February 18, 2013

The Board of Trustees of the Buffalo Independent School District met on Monday,

February 18, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. at the Buffalo High School Library, 1724 Buffalo Ave. Buffalo, Texas for a Regular Called Business Meeting.

Members Present: Jim Scott Dennis Hartley Gene Pruitt Jr.

Jack Helmcamp Willie Gilliam Jennifer Humphries

Members Absent: Russell Jonas

School Members Present:

Lacy Freeman Jeannine Myers Georgeanna Adams-Molina

Debbie Bean Lisa Hoepken Tracy Gleghorn

Kyle Gleghorn Johnny Veretto Amanda Davis

Melonie Menefee Mitchell Pate


Vanessa Goodwyn Bill Frissom Dorothy Frissom

Brenda Fahler Dan Ansley

I. Opening Exercises

A. Announcement of a Quorum

A quorum of members was present.
B. Call Meeting into session

Jim Scott, President called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

C. Certification of public notice

Lacy Freeman, Superintendent, certified that the board agenda was posted on

February 15, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. at the BISD Administration Office.

D. Prayer – Moment of reflection

A moment of reflection was led by Willie Gilliam.

E. Pledge of Allegiance – National and State

The Pledge of Allegiance and the Texas Pledge were recited by all present, led by

Jack Helmcamp.

II. Team Communication Efforts

A.  Public Related

1.  Public forum* - Individual(s) and/or group(s) must sign up or be placed on the agenda prior to the beginning of the meeting. No public comments were made.

B.  Board Related

1. President’s Comments - none.

2. The board was reminded of online courses available through TASB and

Legislative Update Conference

C.  Superintendent Related

1. Recognition of Staff – Melonie Menefee was recognized for receiving the

UIL State Sponsor Award.

2. Casey Property Update – CBD Local indicates it is allowable to sell the


3. Elementary School Campus Report - Johnny Veretto gave a campus update

on recent activities at the elementary.

4. Facilities Report and PowerPoint presentation were given on recent

maintenance activities.

5. Transportation Report was given

6. Enrollment Report – currently 936 students

7. New Facilities/Construction Update was given on the progress of the new

baseball/softball complex

III. Consent Agenda Items – (The board may act on these items with one motion.)

A.  Minutes of board meeting(s) – Regular Called January 28, 2013, Special Called February 7, 2013

B. Monthly Tax Report (EXHIBIT B)

C. Financial Report – Investment Report – Cash Flow Summary (EXHIBIT C)

Motion to approve items as presented except the Minutes of Special Called Meeting February 7, 2013, as presented made by Jack Helmcamp. Seconded by Jennifer Humphries. All approved and motion carried.

IV. Administrative Recommendations - Board Consideration/Action

A.  Motion to approve proposal from J4 Engineering for professional engineering services for Elementary School Parking lot made by Willie Gilliam. Seconded by Jack Helmcamp. All approved and motion carried.

B.  Motion to approve TASB Policy Manual Update, affecting local policies:

DEC(Local): Compensation and Benefits - Leaves and Absences, EFAA (Local):

Instructional Materials - Selection and Adoption, FEG (Local): Attendance -

Attendance Accounting made by Jack Helmcamp. Seconded by Willie Gilliam.

All approved and motion carried.

C.  Motion to approve budget amendment # 6 made by Gene Pruitt. Seconded by

Dennis Hartley. All approved and motion carried.

D.  Motion to approve E-rate services for 2013-2014 from ESC6 DL Services, ATT Mobility, Windstream Telcom & Internet Access, Gabbart Webhosting & CNS WAN Connectivity made by Dennis Hartley. Seconded by Gene Pruitt. All approved and motion carried.

E.  Motion to approve bid for bleachers for baseball/softball complex from Sturdisteel made by Willie Gilliam. Seconded by Jack Helmcamp. All approved and motion carried.

F.  Motion to approve Option A of the school calendar for the 2013-2014 school year made by Jack Helmcamp. Seconded by Dennis Hartley. All approved and motion carried.

G.  Motion to approve Guaranteed Maximum price bid from the Construction

Manager at Risk for the concession/bathroom/facility in the amount of $162,851.00 from 3D Construction as presented in the contract documents prepared by Sinclair & Wright Architects made Jack Helmcamp. Seconded by Jennifer Humphries. All approved and motion carried.

H.  Motion to approve disposal of surplus property of bleachers, forklift and purple car made by Jack Helmcamp. Seconded by Dennis Hartley. All approved and motion carried.

The Board moved into closed session at 7:25 p.m. Reconvened at 8:11 p.m. No action taken during closed session.

V. (551.074) Personnel

A. Motion to approve Tracy Gleghorn as High School Principal on a one year

contract for the 2013-2014 school year made by Jack Helmcamp. Seconded by

Willie Gilliam. All approved and motion carried.

Motion to approve Matthew Quick as high school assistant principal on a one year

contract for the 2013-2014 school year made by Gene Pruitt. Seconded by Dennis

Hartley. All approved and motion carried.

Motion to approve Lisa Boudiette as junior high assistant principal on a one year

contract for the 2013-2014 school year made by Jennifer Humphries. Seconded by

Willie Gilliam. All approved and motion carried.

Motion to approve Georgeanna Adams-Molina as Academic Coordinator on a one

year contract for the 2013-2014 school year made by Jack Helmcamp. Seconded

by Dennis Hartley. All approved and motion carried.

B.  Notification of staff resignation(s).

The board was notified of the resignation of Johnny Veretto as elementary principal effective at the end of the 2012-2013 school year.

The board was notified of the retirement of Melvin Laningham effective February 28, 2013.

VI. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn made by Gene Pruitt. Seconded by Dennis Hartley.

All approved and motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 8:14 p.m. on February 18, 2013.

Attest: Approved:

Secretary President