Reformed Church in America


The Reformed Church in America’s Office of Ministry Services provides information and services to ordained ministers who are seeking a call and churches who are seeking ordained ministers. It does not recommend any particular candidate or church but instead serves as a resource to both.

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Reformed Church in America

Section A. Background Information

Today’s Date: 1/11/2018 Position to be filled:Senior Pastor

1.  Name of church: Rehoboth Reformed Church

2.  Web address:

3.  Mailing address:

8372 S Lucas Rd


McBain, MI 49657

City / State / Zip Code

Telephone: (231) 775-7943 E-Mail address: ch

4.  Classis: Northern Michigan

5.  Classis Supervisor: Rev. Jack Klunder


1460 S. Lakeshore Drive


Lake City, MI 49651

City / State / Zip Code

Telephone: (231) 878-7816 E-Mail address:

6.  Chair of search committee: Dean Smallegan


10829 W Geers Rd


McBain, MI 49657

City / State / Zip Code

Telephone: (231) 920-5439 E-Mail address:

7.  Membership:

Time of worship /

Five years ago



Active Confessing Members / 418 / 424
Inactive Confessing Members / 19 / 32

Comment on significant changes:

We estimate there are 50 confessing members who don't attend, and haven't for a long time. There are other members who have disengaged from our church family over the past months. Our consistory will begin to reach out to all of these in early 2018.


Church Profile Form

Age of all active members (baptized and confessing)

18 % / 0-20 years old
14 % / 20-34 years old
14 % / 35-49 years old
21 % / 50-64 years old
33 % / 65 years and older

8.  Racial/Ethnic composition of congregation:

<1% % / African American
<1% % / Asian
>99% % / Caucasian
% / Hispanic
% / Other: (please specify)

9.  Worship schedule:

Average Attendance (includes adults and children)

Time of worship / Average attendance
Five years ago / Average attendance
9:30 am pm / 280-300 / 305
am pm

Comment on significant changes: 2010 peak attendance at 340. Loss of Pastor Dave Sterk in 2013 to cancer caused attendance to drop. Attendance rebounded in 2015 due to member transfers from area churches, the efforts of our Pastor Adam, and young parents being drawn to stronger children and youth programs. Attendance has fallen over the past year.

10. Describe a typical worship service (order of worship, music, etc.) What is your congregation’s preferred style or styles of worship? Attach a bulletin, if available.

Organ or piano prelude

Praise and Worship--contemporary


Special Music (choir or solo)



Offering and hymn


Closing Song

Organ or piano postlude

Congregation is a blended style of worship, attempting to serve all generations of members and their preferred style of worship. Survey of congregation showed solid support for this worship style.


Church Profile Form

11. Financial Information: Attach a copy most recent Consistorial Report and Annual Budget if available.

Five Years Ago / Today
Total RCA related contributions / $378000 / $471102
Total other contributions / $ / $

Percentage of total budget contributed by living donors:

100-90 %
75-89 %
60-74 %
45-59 %
44 % or less

(Please include a copy of your annual budget)

12. Congregational Giving:

Number of those whose annual contribution is:

Less than $500 / 157
$501- $1,500 / 41
$1,501- $2,500 / 35
$2,501-$3,500 / 22
Greater than $3,500 / 49

13. Financial assistance: Do you receive financial assistance beyond the congregation? (rents, etc.) Yes No

If yes, amount received last year: $

List other fundraising programs that support the church:


Church Profile Form

14. Church/Sunday School:

Average Attendance

Average attendance
Five years ago / Average attendance
Kids Church, ages 0-5th grade (no attendance records from Sunday School 5 years ago) / 42
Middle School Ministry (no attendance records from 5 years ago) / 18
High School Ministry (no attendance records from 5 years ago) / 28
Adult Sunday School/Bible Study / 10
High School/Middle School Bible Study / 12

Comment on significant changes:

Total Sunday School attendance 5 years ago was 80, but not broken down by age group. Five years ago a numberof adult SS classes were offered…today one remains. In its place, the congregation was urged to join life groups or small groups….approximately 30% of members did so. We moved in 2015 to eliminating SS for students PreS-12 and created Kid's Church meeting during Worship time, and Middle and High School Ministries meeting weekly each Sunday Night. These activities have been very successful and have made our church a magnet for teens and young families. A new program for teens wishing for in-depth bible study started this fall-three classes from 7th to 12th grade meet after worship. In the transition we eliminated regular Wednesday evening activities.

