“Test-Taking Secrets”

Improving Your Child’s Chances for Success

Tina Hanes

March 16, 2005


Cognition refers to the initial strategies a reader uses to understand the passage!

Strategies include:

Purpose of Text

Organization of Text

Context Clues

Summarizing to Include Main Points

Main Idea

Main Problem

Identify Point of View

Example Cognition Test Questions:

What is the main idea of the passage?

Based on the content of paragraph 3, what does XXX mean? (vocabulary in content)

What is the purpose of the first subheading in the passage?

Which of the following best describes Joe? (answer is clearly stated in the selection)


Interpretation requires the student to develop a more complete understanding of the passage.

Strategies Include:


Explain the significance of something

Identify tone/mood of the passage

Complete understanding of the passage


Interrelationship of Parts

Examples of Interpretation Test Questions:

What is the significance of Joe’s decision to buy the bicycle?

What is the tone/mood of the selection?

Based on the selection, what will most likely happen next?

Which of the following best describes Joe? (not clearly stated in the passage)

Critical Stance

Critical Stance refers to tasks that ask the student to stand apart from the selection and consider it objectively.

Strategies Include:


Stand apart from the text


Analysis/Impact of Literary Terms

Author’s Craft

Analogies-all relationships are found in the text

Examples of Critical Stance Questions:

How is X different from Y?

How does Joe change from the beginning to the end of the passage?

What is the effect of the beginning of the selection?

What is ironic about X?

The author wrote XYZ in capital letters to emphasize which of the following?


Connections refers to connecting knowledge from the selection with other information and experiences.

Strategies Include:


Connecting elements in the text to information outside the text

Analogies-initial relationship from text, others from outside experiences

Examples of Connection Questions:

Which experiences is most similar to Joe’s experience in the passage?

How would this experience help Joe the next time he buys a bicycle?

People who play this game are most likely to have which of the following characteristics?

How would a member of a group dedicated to protecting animals most likely react to this passage?