health Carers Support Group
Thursday 11th June and Thursday 9th July from 5.30 pm until 7.00 pm at Carers Leeds, 6-8 The Headrow, Leeds LS1.
Anyone caring for someone with mental health difficulties is welcome to come along. Light refreshments provided. More information from Angie at Carers Leeds
Tel: 0113 380 4301.
Male Carers Group
A Trip to Saltaire is planned for July but, at the time of going to print, the date was still to be finalised. We will leave Carers Leeds, 6-8 The Headrow, Leeds LS1 at 10.30 am and travel by train to Saltaire, a purpose-built "model" Victorian self-contained village for the workers at the local woollen mills. Salt's Mill has been converted into shops and the "1853 Gallery" which houses a collection of the works of the famous artist, David Hockney.