CV Francesca Bettio
Francesca BETTIO
Present position
Professor of Economics, University of Siena
Dipartimento di Economia Politica e Statistica, Piazza S. Francesco 7 – 53100 Siena – Italy
tel. + 39 0577 232648/642
fax: + 39 0577 232661
1984 Ph. D. in Economics, University of Cambridge
1978 M. Sc. In Economics, London School of Economics
1977 Diploma in Development Economics, University of Naples (Portici)
1973 Laurea (B.A.) in Political Sciences (option: Economics), University of Bologna
Academic appointments
2000- Professor, University of Siena
Spring and
Summer 2009 Visiting Scholar, New School for Social Research, New York
2002-2003 Monte dei Paschi Visiting Fellow, St. Antony’s College, University of Oxford
Summer and
Fall 1999 Professor, University Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo
Fall 1994 Visiting Scholar, American University
Spring 1994 Visiting Scholar, Columbia University (Barnard College)
1991-2000 Associate Professor, University of Siena
1987-1990 Associate professor, University of Salerno
1984-1987 Lecturer (Ricercatore), University of Naples and University of Rome (La Sapienza)
Main areas of expertise
Labour Economics
Economics of Gender
Population Economics
Social and Institutional Economics
Teaching (current)
Labour Economics (B.A. course)
Microeconometrics (M.A. course; module of Econometrics)
Microeconometric Applications to Labour Economics (International Ph.D. programme in Economics)
Referee for (various years)
Cambridge Journal of Economics; Economia Lavoro; Economic Notes; European Societies; Gender, Work and Organisation; Labour; The European Journal of Law and Economics; Feminist Economics; International Sociology; Regional Studies; Equal Opportunities International; Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies; Journal of European Social Policy; Oxford Economic Papers; Politica Economica; Social Policy
Editorial Board membership
1994 - Gender, Work and Organization
2013- I Nuovi Quaderni GRIFF
2006-2010 Equal Opportunities International (Review Board)
2005-2010 Feminist Economics
1994-2009 Economia e Società Regionale
1993-99 Quaderni del Dipartimento di Economia Politica (Paper Series of the Department of Political Economy, Siena )
1991 International Contributions to Labour Studies
Other professional activities
2011 - Member of the Board of Directors, Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini
2009 - Founding member and Editor of the portal ‘inGenere’
2008-2010 Member of the Scientific Committee for furthering gender studies co-ordinated by the Scuola Superiore di Pubblica Amministrazione
2002 - Scientific Board Member of the Fondazione G. Brodolini
2000 - Scientific Board Member of the Fondazione J. Zaninoni
International research networks. Membership and coordination (selection)
2012 - Lead Coordinator of the European Commission Network of Experts ENEGE - European Network of Experts in Gender Equality (34 countries:
2008-2011 Lead Coordinator of the European Commission Network of Experts EGGE ‘Employment and Gender Equality Issues’ (33 countries)
2010-2011 Scientific Supervisor, European Parliament study ‘The Gender Aspects of the Economic Turndown and the Financial Crisis’
2008 -2010 Member of the Scientific Steering Committee of the European Project ‘Meta Analysis of
Gender and Science’ (
2009 Member of the Scientific Committee, European Parliament study, ‘Women and Unpaid Care Work in the EU’
2005 Main Scientific Coordinator of the International Summer School of Economic Research (I.S.E.R) ‘Gender and Economics’
2004-2005 PRIN Scientific Coordinator, (Project of Significant National Relevance) ‘Analysis of Migration Flows at Risk: Prostitution and Trafficking’
2003-2005 Italian Partner in the European Network of Women’s Rights (N.E.W.R.)
