Multidisciplinary Senior Design

Project Readiness Package

Project Title: / Computer Automated Piano
Project Number:
(assigned by MSD) / P17363 (P/ending year/project #, e.g. P15001 finishes in 2015 and is project number 001)
Primary Customer:
(provide name, phone number, and email) / Ron Dufort, Xerox Corp (Ron,)
(provide name, phone number, email, and amount of support) / Who is providing financial support?
Preferred Start Term: / Fall 2016
Faculty Champion:
(provide name and email) / Dr Elizabeth DeBartolo
Other Support: / Timothy Nichols ()
Project Guide:
(assigned by MSD) / Russ Phelps (, )
Timothy Nichols / June 24, 2016
Prepared By / Date
Received By / Date

Items marked with a * are required, and items marked with a † are preferred if available, but we can work with the proposer on these.

Project Information

* Overview:

Playing the vast majority of piano pieces without the use of both hands is impossible. Imagine practicing a duet where you must feed off the notes of another musician by yourself. Current player piano systems do not solve these problems. Additionally, retrofitting a piano to be a player piano is an expensive endeavor. This project is to design and build a replicable system that modifies an existing, antique, player piano to be played by an automated system while also being played by a pianist in the normal fashion.

The long term goal of this project is to develop a piano that can match the tempo of a pianist and provide a resource for practicing and playing duet piano pieces as well as providing access technology for individuals without full use of both hands. One potential application of this project is to give amputees the ability to play piano pieces that they had once dreamed of playing.

* Preliminary Customer Requirements (CR):

·  Play pieces (songs) stored in a standard music or instrument digital format

·  Ability to select a piece to play

·  Ability to add pieces to the available selection

·  Ability to play complex piano pieces

·  Replicable design

·  Control of loudness of each note

* Preliminary Engineering Requirements (ER):

·  Store music in a standard music or instrument digital format verify: format

·  Store multiple songs target: 20 songs

·  Time required to select desired piano piece target: 1 minute

·  Time required to add song to music storage target: 5 minutes

·  Number of possible keys concurrently triggered target: 10 keys

·  Length of possible continuous play target: 30 minutes

·  Quietest possible note target: 50dB

·  Loudest possible note target: 100dB

* Constraints:

·  No effect on ability to play piano as a normal piano

·  Minimal modification to original piano components

·  Utilize physical, existing piano strings for automated playing of music

Customer Requirements Updated Post Interview(CR):

- Play pieces (songs) stored in a standard music or instrument digital format

- Ability to select a piece to play

- Ability to add pieces to the available selection

- Ability to focus on certain part of the song

- Change the tempo or have the computer match tempo of player

- Ability to play complex piano pieces

- Replicable design

- Control of loudness of each note

- Play a song alone and with a player

- Highlight errors made

- Start and stop using interface

- Control the pedal

- Keep original functionality

Engineering Requirements Updated (ER):

· Store music in a standard music or instrument digital format verify: format

· Store multiple songs target: 20 songs

· Time required to select desired piano piece target: 1 minute

· Time required to add song to music storage target: 5 minutes

· Number of possible keys concurrently triggered target: 20 keys

· Length of possible continuous play target: 30 minutes

· Quietest possible note target: 50dB

· Loudest possible note target: 100dB

Supplemental Features Post Interview:

·  Scanning in music to storage

·  Control of damper pedals

·  Adapt to players with physical disabilities; Prompt to denote disability

* Project Deliverables:

Minimum requirements:

·  All design documents (e.g., concepts, analysis, detailed drawings/schematics, BOM, test results)

·  working prototype

·  technical paper

·  poster

·  All teams finishing during the spring term are expected to participate in ImagineRIT

Additional required deliverables:

·  All required part and assembly documents to replicate system

·  Software used in prototype with proper documentation

·  List of match-machined (to specific piano) parts

·  List of piano dimensions to be measured for match-machining

† Budget Information:

Include total budget, any major cost items anticipated, and any special purchasing requirements from the sponsor(s).

* Intellectual Property:

No Intellectual Property concerns or limitations.

Describe any IP concerns or limitations. According to RIT policy, students have the right to retain any IP they generate during a course, but some students voluntarily agree to be placed on projects where they will be asked to assign their IP. If a sponsor wishes to have a team assign their IP, we need to know ahead of time so that we can place appropriate students on the team.

In order to ensure that students can discuss their projects openly during presentations and job interviews, we ask that no more than ~20% of the project be considered confidential.

Project Resources

† Required Resources (besides student staffing):

Describe the resources necessary for successful project completion. When the resource is secured, the responsible person should initial and date to acknowledge that they have agreed to provide this support. We assume that all teams with ME/ISE students will have access to the ME Machine Shop and all teams with EE students will have access to the EE Senior Design Lab, so it is not necessary to list these. Limit this list to specialized expertise, space, equipment, and materials.

