Staff Governance Committee Report to Grampian NHS Board

Committee Meeting on 18 November 2014

Purpose of Report

This report updates the Grampian NHS Board on key issues arising from the Committee meeting on 18 November 2014.


The Board is asked to note the following key points:

  1. Review of Constitution and membership

Over the coming months, the Committee is to review its constitution, membership, agenda formatwith concentration on a limited number of key topics per meeting and produce one Workforce Information Report. This is to refocus the purpose of the Committee along with the involvement of the correct individuals.

  1. Recruitment 2020

Following the presentation in August 2014, a report will be presented to the 5 March 2015 Staff Governance Committee outlining the impact the range of activities, previously reported on, has made on the ability torecruit within NHS Grampian.

  1. National Staff Survey

NHS Grampian’s participation rate was 33% compared to the NHS Scotland average of 35%. The participation has increased from the 2013 response rate of 28%. Sector response rates were Aberdeen City CHP 55%; Acute 22%; Aberdeenshire CHP 42%; Mental Health and Learning Disabilities 34%; Moray 7%; Facilities 13%; and Corporate 46%. Full results are expected in December 2014. The Committee was concerned at the low response rate in some areas and have asked for urgent action through local partnership fora to address this.

  1. Staff Governance Action Plan 2014/15

The Staff Governance Standard Action Plan for 2014/15reflects both the strategic priorities and actions identified from individual Sectors through local partnership fora, in response to the Staff Survey for 2013. A Workshop is planned for 20 January 2015to develop the action plan for 2015/16, involving SGC members and representatives of the Sector forum. This will ensure the action plan is built up from the Sectors, making it more relevant. A response was agreed by the Committee to Malcolm Summers, Head of Staff Governance, Scottish Government, as additional information on the 2014/15 action plan had been requested.

  1. Learning and Development

Performance on Knowledge and Skills Framework (KSF) appraisals and objective setting continues to be reported. Reviewing January 2014 to date, there was a surge of activity on e-KSF as the financial year concluded. This included record number of reviews being closed off and new PDPs agreed for the coming year. New PDPs continued to rise in September 2014 mostly due to Acute sector work and more eLearning being pushed into PDPs.

Using the AT-Learning system there have been22,471 bookings during the period July to September2014 for development activities.

There continues to be a comprehensive programme of leadership development and training for clinical and managerial staff at national and regional level across the North East Public sector, as well as within the Board.

Child Protection eLearning had been launched with 1400 employees completing it over the first two weeks. This development has been an excellent use of resources because if this response was converted to face to face training, it would have taken 1 to 1.5 years of trainer time. Feedback received to date was that the pitch may not be appropriate for all categories of staff and this will be reviewed with the consideration of a different format.

  1. Medical Education

The Directors of Medical Education (Undergraduate and Postgraduate) attended the Committee to update on changes necessary due to the General Medical Council (GMC) role as regulator for undergraduate and postgraduate education. This includes a defined trainer role approved by the GMC, changes to GMC standards and the formation of an education and training group. The update was timely given the discussion on the constitution of the Committee and to allow preparations prior to a GMC visit in 2017. With reference to the GMC survey, the Directors advised that they have been involved in developing action plans with the relevant specialties. The SGC agreed to establish a new sub-group to oversee medical workforce matters.

  1. Staff Experience

As reported previously, the Committee had agreed to the formation of a Steering Group for the overarching Staff Experience, which will include the implementation ofiMatter, the NHS Scotland Staff Experience Tool. The Scottish Government has now allowed Boards some flexibility whento commence iMatter implementation. NHS Grampian is going to commence in April 2015 concluding by December 2017 to ensure there is capacity available to support teams which may need assistance.

  1. Facilities Health and Safety Committee

The Deputy General Manager attended to update the Committee on the activities undertaken by the Facilities Health and Safety Committee. Examples would be training, First Aid, staffing, legal requirements, guidance for microwaves and fridges, security, fire plans and traffic flow. The Occupational Health and Safety Committee had reported that since the Committee had existed, issues were being discussed at the right level, with technical issues now being discussed at the Facilities and Estates Health and Safety Committee.

  1. Attendance Management

Sickness absence at the end of September 2014was 4.61%. This is an increase of 0.05% at the same period last year. In the last quarter the highest rate of absence wasin Facilities.

Terry Mackie


Staff Governance Committee

18 November 2014