2002-2004 Lead Coordinator, European project ‘Gender Analysis of Long Term Care’ (GALCA) on behalf of the Fondazione G. Brodolini
2001 European Expert for the ‘Forum of experts and of representatives of the civil society and of the Euro-Mediterranean Governments’
1998 - Research Area Co-ordinator of the European Association of Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE)
1996-1998 Lead Coordinator of the European Commission ‘Gender and Employment Network of Experts’ (17 countries)
1985-1996 Expert Member for Italy of the European Commission Network of Experts: ‘Situation of Women in the Labour Market’ (12 countries)
Invited presentations at international conferences (selection, last three years)
‘Promoting diversity at the workplace’, European Foundation Seminar Series ,‘Vienna ( October 2013)
‘Strategies for a 70% Employment Rate’, KDI-KLI-OECD Joint Conference, Seoul (July 2013)
‘Gender Equality Conference’, Irish Presidency Conference, Dublin (April 2013)
‘Challenges and Responses of Work-Family Balance Policies’, KWEA-KWDI Joint Conference, Seoul (May 2012)
‘Jobs for Europe: The Employment Policy Conference’, European Commission, Bruxelles (September 2012)
‘The Multi-annual Financial Framework 2014-2020 from a Gender Equality Perspective’, Workshop, European Parliament, Bruxelles (January 2012)
‘Women, Gender Equality and Economic Crisis’, International Symposium,Panteion University, Athens (December 2011)
‘Expert Conference Accompanying the Informal Meeting of Ministers for Family and Gender Equality’, Krakow (October 2011)
‘For and Against Sessions’, Festival Economia, Trento (June 2011)
‘ Training, Career and Mobility of Researchers in the Innovating Union’, Hungarian Presidency Closing Conference, Budapest (June 2011)
(with C. Solera) ‘ Women’s Continuous Careers in Italy: The Education and Public Sector Divide’ , Population Review, 52 (1) 2013
‘Women, Men and the Financial Crisis. Seven Lessons from Europe’, European Gender Equality
Law Review, 2 /2012
(with F. Mazzotta), ‘The Future of Care in Europe. Exploring the Trade-Offs That Are Driving Change’, Kurswechsel, 4 /2011
(with F. Mazzotta), ‘Aspettative salariali disattese. Il divario Nord-Sud’, Rivista Italiana degli Economisti, 16(1) 2011
(with T. Kanti Nandi) ‘Evidence on Women Trafficked for Sexual Exploitation. A Rights Based Approach’, European Journal of Law and Economics, 29 (1) 2010
(with G. Solinas) ‘Which European Model for Elderly Care? Equity and Efficiency in Home-based Care in Three European Countries’, Economia & Lavoro, 43 (1) 2009
(with M.L. Di Tommaso, I. Shima, S. Strom) ‘As Bad as It Gets. Well Being Deprivation of Sexually Exploited Trafficked Women’, European Journal of Political Economy, 25 (2) 2009
(with P. Villa and A. Simonazzi) ‘Change in Care Regimes and Female Migration’, Journal of European Social Policy, 16 (3) 2006
(with G. Solinas) ‘Cura degli anziani: si può battere il mercato?’, Economia & Lavoro, 40 (1) 2006
(with A. Caretta) ‘Come spendere, quanto risparmiare: conta il genere per gli economisti?’, Inchiesta, 34 (146) 2004
‘Regimi di cura e di benessere in Europa’, Studi Economici, 87 (3) 2005: Supplement
(with J. Plantenga) ‘Comparing Care Regimes in Europe’, Feminist Economics, 10 (1) 2004, Reprinted in L. Beneria, A.M. May, D. L. Strassman. Feminist Economics, London: Edward Elgar, 2011
‘The Pros and Cons of Occupational Gender Segregation in Europe’, Canadian Public Policy, 28 (0), May 2002: Supplement
(with A. Rosselli) ‘Il femminismo (involontario) degli economisti italiani’, Rivista Italiana degli Economisti 6 (3) 2001
(with A. Rosselli) ‘Gendered Careers for Women: is Italy So Different?’, Royal Economic Society, Newsletter, issue 112 January 2001
(with S. Rosenberg) ‘Labour Markets and Flexibility in the 1990s. The Europe-USA Opposition Revisited’ in S. Rosenberg and F. Bettio (special issue eds) ‘Labour Markets and Flexibility in the 1990s’, International Review of Applied Economics, 13 (3) 1999. Reprinted in M. Reich (ed.) Segmented Labor Markets and Labor Mobility, E. Elgar: Cheltenam, 2009
