Dance Critique Paper- Rubric
Mrs. Johnson
Due Date:______
Criteria / Points
Points / 0-3 / 4-6 / 7-8 / 9-10
Organization / -Writer goes off topic on three or more occasions.
-Sentences are not complete.
- No paragraphs are made when needed.
-No main statements are made at any point in the body paragraphs.
-Writer is missing either the introduction or conclusion or both.
-No thesis statement. / -Writer goes off topic on two occasions.
-Two-three paragraphs are not made when needed. -Main statements are not at the beginning of a paragraph.
-Writer is missing an introduction or conclusion.
-The paper is not organized according to instructions. / -Writer has main statements at the beginning of each paragraph but main statements are vague or too general.
-Writer is missing a thesis statement. / -Writer’s paper follows a 4 paragraph essay format with introduction, two body paragraphs, and conclusion.
-Writer’s main statements are at the beginning of the paragraph and are followed with evidence. / ____
Knowledge of the dance / Writer only includes 0-1 of these in their paper per paragraph.
- title of dance
-dancers’ names
-set designer
-style of dance
-what the movement looked like
-dancers emotions
-storyline or theme
-costume and set design
-title of song danced to / Writer only includes 2 of these in their paper:
- title of dance
-choreographer -dancers’ names
-set designer
-style of dance
-what the movement looked like
-dancers emotions
-storyline or theme
-costume and set design
-title of song danced to / Writer includes 3 of these in their paper:
- title of dance
-choreographer -dancers’ names
-set designer
-style of dance
-what the movement looked like
-dancers emotions
-storyline or theme -costume and set design
-title of song danced to / Writer includes 4 or more of these in their paper:
- title of dance
-dancers’ names
-set designer
-style of dance
-what the movement looked like
-dancers emotions
-storyline or theme -costume and set design
-title of song danced to / ____
Evidence / -Writer does not provide evidence to support their main sentences in their paragraphs.
-Writer’s evidence does not correspond to what they observed in the dance. / -Writer only provides 1 piece of evidence for one or each body paragraph
-Writer’s evidence sometimes does not correspond to their main statement. / -Writer provides 2 pieces of evidence in their paper. / -Writer provides three or more pieces of evidence in their paper to support their main sentences. / ____
Grammar, Spelling, and presentation / -There are 4 or more grammatical mistakes in the paper.
-There are 4 or more spelling errors in the paper.
-Paper is written with pencil on lined paper and is not the required length. / -There are 3 grammatical mistakes in the paper.
-There are 3 spelling errors in the paper.
-Paper is typed but is typed but is not the required length. / -There are 2 grammatical mistakes in the paper.
-There are 2 spelling errors in the paper.
-Paper is typed on white paper and is the required length but does not have a format with title and margins. / -There is 1-0 grammatical mistakes in the paper.
-There is 1-0 spelling errors in the paper.
-Paper is typed on white paper and has a title and formatting. / ____
Total----> / ____
Teacher Comments:
- 5 points for every three days it is late.