15. Describe briefly all educational programs (including children, young adult, adult).

In 2013, Rehoboth transitioned to Orange Curriculum, which is a comprehensive birth-adult ministry curriculum. We are currently using the toddler-high school portions of this curriculum, and appreciate how consistent it is from age group to age group. It is our hope to expand the use of this curriculum to include infant and college/young adults, as well.

Infant/nursery--no curriculum. Children are given a safe, fun, friendly enviornment with caring volunteers while their parents participate in the worship service.

Toddler/Pre-K--Orange Curriculum. By the time each child goes to Kindergarten, our goal is that they know and understand three truths: God made me, God loves me, and Jesus wants to be friend forever.

Kindergarten--5th Grade: Orange Curriculum. By the time each child finishes elementary school, it is our goal that they are able to say and understand "I need to make the wise choice, I can trust God no matter what, and I should treat others the way I want to be treated." In short, wisdom, faith, and friendship.

Middle School and high school--XP3 (Orange Curriculum): Middle school and high school ministry exists to help middle schoolers experience three things: wonder for who God is, discovery of who He created them to be, and passion for loving others.

Adults--adults are encouraged to participate in one of several life groups or Bible studies at Rehoboth. Life groups work within themselves to set a time to meet, a frequency of meeting, and selecting a study to do together.

16. Church groups/organizations: Briefly describe ministry purpose of each group. (use separate sheet if necessary)

Name of group / Frequency of Meeting
(i.e. weekly, bi-monthly, etc) / Attendance
Women's Circles / monthly / 70
Life groups / varies, generally bi-monthly / 50
Choir / weekly through school year / 20
Youth Groups / weekly through school year / 50
Prayer Team / weekly before worship, one evening prayer meeting monthly / 6

17. Comment on one event or experience over the last year that has significantly contributed to the spiritual life of the congregation.

Mission Conference -October 2017. It was the first congregational event we held after losing our Pastors and created a much needed sense of excitement, unity and accomplishment.

18. Buildings: Please describe church-owned or rented buildings and purpose.

Church, built in phases 1951, 1969, 1987, with new Sanctuary (seats 500+), kitchen, fellowship area and classrooms completed in 2007. Church has been remodeled since to better meet growing youth and kids programs. Parsonage, built in 1960's, is across street from church and renovated in 2013. Parsonage is a large warm home with five bedrooms.

19. Do you plan any capital expenditure during the next five years? Yes No

If yes, please explain briefly:

Since 2015 we have extensively remodeled our education classroom areas to better serve our growing youth groups and facilitate Kid's Church, including creating three age-based nurseries, and bathroom remodeling.We have also upgraded Sound and Powerpoint systems in sanctuary. Future building needs include a new roof for oldest section of church…budgeted for 2018.

20. Is there a mortgage indebtedness? Yes No

Amount: $

Of how long standing?

Annual rate of repayment

21. Pastor’s study:

In church in parsonage Other Not Provided

22. List all paid staff in addition to the pastor:

Interim Pastor / Full time Part time
Youth and Children Director / Full time Part time
Maintenance Director / Full time Part time
Secretary / Full time Part time
Communications Manager / Full time Part time
Choir Director and Praise Team Coordinator / Full time Part time
Organists and Pianists / Full time Part time
Full time Part time
Full time Part time
Full time Part time
Full time Part time
Full time Part time
Full time Part time

23.  Consistory Membership: What method is used in selecting members?

Each member of the congregation nominates 4 candidates each for elder and deacon. The slate is set by the consistory. The congregation votes for the candidate of their choice. Elders and deacons serve three year terms. Two elders and two deacons are added to the consistory each year, as two elders and two deacons rotate off.