(with P. Villa) ‘To What Extent Does it Pay to Be Better Educated? Education and Market Work for Women in Italy’ in M.J. Gonzales, T. Jurado and M. Naldini (eds.) ‘Gender Inequalities in Southern Europe: Women, Work and Welfare in the 1990s’, South European Society and Politics, Summer 1999
(with P. Villa) ‘A Mediterranean Perspective on the Break-Down of the Relationship Between Participation and Fertility’, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 22 (2) 1998
(with J. Rubery, C. Fagan, F. Maier, S. Quack and P. Villa ) ‘Payment Structures and Gender Pay Differentials: Some Societal Effects’, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 8 (2) 1997
(with P. Villa) ‘Un modello al bivio’, DWF, 4 (32) 1996
(with P. Villa) ‘Strutture familiari e mercati del lavoro nei paesi sviluppati’, Economia & Lavoro,27 (2) 1993
‘Discriminazione e segregazione sul mercato del Lavoro. Letteratura straniera e italiana a confronto. La letteratura italiana’, Economia & Lavoro, 25 (1) 1991
‘Discriminazione e segregazione sul mercato del Lavoro. Letteratura straniera e italiana a confronto. La letteratura straniera’, Economia & Lavoro, 24 (4) 1990
‘The Unremoved Constraint: Job Sex-Typing and Female Participation 1880-1980’, Studi Economici, 4 (27) 1985
‘The Secular Decrease of Sex-Linked Wage Differentials: A Case of Non Competition’, Economia & Lavoro, 19 (3) 1985
‘Il dibattito sulla pianificazione ed i processi di riforma economica all'Est’, Fabbrica Aperta, no.1-2 (1976)
Books and research monographs
(with P.Tinios and G. Betti) The Gender Gap In Pensions, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2013
(with M. Corsi, C. D'Ippoliti, A. Lyberaki, M. Samek Lodovici, A. Verashchagina) The Impact of the economic Crisis on the Situation of Women and men and on Gender Equality Policies, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2013
(with J. Plantenga and M. Smith: eds.) Gender and the European Labour Market, Abington & New York: Routledge, 2013
(with A. Verashchagina) Elderly Care in Europe. Provisions and Providers in 33 Countries, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2012
(with A. Verashchagina) Gender Segregation in the Labour Market: Root Causes, Implications and Policy Responses in the EU, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2009
(with A. Verashchagina: ed.) Frontiers in the Economics of Gender, Abington & New York: Routledge, 2008
(with T. Addabbo, E. Addis, M. Biagioli, P. Caniglia, R. Waldmann, and A. Spanò) I differenziali salariali per sesso in Italia , Comitato Nazionale di Parità e Pari Opportunità (Ministero del lavoro), Roma: Poligrafico dello Stato, 2001
The Sexual Division of Labour, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988
Book chapters
(with A. Verashchagina) Women and Men in the ‘Great European Recession’ in M. Karamessini and J. Rubery (eds.) Women and Austerity, Abington & New York: Routledge, 2013
(with A. Verashchagina) ‘Fiscal Systems in Europe. Are They Fair to Women?’, in F. Bettio, J. Plantenga and M. Smith (eds.) Gender and the European Labour Market, Abington & New York: Routledge 2013
(with J. Plantenga and M. Smith), ‘A New Vision of Gender Equality in Europe?’ in F. Bettio, J. Plantenga and M. Smith (2013)
(with M. Smith and H. Akram Lodhi) ‘Do We Have an Economic Case for Gender Equality?’, in F. Bettio, J. Plantenga and M. Smith (2013)
‘Occupational Segregation and Gender Wage Disparities in Mature Economies’ in F. Bettio and A. Veraschagina (2008)
'La cura degli anziani, tra modello «nordico» e realtà «mediterranea’, in L. Guerzoni (ed.) La riforma del Welfare. Dieci anni dopo la Commissione Onofri, Bologna: il Mulino, 2008
(with A. Caretta) ‘La coppia e la gestione delle risorse: una lettura economica’, in C. Facchini (ed.) Conti Aperti. Denaro, asimmetrie di coppie e solidarietà tra le generazioni, Bologna: il Mulino, 2008
