Front Cover




Odeal Pearcy

Illustrations by

Glenda Lee
Edith Pulley



Book 7

Books of the Old Testament

I Samuel
II Samuel
I Kings
II Kings
I Chronicles
II Chronicles
Proverbs / Ecclesiastes
Son of Solomon


Books of the New Testament

I Corinthians
II Corinthians
I Thessalonians
II Thessalonians / I Timothy
II Timothy
I Peter
II Peter
I John
II John
III John

The meaning of Acts 4:12: Acts is the book to find in the New Testament, “4” is the chapter in Acts, and “12” is the verse in Chapter 4


“For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” Romans 3:23.

“If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us” I John 1:10.

In Jeremiah 10:23, the prophet wrote, “O Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.”

Since we cannot save ourselves, we must have a Saviour. Although we have sinned, God loves us and has sent His only begotten Son into the world to die in our stead. But, to be saved, we must accept this Saviour. Therefore, we must study to learn what He wants us to do.

Let us study now to learn what a wonderful Saviour we have.




The Birth of Our Saviour

Memory Verse: Luke 2:11
“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour which is Christ the Lord.”

Read the scriptures given below and write the correct words in the blanks.

Jesus Christ is eternal. He has always lived with God in Heaven, except for the short time He lived on earth. His is God, too. (Revelation 19:13). What is his name? ______. (Read John 1:1-4) The Word (or Jesus) was in the ______with God. ______things were made by him. (I John 1:1-2) John said that the Word of life (Jesus) is that ______who was with the Father. (Philippian 2:5-10) Jesus was ______with God, but humbled himself and was made in the likeness of ______. He became a ______and was obedient to death on the ______. God has given him the ______place and given him a name ______above ______name.

Jesus is called the Son of God and the Son of man because He, as God, lived in a human body. Now let us study about the birth of our Saviour here on earth.

Matthew 1:18–25; 2:1–23; Luke 2:1– 20

Write the correct words in the blanks.

When Jesus was born in ______of Judea, ______was king. ______, the mother of Jesus, was the wife of ______. Their home was in ______. ______, the Roman emperor, commanded that the whole world be ______. Joseph and Mary had to go to ______to pay their taxes. Since there were so many people gathered in Bethlehem to pay taxes, they could not find ______in


the inn (hotel). So when Jesus was born, he was wrapped in ______clothes and laid in a ______.

The ______of the Lord appeared to ______who were looking after their sheep. When the glory of the Lord ______round about them, the shepherds were ______, but the angel told them that a ______who is ______the Lord was born that day. Suddenly, many angels joined the first angel and ______God. They said, “Glory to ______in the highest, and on earth ______, good will toward men.” The Shepherds ______to find Mary, Joseph, and the ______Jesus. When they had seen Jesus they told others what they had ______and ______.

Also ______men came from the ______to find Jesus. A______guided them to him. When they arrived in Jerusalem, they asked, “Where is he that is born ______of the Jews?” These words troubled ______, the king of Judea. He told the wise men to ______Jesus and then let him know where he was that he might ______Jesus, too. Of course, he had no desire to worship Jesus. When the wise men found Jesus, they ______Him and gave Him ______. God warned them to return to their country ______way and not tell ______where Jesus was.


In a dream, God told Joseph to take Mary and Jesus to ______. To be sure that Jesus would not replace him as king, ______had all the children ______years old and under ______. When Herod ______, God told Joseph to bring Jesus and Mary back to their country. They came back and lived in ______, a city in ______.

God told Joseph to call Mary’s son ______for he was to ______his people from their ______.

Long before Jesus was born, God, through His prophets, told of the coming of Jesus to live on earth for awhile. Enjoy reading aloud some of these prophecies:

Isaiah 9:6 — “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”

Isaiah 35:5–6a — “Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. Then shall the lame man leap as a hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing:”

Jeremiah 31:15 — “Thus saith the LORD; A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation, and bitter weeping; Rachel weeping for her children refused to be comforted for her children, because they were not.” (This was a prophecy about Herod killing the children.)

Micah 5:2 — “But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.” (This tells us that Bethlehem is to be the birthplace of Jesus.)

Psalms 72:1, 10, 17 — “Give the king thy judgments, O God, and thy righteousness unto the king's son.”

“The kings of Tarshish and the isles shall bring presents; the kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer gifts” (Psalm 72:10). What is this a prophecy of?


“His name shall endure forever: his name shall be continued as long as the sun: and men shall be blessed in him: all nations shall call him blessed” (Psalm 72:17).

Be sure you can say the books of both the Old Testament and New Testament, and that you know their written names, too. Find the scriptures your teacher asks for.

Jesus loves you!




Why Jesus Came to Earth

Parables of the Lost Sheep, Lost Coin,Lost Son—Luke 15

Memory Verse: Luke 19:10
“For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Explanation: To be lost means to be without God's approval and have no hope of heaven; to be lost eternally.

Answer the following questions by writing the correct words in the blanks.