Faculty list individuals and their area of expertise (people who can provide specialized knowledge unique to your project, e.g., faculty you will need to consult for more than a basic technical question during office hours) / Initial/date
Environment (e.g., a specific lab with specialized equipment/facilities, space for very large or oily/greasy projects, space for projects that generate airborne debris or hazardous gases, specific electrical requirements such as 3-phase power) / Initial/date
Equipment (specific computing, test, measurement, or construction equipment that the team will need to borrow, e.g., CMM, SEM, ) / Initial/date
Materials Upright piano / TAN/
Other / Initial/date

† Anticipated Staffing By Discipline:

Indicate the requested staffing for each discipline, along with a brief explanation of the associated activities. “Other” includes students from any department on campus besides those explicitly listed. For example, we have done projects with students from Industrial Design, Business, Software Engineering, Civil Engineering Technology, and Information Technology. If you have recruited students to work on this project (including student-initiated projects), include their names here.

Dept. / # Req. / Expected Activities
BME / 0
CE / 1-3 / Software to store, manage, and convert music files to format required for command signals. Hardware to distribute command signals to required number of channels. Optional code for signal analysis to determine tempo
EE / 1-2 / Design and build of control schema for actuating striking system, powering all components. Open loop or closed loop control system.
ISE / 0
ME / 1-2 / Design and build of system for striking piano strings. Design and build of support structures for all components. Open loop or closed loop control system design.
Other / 0-2 / Optional SEs to develop software to store, manage, and convert music files to format required for command signals

* Skills Checklist:

Indicate the sills or knowledge that will be needed by students working on this project. Please use the following scale of importance:

1 = must have

2 = helpful, but not essential

3 = either a very small part of the project, or relates to a “bonus” feature

blank = not applicable to this project

Biomedical Engineering

/ BME Core Knowledge / BME Elective Knowledge /
Matlab / Medical image processing
Aseptic lab techniques / COMSOL software modeling
Gel electrophoresis / Medical visualization software
Linear signal analysis and processing / Biomaterial testing/evaluation
Fluid mechanics / Tissue culture
Biomaterials / Advanced microscopy
Labview / Microfluidic device fabrication and measurement
Simulation (Simulink) / Other (specify)
System physiology
Biosystems process analysis (mass, energy balance)
Cell culture
Computer-based data acquisition
Probability & statistics
Numerical & statistical analysis
Design of biomedical devices

Computer Engineering

/ CE Core Knowledge / CE Elective Knowledge /
Digital design (including HDL and FPGA) / Networking & network protocols
1 / Software for microcontrollers (including Linux and Windows) / 3 / Wireless networks
1 / Device programming (Assembly, C) / 3 / Robotics (guidance, navigation, vision, machine learning, control)
1 / Programming: Python, Java, C++ / Concurrent and embedded software
2 / Basic analog design / Embedded and real-time systems
Scientific computing (including C and Matlab) / Digital image processing
3 / Signal processing / Computer vision
2 / Interfacing transducers and actuators to microcontrollers / Network security
Other (specify)

Electrical Engineering

/ EE Core Knowledge / EE Elective Knowledge /
1 / Circuit Design (AC/DC converters, regulators, amplifies, analog filter design, FPGA logic design, sensor bias/support circuitry) / Digital filter design and implementation
1 / Power systems: selection, analysis, power budget / 3 / Digital signal processing
1 / System analysis: frequency analysis (Fourier, Laplace), stability, PID controllers, modulation schemes, VCO’s & mixers, ADC selection / 1 / Microcontroller selection/application
1 / Circuit build, test, debug (scope, DMM, function generator / 3 / Wireless: communication protocol, component selection
2 / Board layout / Antenna selection (simple design)
Matlab / Communication system front end design
PSpice / Algorithm design/simulation
2 / Programming: C, Assembly / 3 / Embedded software design/implementation
3 / Electromagnetics: shielding, interference / Other (specify)

Industrial & Systems Engineering

/ ISE Core Knowledge / ISE Elective Knowledge /
Statistical analysis of data: regression / Design of Experiment
Materials science / Systems design – product/process design
Materials processing, machining lab / Data analysis, data mining
Facilities planning: layout, mat’l handling / Manufacturing engineering
Production systems design: cycle time, throughput, assembly line design, manufacturing process design / DFx: manufacturing, assembly, environment, sustainability
Ergonomics: interface of people and equipment (procedures, training, maintenance) / Rapid prototyping
Math modeling: OR (linear programming, simulation) / Safety engineering
Project management / Other (specify)
Engineering economy: Return on Investment
Quality tools: SPC
Production control: scheduling
Shop floor IE: methods, time studies
Computer tools: Excel, Access, AutoCAD
Programming (C++)

Mechanical Engineering

/ ME Core Knowledge / ME Elective Knowledge /
1 / 3D CAD / Finite element analysis
Matlab programming / Heat transfer
1 / Basic machining / 2 / Modeling of electromechanical & fluid systems
2 / 2D stress analysis / Fatigue and static failure criteria
1 / 2D static/dynamic analysis / 2 / Machine elements
Thermodynamics / Aerodynamics
Fluid dynamics (CV) / Computational fluid dynamics
LabView / Biomaterials
Statistics / Vibrations
2 / Materials selection / IC Engines
2 / GD&T
2 / Linear Controls
2 / Robotics
Other (specify)
RIT – Kate Gleason College of Engineering
Multidisciplinary Senior Design / Project Readiness Package
Template Revised Spring 2016