Full name

Dagmar Lieblova (nee Fantlova)

Where and when were you born?

Kutna Hora, 1929

Where else did you live?


Your educational level?

Graduated from Arts Faculty of Charles University in Prague

What sort of work do/did you do?

Teaching German at a High School in Caslav and in Ghana
Teaching at Arts Faculty of Charles University

How religious was your parents’ home? How were you raised?

We did not celebrate Jewish holidays at home. Me and my sister were not brought up in a very Jewish way. We went to the synagogue only on the New Year and Yom Kippur.

What is your mother tongue?


What other languages do you speak?

German, English, Russian

Where were you during the Holocaust?

Ghetto Theresienstadt, concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau, labor camps Dessauer Ufer, Neugraben, Harburg and Tiefstack in Habmurg, concentration camp Bergen-Belsen

What did you do after the Holocaust?

I studied university, married, gave birth to three children and taught German language


Their names

Rita Fantlova

Where and when were they born?

Kutna Hora, 1932

What is their mother tongue?


Their educational level?

Second grade of elementary school, Kutna Hora

Their occupations?


Where do/did they live?

Kutna Hora

Where else did they live?


Do they have children?


Where and when did they die?

Concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau, 1943



Petr Liebl

Where and when was he/she born?

Ceske Budejovice, 1935

Where else did he/she live?


Is he/she Jewish?


What is his/her mother tongue?


His/her educational level?

Graduated from Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at Charles University, Prague


Teaching mathematics

Where and when did he/she die?


Tell me anything you know about his/her siblings (Name, date of birth and death, occupation, place of residence, name of wife and children, whether their family is Jewish and whether it is religious).

Rene Liebl (m), born in Ceske Budejovice, 1945

Their names?

Rita (f)
Zuzana (f)
Martin (m)

Were they raised Jewish/do they identify themselves as Jews?

They were not brought up in a Jewish way but they are very interested in Jewishness.

Where and when were they born?

Rita: Prague, 1956
Zuzana: Prague, 1959
Martin: Prague, 1968

Where else did they live?

No information provided

Their educational level?

No information provided

Their occupations?

No information provided

How many grandchildren do you have?

No information provided

His name?

Julius Fantl

Where and when was he born?


Where else did he live?

Kutna Hora

Where and when did he die?

Concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau, 1943

What sort of education did he have?

Graduated from the Medical University,Prague

What sort of work did he do?

General practitioner

How religious was he?

Although he came from religious family he was not religious himself. He did not keep kashrut, did not fast at Yom Kippur.

What was his mother tongue?


Army service: which army and what years?


Tell me about his brothers and sisters. (name, date of birth and death, occupation, place of residence, family, etc.)

name / place and date of birth/death / occupation / biographical data and origins of spouse / biographical data of children / describe how religious they were
Ota Fantl (m)
Rudolf Fantl (m) / 1883 in Cimelice - 1922 in Ceske Budejovice / businessman / Rezi Fantlova, jewish origin, perished / Marie (f), perished Lilly (f), survived
Emil Fantl (m) / 1886 in Cimelice – concentration camp Auschwitz Birkenau / businessman / Josefa Fantlova (nee Franklova), jewish origin, perished / Ludvik (m), born 1913, perished
Rene (m), born 1922, perished
Marie Fantlova (f) / born in Cimelice, died young / single
Ruzena Beranova (nee Fantlova) (f) / 1890 in Cimelice – 1942 in concentration camp Maly Trostenets (today Belarus) / housewife / Ota Beran, jewish origin, perished / son died before WWII
Ota Fantl (m) / 1894 in Cimelice – 1942 in concentration camp Treblinka / worked for a firm involved in foreign trade / single / none

Where was he during the Holocaust?

Ghetto Theresienstadt, concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau

Your paternal grandfather’s name?

Vilem Fantl

Where and when was he born?

Lubenec, 1858

Where else did he live?


Where and when did he die?


What sort of education did he have?

No information

What sort of work did he do?

He had farm wit land under crop and horses

How religious was he?

Grandparents were religious. They had separate sets of dishes, ate kosher food and probably had Jewish wedding. Grandfather did not wear yarmulka. He observed Sabbath and celebrate Jewish holidays.

What was his mother tongue?


Army service: which army and what years?


Your paternal grandmother’s name?

Jindriska Fantlova (nee Hechtova)

Where and when was she born?

Suchomasty, 1859

Where else did she live?


Where and when did she die?


What sort of education did she have?

No information

What sort of work did she do?


How religious was she?

Grandparents were religious. They had separate sets of dishes for meat and dairy, ate kosher food and probably had Jewish wedding. She observed Sabbath and celebrated Jewish holidays.

What was her mother tongue?


Her name?

Irena Fantlova (nee Reitmanova)

Where and when was she born?

Malin, 1901

Where else did she live?

Kutna Hora

Where and when did she die?

Concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau, 1943

What sort of education did she have?

After completing her basic education, she did a cookery and sewing course.

What sort of work did she do?


How religious was she?

She fasted on Yom Kippur and on the Sabbath she only did what was necessary. She went to the synagogue only on the New Year and Yom Kippur. She did not cook kosher.

What was her mother tongue?


Tell me about her brothers and sisters.

name / place and date of birth/death / occupation / biographical data and origins of spouse / biographical data of children / describe how religious they were
Ervin Reitman (m) / 1895 in Malin – 1943 in concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau / Bank officer / Helena Reitmanova (nee Schillerova), jewish, 1944 murdered in concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau / Tomas Reitman,
1944 murdered in concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau

Where was she during the Holocaust?

Ghetto Theresienstadt, concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau

Your maternal grandfather’s name?

Maxmilian Reitman

Where and when was he born?

Trhova Kamenice, 1870

Where else did he live?

Mostar (today Bosnia-Herzegovina)
Ujvidek (today Serbia-Montenegro)
Kutna Hora

Where and when did he die?

Kutna Hora, 1941

What sort of education did he have?

No information

What sort of work did he do?


How religious was he?

Grandfather was religious, he went to the synagogue regularly,not only on the main holidays.

What was his mother tongue?


Army service: which army and what years?


Where was he during the Holocaust?

Died before

Your maternal grandmother’s name?

Augusta Reitmanova (nee Hermanova)

Where and when was she born?

Pokrikov, 1870

Where else did she live?

Mostar (today Bosnia-Herzegovina)
Ujvidek (today Serbia-Montenegro)
Kutna Hora

Where and when did she die?

Concentration camp Treblinka, 1942

What sort of education did she have?

No information

What sort of work did she do?

Housewife, selling in the store

How religious was she?

She did not go to the synagogue regularly but she did try to observe the Sabbath. She fasted on Yom Kippur. She did not cook kosher food.

What was her mother tongue?


Tell me about her brothers and sisters.

name / place and date of birth/death / occupation / biographical data and origins of spouse / biographical data of children / describe how religious they were
Karel (m) / Made confectionary in Brno
Zikmund (m) / Made confectionary in Brno
Emil (m) / Petronila, not jewish / two daughters
Matylda (f) / single
Jindřich (m)

Where was she during the Holocaust?

Ghetto Theresienstadt, Concentration camp Treblinka