Luke 15:1–7

1.Who wanted to hear Jesus teach? Publicans and ______.

2.What did the Pharisees and scribes say among themselves? “This man (Jesus) receives ______and ______with them.”

3.In the first parable, how many sheep did the shepherd have? ______


4.How many strayed (went away) from the flock? ______

5.What did the shepherd do about the lost sheep? He ______until he had ______it.

6.When he had found the lost sheep, how did he feel? He was ______.

7.When he carried the sheep home on his shoulders, what did he do? He asked his ______to ______with him.

8.What is happening in heaven when a sinner repents? There is ______.

Luke 15:8–10

9.How many pieces of silver did the woman have? ______

10.How many pieces did she lose? ______

11.What did she do to find the lost coin? She lit a ______, swept the ______, and looked for it.

12.What did she do when she found it? She asked her ______to ______with her.

Luke 15:11–32

13.How man sons did the man have? ______

14.What did the youngest son want? The part of ______that would be his.

15.After the father divided his living to his sons, where did the younger son go? Into a ______

16.What did he do there? He wasted all he had in ______living.

17.When he had spent all his money, what arose in the land where he was? A mighty ______

18.When he was in such great need, what work did he do? He fed ______

19.Why was that such a terrible job for this young man. Jews did not have anything to do with ______.

20.How hungry did he get? Hungry enough to ______what the ______ate.

21.Which phrase in verse 16 shows he had no friends now? “No man ______to him.”

22.What does it mean, “he came to himself?” He ______as he should.


23.When he came to himself, what did he say? He said he would go back to his ______.

24.Why, do you think, his father saw him when he was a great way off? He was ______for him.

25.What did his father do? He ______to meet his son and ______him.

26.What did the son say to his father? “I have ______against heaven and in your ______and am no more worthy to be called your ______.”

27.What did his father tell his servants to bring his son? The best ______, a ______, and some ______.

28.What did his father do to celebrate his son’s return? He gave a ______for him.

29.How did the older brother feel about the rejoicing of his father and the return of his brother? He was ______and would not go to the ______.

30.What did the father say to his oldest son? “Son, you are ever with ______, and ______I have is yours.”

31.What did he say about his youngest son’s return? “He was ______and is ______again. He was ______and is ______.” So that made the father very ______.

32.What is Jesus teaching in these three parables? That God ______those who are ______and is anxiously ______and longing for them to return to ______.

33.Why did Jesus come to earth? He came to ______and save the ______.

Read these scriptures together and discuss them. Write the missing words.

Matthew 20:28: Jesus said, “Even as the Son of man came not to be ______unto, but to ______, and to give his ______a ransom for many.”

Romans 5:8: “God commended [gave] his ______toward _____, in that, while we were yet ______, Christ ______for us.”

I Corinthians 15:3-4: “Christ ______for our ______, was buried, and ______again the ______day according to the scriptures.”


Do you know the books of the New Testament in order, and their written names? If you know them really well, practice learning the Old Testament books.

Read aloud the scriptures your teacher asks for.

Jesus loves you!




Jesus Forgives SinsHealing a Man of Palsy—Luke 5:17–26

Memory Verse: Colossians 1:14
“In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:”

True or False: Circle T or F for true or false and underline the words that make the sentence false. Write the words need to make the sentence true.

T F / 1. / Only a few people were gathered to hear Jesus speak. ______
T F / 2. / In the crowd there were Pharisees and doctors of the law. ______
T F / 3. / A man who had palsy was brought to Jesus. _____
T F / 4. / He was so sick he had to be carried in a bed. ____
T F / 5. / He came by himself. ______
T F / 6. / The men took him to Jesus through the door. ______
T F / 7. / Jesus did not know whether or not they had faith. _____


T F / 8. / Jesus said to the man, “Your sins are forgiven.” ______
T F / 9 / The Pharisees and scribes thought Jesus was terrible because he forgave the mans sins. ______
T F / 10. / They thought that only God can forgive sins. ______
T F / 11. / Jesus did not know their thoughts. ______
T F / 12. / He asked them which was easier to say, “Your sins are forgiven,” or to say, “Rise up and walk.” ______
T F / 13. / So that they might know He had power to forgive sins, he said to the man, “Arise, take up your couch and go to your house.” ______
T F / 14. / The man go up and was able to walk the next day. ______
T F / 15. / This proved that since Jesus could make the man to walk, he also could forgive sins. ______
T F / 16. / The reason Jesus can forgive sins is because he is God. ______
T F / 17. / The people said that nothing unusual had happened that day. ______

Luke 7:36–50—Jesus Forgives a Sinful Woman

T F / 18. / Jesus ate at the house of one of His apostles. ______
T F / 19. / While Jesus sat at the table, a sinful woman came into the house. ______
T F / 20. / She brought in some food. ______
T F / 21. / She stood at Jesus’ feet crying. ______
T F / 22. / She washed Jesus’ feet with water. ______
T F / 23. / She wiped his feed with a towel. ______
T F / 24. / She kissed his feet. ______
T F / 26. / This deed showed she was humble and was very sorry for her sins. ______
T F / 27. / The Pharisee said to himself that if Jesus were a prophet He would have known this woman was a sinner. ______
T F / 28. / Jesus knew the thought of this Pharisee and spoke a parable to him. ______
T F / 29. / A certain man had three people (debtors) who owed him money. ______