(with J. Plantenga) ‘Care Regimes and the European Employment Rate’, in L. Costabile (ed.) Institutions for Social Well Being. Alternatives for Europe, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008
(with P. Villa and A. Simonazzi) ‘Welfare mediterraneo per la cura degli anziani e immigrazione’, in A. Simonazzi (ed.) Questioni di genere, questioni di politica, Roma: Carocci, 2006
‘Strong in Tradition and yet Innovative: The Puzzles of the Italian Family’ in M. Rebick and A. Takenaka (eds.) The Changing Japanese Family, Abington & New York: Routledge, 2006
‘Una economia dalla parte delle donne?’ in P. di Cori and D. Barazzetti (eds.) Gli studi delle donne in Italia, Roma: Carocci, 2001
(with J. Rubery and M. Smith) ‘Gender, Flexibility and New Employment Relations’, in M. Rossilli (ed.) Gender Policies in the European Union, New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2000
‘Economisti nell’università Italiana: i numeri della carriera’, in A. Carabelli, D. Parisi and A. Rosselli (eds.) Che genere di economista: una ricerca sulla professione di economista nell’università italiana, Bologna: Il Mulino, 1999
(with P. Villa) ‘Equal Pay in Italy’, in J. Rubery et al. Equal Pay In Europe? Closing the Gender Wage Gap, I.L.O. Studies Series, London: Macmillan and New York: S.Martins, 1998
(with P. Villa) ‘Un parcours mediterraneen pour l'integration des femmes sur le marchè du travail’, in Plasman R. (ed.) Les femmes d'Europe sur le marchè du travail, Paris: l'Harmattan, 1994
(with P. Villa) ‘Non Wage Work and Disguised Employment in Italy’, in J. & J. Rogers (eds.) Precarious Jobs in Labour Market Regulation: the Growth of Atypical Employment in Western Europe, Geneve: IILS,1989
‘Fra debolezza e integrazione. Tendenze del mercato del lavoro femminile o della ricerca delle donne in economia?’, in M.C. Marcuzzo and A. Rossi Doria (eds.) La ricerca delle donne: studi femministi in Italia, Torino: Rosenberg & Sellier, 1987. Translated into French and included in M. Maruani, E. Reynaud and C. Romani (eds.) La Flexibilitè en Italie, Paris: Syros Alternatives, 1989. Translated into Spanish and included in C.Borderias, C. Carrasco and C. Alemany (eds.) Las mujeres y el trabaho, Madrid and Barcelona: Icaria Printers, 1994
‘The Family, the State and Female Wage Labour in Italy’, in J. Rubery (ed.) Women and Recession, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1988 . Translated into Spanish in ‘La Mujeres y la recesion’, Madrid: Ministerio de Trabajo e de Seguridad Social, 1993. Reprinted in J. Rubery, Women and Recession, Routledge Revivals: Taylor and Francis e-library 2011
‘Segregation versus Substitution. Cyclical and Secular Trends in Women's Employment in Italy’, in J. Rubery (1988)
‘Le verifiche empiriche della teoria del ciclo del prodotto’, in A. Amendola et al. Ciclo del prodotto e divisione internazionale del lavoro, Milano: Franco Angeli, 1981
‘Il ruolo delle multinazionali negli scambi internazionali’, in A. Amendola et al. (1981)
Published research reports
(with A. Verashchagina). Fiscal system and female employment in Europe, Bruxelles: European Commission, 2009,
(with E. Del Bono and M. Smith) ‘Working Time Patterns in the European Union: Policies and Innovations’, Bruxelles: European Commission, Employment and Social Affairs, 1998 (CE-V/2-98-010-EN-C). Also available in French
(with S. Prechal), ‘Care In Europe’, Bruxelles: European Commission, Employment and Social Affairs, 1998 (CE-V/2-98-018-EN-C). Also available in French
(with P. Villa) ‘Trends and Prospects for Women’s Employment in the 90s: Italy’, EC Network on the Situation of Women in the Labour Market, UMIST, Manchester: University of Manchester, 1996
(ISBN 1 865115026 1)
(with F. Mazzotta) ‘Women and the European Employment Rate: Italy’, EC Network on the Situation of Women in the Labour Market, UMIST, Manchester: University of Manchester, 1995