Preparing paper with MS Word for Windows: Paper Title

A.B. Smith & C. Williams

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Ottawa, Canada

D. Unknown

Unknown Institute, Ottawa, Canada


In order to ensure uniform style throughout the proceeding, all authors are invited to firmly prepare the papers according to the paper template. For the convenience of the authors sample template file for MS Word are provided.

Keywords: 4 - 8 keywords


1.1  Type-font, type-size and spacing

Manuscripts are limited to a maximum of 10 pages in length and must follow the format and layout defined by this template. Paper size is Letter (21.59cm x 27.94cm); margins are 1.87cm all around. Use Times New Roman 12 point size and 13 point line spacing. Use Times New Roman for the title, headings, captions, references and paragraph text. The paper title is left-aligned and set in 18pt Times New Roman, boldface and capitalized each word. Author names are set in 14pt Times New Roman. Author affiliations are also set in 12pt Times New Roman and italic. Parameters in mathematics, the titles of journals and books which should all be in italics. Use bold for vectors in mathematics. Use the 11 points for tables and figure captions, and the references. Never use letter spacing and never use more than one space after each other.

2 Methodology

2.1  Preparing the paper

Start by renaming the template file. Name your file properly and then, you either can type your paper, or copy the old version of your paper onto this new formatted file. Section headings and sub-headings should be numbered as shown in this template, except for the “Abstract”, “Keywords”, “Acknowledgement” and “References”. First-level headings are set in 12pt Times New Roman and use all upper case letters. Second level headings are set in 12pt Times New Roman, italic. Third-level headings, if required, are set in 11pt Times New Roman, italic.

2.2  Title, author and affiliation frame

The title should not be longer than 70 characters. If any of the co-authors have the same affiliation as the first author, add his/her name together with the first author.

2.3  Equations

Number equations successively and place the number (refer to equations by these numbers) with the tab key at the end of the line. Please use SI units throughout the manuscript.

∂U∂t+∇F=0 (1)

2.4  Tables

Locate tables and figures close to the first reference to them in the text and number them consecutively. All figures and tables, must be centered, and referenced in the text. Table captions should appear immediately above the table and must be numbered and titled using 11 pt Times New Roman, while figure captions should appear immediately below the figure, also in 11 pt Times New Roman. Tables and figures should be clear and legible and should follow a uniform style throughout. Please ensure all figures and illustrations are crisp and that all text is clearly legible.

Figure 1. The figure caption should be centered immediately below the figure.

Table 1. Table caption should appear above the table and fit within the table width. Use horizontal borders only. Border lines should be 1 pt thickness.

Column1 / Column2 / Column3 / Column4
A / 1 / 1 / 1 / 3
B / 2 / 4 / 9 / 15
C / 3 / 9 / 27 / 39
Total / 6 / 14 / 37 / 57


Note that section numbers are not required for the Abstract, Keywords, Acknowledgment and References section headings.


In the text, place the authors’ last names (without initials) and the date of publication in parentheses. At the end of the paper, list all references in alphabetical order. The references should be typed in 10 pt text and further lines should be indented 5.0 mm (0.2").

Grove, A.T. 1980. Geomorphic evolution of the Sahara and the Nile. In M.A.J. Williams & H. Faure (eds), The Sahara and the Nile: 21-35. Rotterdam: Balkema.

Jappelli, R. & Marconi, N. 1997. Recommendations and prejudices in the realm of foundation engineering in Italy: A historical review. In Carlo Viggiani (ed.), Geotechnical engineering for the preservation of monuments and historical sites; Proc. intern. symp., Napoli, 3-4 October 1996. Rotterdam: Balkema.

Johnson, H.L. 1965. Artistic development in autistic children. Child Development 65(1): 13-16.

Polhill, R.M. 1982. Crotalaria in Africa and Madagascar. Rotterdam: Balkema.