T F / 30. / One man owed him 100 pence. ______
T F / 31. / The other owed him 50 pence. ______
T F / 32. / He forgave both of them. ______
T F / 33. / Jesus asked Simon, the Pharisee, “Which of them will love him the most?” ______
T F / 34. / Simon said the man who was forgiven most. ____
T F / 35. / Jesus told him he had not answered correctly. ______
T F / 36. / The woman had few sins. ______
T F / 37. / Jesus forgave her sins. ______
T F / 38. / She loved Jesus a little. ______

A puzzle to do: Write the words in blanks and by the numerals below.

1.______was Mary’s husband.

2.Jesus is ______.

3.Jesus is our ______.

4.Jesus loves ______.

5.The father ran to meet his ______.

6.We mat have ______(belief) in Jesus.

7.The sinful woman poured an ______on Jesus’ feet.

8.Jesus told the man to ______and walk.

9.Jesus lived in Nazareth in ______.

10.The sick man was healed ______.

11.The woman Jesus forgave was ______sinful.

12.______has sinned.

13.The Pharisee thought Jesus should not have anything to do with ______.

14.The shepherd hunted for his lost ______.

15.We must not worship ______.

16.The Shepherd’s ______rejoice with him.

17.Jesus does forgive.




4.__ __















The letters in bold downward are:


Keep practicing the books of both Testaments. Be sure you know their written names.

Read the scriptures your teacher calls for.

Jesus Loves You!




Jesus Loves All People

Jesus Talked with the Woman at the WellJohn 4:3–30, 39–42

Memory Verse: John 3:16
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son. tjat whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

Underline the correct words.

Jesus left Judea and went to (Perea, Galilee). He had to go through (Samaria, Jordan). In the city of (Bethany, Sychar) there was (Joseph's, Jacob's) well. Because Jesus was (tired, troubled) he sat on the well about the (sixth, third) hour, or noon. His disciples went into the city (to buy meat, to get a colt).

A woman of (Judea, Samaria) came to the well to get water. Jesus said to her, (“You should not get water here,” “Give me a drink”). Because Jesus was a (Jew, Samaritan), the woman was surprised that He spoke to her; for the Jews had nothing to do with the (Samaritans, Galileans). In fact, the Jews (loved, hated) Samaritans.


Jesus told her that if she had known who spoke to her, she would have asked Him (to draw water for her, for living water). She asked Jesus if He were greater than (Jacob, Abraham) who gave them the well. Jesus answered by saying that a person who drinks of the water He has to give will never (come to the well again, thirst). The woman (wanted this water, walked away).

Jesus told her to go and get her (father, husband). She said she did not have a (father, husband). Jesus said she had answered (correctly, falsely), because she had been married (five, two) times and that the man she was with then (was, was not) really her husband. The woman began to believe Jesus was a (preacher, prophet).

The Samaritans worshipped in a (mountain, cave) and the Jews worshipped in (Bethlehem, Jerusalem). Jesus said the time has come when true worshippers will worship God (in spirit and in truth, in their nearest city). The woman knew that when the Messiah or the Christ came, he would be able to (help them, tell them all things). Jesus said unto her, “I that speak to you am he.”

When the disciples came back to the well, they were (happy, surprised) that Jesus talked with the Samaritan woman.

She left her (waterpot, bonnet) and went into the (city, house). She told all the men to come and see a man who told her (a few things, all things she ever did). She asked, “Is not this (the Christ, our forefathers)?” Because of the woman's report (a few, many) Samaritans believed on Jesus. At the invitation of the Samaritans, Jesus stayed with them (one, two) days. Many more of them believed because of (Jesus' own words, the woman's report). They said, “Now we (believe, guess) and (know, doubt) that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world.

Jesus (loved, despised) these people of Samaria even though they were not Jews, and even though the Jews did not like them (very much, at all).

Here are some scriptures about the love of God and His Son, Jesus Christ: find them in your New Testament and fill in the blanks.


I John 4:8 — “He that does not ______, knows not ______;for God is ______.”

I John 4:10 — “Herein is love, not that we ______God, but that he ______us, and send his Son to be the propitiation for our ______.”

I John 4:19 — “We ______him, because he ______us.”

Ephesians 3:19a — “And to know the ______of Christ, which passes ______.”

Romans 8:39b — “Not any creature shall be able to ______us from the love of ______, which is in ______our Lord.”

Jesus has living water to give (John 4:10).

Jesus is:

John 6:35 — the ______of life.

John 8:12 — the ______of the world.

John 10:11 — the good ______.

John 14:6 — the ______, the ______, the ______.