Please list present Consistory members ( Put a check in the box where appropriate:

Elder / Deacon / Male / Female / Occupation
Retired Banker
Retired farmer
Retired business owner
Retired business owner
Retired truck driver
Appliance repairman
County road commission employee
Truck driver
Two Business managers-six elders, six deacons, 11 lines on form to fit them in…..


Church Profile Form

24. What leadership roles do women currently fill in your church?

Female staff members include youth and education director, secretary, communication manager, and choir director/praise team coordinator. Female volunteers lead in kids ministry, worship ministry, ministry lead teams, teen ministry, and life groups.

25. In our congregation…(please check appropriate box)

Few have… / Many have… / Most have…
Had up to twelve years of formal education
Had some education beyond high school
A college degree
A graduate degree

26. In our congregation…(please check a box)

Few are… / Many are… / Most are…
Scientists & Engineers
Business People
Students & Teachers
Industrial Workers
Office Workers
Other: healthcare workers, homemakers, retired

27. Special training/experience desired: (Describe briefly)

Led by Holy Spirit, Preaching skills (strong, bible based life application sermons), servant leader, firm roots in reformed theology and practice, mission and evangelically focused.

28. Languages:

Should your pastor be fluent in any language other than English?

Yes No If yes, please explain.

29. The salary we are prepared to offer our new pastor is $ 54000

The average annual increase to our pastor over the past three years was $2000

30. Is a parsonage provided? Yes No

If so, is it on site with the church? Yes No

If the parsonage is not on site with the church, how far from the church is it located?

31. Is a Minister’s housing allowance in lieu of a parsonage a negotiable option?

Yes No

32. The benefits/business expenses we will provide our pastor are:

(Please check those provided or give amount as requested.)

Base Salary / $54000.00
Housing Allowance / $16200.00
Parsonage provided?
Yes No
Travel Reimbursement / $2000.00
Social Security (Amount) / $
Book Allowance (Amount) / $
Continuing Education Allowance (Amount) / $2000.00
Provision for Sabbatical / $
Other (Specify Below)
TOTAL / $104200.00

Yes No Retirement

Yes No Major Medical Insurance

Yes No Health/Hospital Insurance

Yes No Life Insurance

Yes No Dental Insurance

Yes No Unemployment Insurance

Yes No Disability Insurance

Annual Vacation (Number of Weeks) 4

Necessary Comments regarding above: Rehoboth has consistently provided compensation in excess of classis mininums. Details are fully negotiable. Our desire is for our pastor to live in the parsonage, but we recognize this may not be suitable for all.


Church Profile Form

33. Community served: (please check one)

Rural: Under 2,500
Town: 2,500-9,999
Small City: 10,000-49,000
Metropolitan-Suburban: 50,000+
Metropolitan-Urban: 50,000+
Metropolitan-Inner City: 50,000+

34. Cooperative ministry: In what ways have you cooperated with other churches in your community during the past year?

-Kid's Hope USA at Mcbain Public School.. we share in the mentoring program with Lucas Christian Reformed Church. We have offered our sanctuary for community worship, meetings, and concert events.

35. Community involvement: In what community programs or projects have you participated during the past year? (As an organization, not as individuals.)

Youth participate as a team at Project Christmas. We have worked with local DHHS to offer annual night-out for foster parents as we provide activities and dinner at church for their children. Our mission teams participate in local and distant projects and work with local charities and organizations with financial and hands-on support.

36. What denominations or religions are present within three miles (in rural areas, consider the county) where your church is located?