22 October 2014 DRAFT Headline Points

David Boyne took the chair and welcomed all to the meeting


Cllr. Annette Simpson / Bassetlaw DC
Cllr Charles Stephens / Everton Parish Council
Cllr Bob Kendall / Mattersey Parish Council
Bev Fullwood / Mattersey
Cllr Tony Roberts / Mattersey Parish Council
Cllr Jayne Watson / Misson Parish Council
Cllr P. Marsden / Misterton Parish Council
Cllr David Bardsley / NEBF
Cllr. Liz Yates / Notts CC
David Boyne / Scaftworth
Cllr Roger Capp / Walkeringham
Cllr Val Kemm / Gringley-on-the-Hill Parish Council
Alec Galloway / Gringley-on-the-Hill
David Petrie / Igas
Emmanuel Derbez / Igas
Rhonda Miller / Total/Igas
Cheryl Neal / Misson
Kevin Senior / Beckingham
Sandy Young / Bawtry Town Council

1.00 Headline Points of the meeting on 9 October 2014 were approved

2.00 IGAS Timeline – David Petrie of IGas updated the group. He explained that the seismic survey results were still being interpreted & that commercially sensitive negotiations were still ongoing with landowners. As at 3 October 2014 the position remains the same

3.00 Technical Briefing from Emmanuael Derbez, IGas:

ED is a Chemical Engineer with experience working in the Congo, North Sea, Algeria, & different countries for TOTAL. R & D, USA (Johnson County), France, Denmark and UK.

His presentation covered:

3.01 Oil and gas consumption 1.5bpd for oil – 2.6tcf for gas (2013) & Oil and gas production – 1.3bpd for oil – 1.3tcf for gas (mainly from Norway).

63% for industry – 29% for transportation

3.02 Oil and gas locations

3.03 Explained difference between North Sea Reservoir and Shale gas – it is the same gas. Fracking in the North Sea has been happening since the 1990’s

3.04 Onshore Gas production

No. Of wells per pad # 10

Life of well – 40+ years

Size of a pad – less than 2ha

1 pad covers 1000ha (10km2) underground

3.05 well construction and integrity

first casing 36” down to 60/100 feet

second casing 24/26” to 200/300 ft, and so on to 5” casing at 3000+ feet.

Aquifer isolated before casing of 13” – how many casings depends on depth.

Pressure for fracking discussed. Several Q’s about drilling, casings and pressure were discussed.

Drill heads – different drill bits used, dependant on the rock etc;

Mud used during drilling as lubricant – clay, water, salt, oil. Discussion of fracking fluids used

3.06 Construction Timelines. Many Q’s arose – drilling can take up to 90 days, usually 15 – 20 days

Explanation of fracking process, which takes up to 1 week. 3-4 wells drilled, fracked and

assessed could take up to a year.

Addendum: The Pilot phase for the first 3 or 4 production wells may require the rig on site for 1 year. IGas advised that with practice they could get the drilling time down to 15 to 20 days.

3.07 Development Rig sites across the Midland area may be max of 5

The meeting thanked Emmanuel and agreed that his input had been the most useful. Various issues were not covered in depth, & it was agreed that ED would return to expand on various areas.

4.00 Doe Green & Ellesmere Port Site Inspections

Dates & logistics were discussed for the visit to Ellesmere Port – 22nd or 29th November.

An anti-Fracking group had posted on-line that a reception party would be meeting us. Discussion took place over security & security. The general feeling was to continue the visit. Members will be asked to state date preference and intentions.

Action: David Petrie & David Boyne to progress.

5.00 IGAS Community Fund – this has been announced for several post code areas in the

Bassetlaw area – DP said the inclusion of Lound was due to their acquisition of Dart

Energy. It will be up to parishes and other groups to make decisions on this, as has been the case for some time in the Beckingham and other areas where IGAS hold the licences.

6.00 Rig on Everton Carrs; a well previously drilled by Dart Energy is to be capped, DP confirmed that the rig would be a small one and it was agreed it would be best to inform the public early, what was happening and why.

7.00 Date of Next Meetings

Thursday 13 November. David Boyne gave his apologies as he would be in London on business. David Bardsley to arrange a local geologist to present

Thursday 27 November. Annette Simpson AS would ask DECC, H & SE and EA to a further meeting

The meeting closed at 9.30pm