Payson 208
SUNY Canton
Canton, New York 13617 / / (315) 386-7052 * fax: (315) 386-7430

United University Professions Canton Chapter

UUP Executive Board Meeting Minutes

Noon, Thursday May 14, 2015

The Club, Canton

Present: Terry Waldruff, Dave Hartle, Brian Harte, Marcellina Hamilton, Nicole Heldt, Rajiv Narula, Chris Sweeney, Lynn Snow.

Not present: Umesh Kumar, Linda Nixon, Kathy Briggs, Todd Bates, Joe Larue, Joanne Fassinger, Jim Hamilton, Debra Backus, Teresa Minckler, Joe Lamendola, Marela Fiacco, Anne Drake, Charles Fenner, John Nixon, and Sabel Bong.

Dave welcomed everyone and started the meeting at 12:17pm.

I.Adoption of Agenda – There were no requests to amend the agenda, Marcellina made a motion to accept the agenda, and Brian seconded the motion which was carried.

II.Secretary’s Report – Minutes from April’s meeting were reviewed. There was one correction under VP/Officers Reports “Brian conducted the Membership Meeting”. Terry made a motion to accept the minutes; Rajiv seconded the motion which was carried.

III.Treasurer’s Report – Terry reported the end of April we had $5,067.06. After payment of office supplies, postage, phone bill and End of Semester gathering the balance is $3,581.05.

IV.President’s Report –

  1. There is a Lobbying effort being held Tuesday 5/19/2015 in Albany, Sabel, Todd and Dave are planning to attend. “Maintenance of Effort” will be the big talking point. Dave sent out an announcement if anyone else is interested in attending to let him know.
  2. Joe Lamendola stopped in and left his report, dates have been set up to meet with Assemblyman Addie Jennie Russell and Senator Pattie Richie, Joe and Dave will be doing this.
  3. Dave sent a notice to Exec Board members regarding interest in serving on one of the statewide committees, please let Dave know by the end of the month. Marcellina suggested this be sent out to our membership as a whole as perhaps there is someone who is interested in becoming active with UUP. Dave will do this.
  4. Faculty Affairs was held Monday 5/11/2015 – The Appointment and Promotions Committee haveadded a representative which will be aUUP member to be appointed by the Chapter President. Brian clarified this will be a full voting member. Chris Sweeney was asked to serve in this capacity. The Faculty Assembly Bylaws were changed, only full time UUP members will be allowed to vote. A resolution was proposed to supportUUP’s efforts at the negotiating table for the next contract, for language in the contract in support of family medical leave. There has also been a change in the student excused absence policy.

V.Vice Presidents/ Officers Reports –

  1. Brian will be attending a Chapter Presidents Retreat on June 15th, and stated he is looking forward to taking over as Chapter President. He expressed his thanks to Dave for his time and efforts while in the Presidents role. Brian stated one of his goals is to establish mini labor management meetings with himself, the President and HR Director as an informal way to express concerns and get/give perspectives. He plans to propose 2 per semester, and the regularly scheduled Labor Management meeting once a semester. Brian also passed out copies of his “Chapter President Release Time Request for 2015-2016”, this will include a two course load release per semester.
  2. Rajiv announced that the next End of Semester Gathering will be December 4th 2015.
  3. Marcellina announced she is moving away and leaving her job at SUNY Canton.
  4. Dave provided a contingents report in Linda’s absence and as the incoming Contingent’s Officer. There is an issue being lookedinto - as adjuncts are done at the end of the course, they should not be required to do extra work beyond the end of the course. They are being asked to enter course descriptions and course student learning outcomes into Taskstream. He encouraged faculty to watch out for adjuncts being assigned extra work. There has also been a proposal that adjuncts receive pay to come in for training and not be expected to do it for free, there has been some discussion with human resources which will continue.
  5. Dave shared the IDAP Campus Summary Report in Joanne’s absence.
  6. Dave announced for Todd that there is a retreat for Professionals at Valcour coming up. Also the “College Committee for Professional Evaluation” will need to be updated.

VI.New Business –

  1. The Executive Board of the Canton Chapter of UUP voted to approve a two course load release per semester for Brian Harte for the period of September 1, 2015 through August 31, 2016. The Executive Board of the Canton Chapter agrees that the Canton Chapter will cover 10% of the approved release time using chapter funds.
  2. The topic of financially contributing to the “New Employee Breakfast” and the first Faculty Meeting” for refreshments was discussed. Brian made a motion that we continue as in the past (contributing 1/3 for the breakfast and ½ for the faculty meeting), Rajiv seconded the motion which was carried.
  3. Brian announced he would like to continue the practice that was started of passing around the fee payers list at Exec Board Meetings and board members helping to reach out to new employees who have not signed up as UUP members yet. Dave noted we have had success increasing our number of members since starting this, including gaining one seat for professionals at Delegate Assembly’s.
  4. Dave asked board members to review the list of fall Exec Board meeting dates that he set up.
  5. Exec Board Meetings:

Thursday August 27, noon

Tuesday Sept 22, noon

Tuesday Oct 20, noon

Tuesday Nov 17, noon

Thursday Dec 17, noon

Membership Meetings:

New Member Luncheon, Friday September 4th

Chapter Membership Meeting Friday September 25, noon

Delegate Assembly Oct. 2-3, Buffalo

End of Semester Gathering Friday Dec. 4th

VII.Old Business –

  1. The Chapter Bylaws were updated and sent as an attachment with the agenda for this meeting. There is one section that needs review and a decision made, however it was decided to table this until the next meeting since so many were absent today.

VIII.Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Nicole and seconded by Brian; the meeting was adjourned at 1:30PM. Next meeting will be Thursday August 27th, noon. Location TBA.

Minutes Recorded by Lynn Snow, Chapter Assistant, in the Secretary’s Absence.

Affiliations: NYSUT * National Education Association * American Federation of Teachers * AFL-CIO