Fall 2010

Lesson3: Defending the Gospel

Study Tip:

  • Tryto read through the six chapters of Galatians every day to enhance your understanding. It is not too late to start!
  • In Galatians 1:18, Paul met Cephas/Peter, and James, the brother of Jesus,during his first journey to Jerusalem. There is a second brief visit to Jerusalem, (Acts 11:27–30, 12:24–25), where Paul and Barnabas deliver famine relief from the Gentile churches, but Paul does not refer to this trip in Galatians since it had no direct bearing on his apostleship.

In Galatians 2:1, Paul is returning to Jerusalem after 14 years, a trip that is also referenced in Acts 15. The special question before the church during this trip was whether circumcision was necessary for believers. This event is known as the Jerusalem Council.

Day One: Read Galatians 2:1–10

1.Verse 2 references a private meeting between Paul and “those who were of reputation.” Who is in this group? Citethe verse that provides the answer.

2.What is significant about the fact that Titus was present but not compelled to be circumcised?

3.What term does Paul use to describe the group who opposed his apostleship?

4.In verse 4 Paul writes about the liberty that believers have in Christ.What does he mean?

a.What is the bondagenoted at the end of verse 4?

5.What was the finding when Paul’s gospel was examined by “those of reputation?”

Day Two:Read Galatians 2:11–14; Paul Opposes Peter

1.What did Cephas/Peter do that caused Paul to oppose him?

2.Read Acts 10:9–16, 34–35; 11: 1–10, 17–18.Did Peter know his actions were wrong?

3.Did Peter’s actions cause some in the church to stumble? Cite the verse.

4.What kind of justification was Peter tacitly approving by separating himself from the Gentiles?

Day Three: Read Galatians 2:15–21; Justified by Faith, Part One

1.From Romans 3:20, what is the purpose of the law?

2.What does the phrase “works of the Law” mean in verse16?

a.What does “faith in Christ” mean?

3.Read Mark 7:18–23. What “defiles a man?”

Dig Deeper: What provision has God made for man’s defilement?Support your answer from Scripture.

4.In your own words, define the word “justified.”

Day Four:Galatians 2:15–21; Justified by Faith, Part Two

1.In verse 18 Paul talks about rebuilding what he once destroyed. What is he referring to?

2.Read Romans 7:1–6. When does the law have jurisdiction over a person?

a.Explain the meaning of verse 4 in your own words.

b.From verse 6, how have we been released from the law?

3.Read Romans 6:5–6. How does this passage help your understanding of Galatians 2:20?

4.Why would Christ need to die if righteousness could come through the law?

Day Five:Read Galatians 2; Review

1.Just as in Paul’s time, there are those today who believe that human achievement plays a part in salvation.Give example of rules or customs that some would claim are necessary in order to betruly approved by God.

2.There are many who call themselves Christians and point to a time or date that they “made a decision for Christ,” yet their lives show no fruit of salvation. How would you use what you learned in Galatians 2to show that salvation changes one’s life?

3.Think about if and how salvation has changed your life. If you claim Christ as your Savior, what fruit of salvation is evident in your life today?

a.If Christ has not changed your life, what is holding you back from submitting to Him?

4.What in this week’s lesson caused you to thank and praise God?

5.How were you challenged this week in your walk with Christ?What specific things will you change as a result of what you have learned about Christ in Galatians 2?


Luedke/Peters October 6, 2010