The International Research Foundation

for English Language Education


(last updated 3 May 2013)

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Donato, R. (1998). Assessing the foreign language abilities of the early language learner. In M. Met (Ed.), Critical issues in early second language learning (pp. 169-197). Glenview, Illinois: Scott Foresman- Addison Wesley.

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Halliday, M. A. K. (1994). An introduction to functional grammar (2nd ed.). London, England: Edward Arnold.

Hamayan, E. (1998). Painting the chameleon: A response to “assessing foreign language abilities of the early language learner” by Richard Donato. In M. C. Met (Ed.), Critical issues in early second language learning: Building for our children’s future (pp. 176-179). Glenview, IL: Addison-Wesley.

Heilmann, J., Miller, J. F., & Nockerts, A. (2010). Sensitivity of narrative organization measures using narrative retells produced by young school-age children. Language Testing, 27, 603-626.

Heining-Boynton, A. (1990). Using FLES history to plan for the present and future. Foreign Language Annals, 23, 503-509.

Heining-Boynton, A. L., & Haitema, T. (2007) A ten-year chronicle of student attitudes toward foreign language in the elementary school. Modern Language Journal, 91(2), 149-168.

Holliday, A. (1994). Appropriate methodology and social context. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

Hudson, J., & Shapiro, L. (1991). From knowing to telling: The development of children's scripts, stories, and personal narratives. In A. McCabe & C. Peterson (Eds.), Developing narrative structure (pp. 89-136). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Igarashi, K., Wudthayagorn, J., Donato, R., & Tucker, G. R. (2002). What does a novice look like? Describing the grammar and discourse of young learners of Japanese. Canadian Modern Language Review, 58(4), 526-554.

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Met, M. (1985). Decisions! Decisions! Decisions! Foreign Language Annals, 18, 469-473.

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Nicholas, H., & Lightbown, P. M. (2008). Defining child second language acquisition, defining roles for L2 instruction. In J. Philp, R. Oliver, & A. Mackey (Eds.) Child's play: Second language acquisition and the younger learner (pp. 27-51). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

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Padilla, A. M., & Sung, H. (1995). The role of student motivation, parental attitudes and involvement in the learning of Asian languages in the elementary and secondary schools. Unpublished research report, Stanford, CA: Stanford University.

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Pessoa, S., Hendry, H., Donato, G. R., Tucker, G. R., & Lee, H. (2007). Content based instruction in the foreign language classroom: A discourse perspective. Foreign Language Annals, 40(1), 102-121.

Phillips, J., & Draper, J. (1994). National standards and assessments: What does it mean for the study of second languages in the schools? In G.K. Crouse (Ed.), Meeting new challenges in the foreign language classroom (pp. 1-8). Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook.

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