Bardstown Middle SchoolClass Procedures Template2015-2016

Classroom Procedures:

Teacher Name: Josh Thomas

Period(s) 1st – 6th

Subject(s) Social Studies/Reading

Student Signature ______

Parent Signature ______

Guiding Question: / Rule, Procedure, Expectation:
When does class begin? What does it look like, sound like? / Students are to line up on tape outside of the door single file until the bell rings. When teacher prompts students are to enter classroom single file and immediately make their way to their assigned seat. Voice: Level 2
When does class end? What does it look like, sound like? / Class does not end on the bell. The teacher may keep the class extra time beyond the bell to finish assignments or discussion. Teacher will prompt the class when it is time to conclude.
What signal will I use to get your attention? (Give me five, may I have your attention, peace please, listen up) / Teacher will prompt the students with his hand in the air… “I need your attention” at a reasonable voice level where all students can hear.
This means . . . your eyes are on me, your hands are free, you are quiet, still, and listening.
What should I bring to class each day? / Students should enter class each day with their binder/folder for the particular class, paper, pen/pencil, and any assigned homework or due assignments.
READING: AR book must be brought to class each day.
What if I forget these materials? / If students are unprepared and can correct the mistake by going to their locker to get materials they can use a hall pass to get their supplies. Once all hall passes are used it will result in a write-up for being unprepared. If materials are at home or not at school it will result in a write-up. Three infractions for not having materials will result in a referral.
Is seating chart assigned or chosen? / A seating chart will be assigned by the teacher each quarter and are always subject to change at the teacher’s discretion.
What behavior is allowed upon entering room? / Enter room only when prompted by teacher. Proceed directly to your seats at no more than a level 2 voice. No horseplay will be permitted.
When tardy, what do I do? / Tardy will result when a student enters the room after the late bell without permission or a note. Students will be prompted to fill out an infraction slip found in the front of the room and file it in the write-up box. Three tardy infractions will result in a referral.
How do I request permission to leave room? / Students can raise their hand to ask permission to leave the room (restroom, locker, office, nurse, etc…) Students will be asked to present agenda to fill out a pass to leave the room. Once all passes are gone it will be up to the teacher’s discretion to allow students to leave the room.
How do I turn in an assignment? / Teacher will collect all work at a specified time that will be announced by the teacher. Teacher will not collect work that is completed early.
What if I don’t have my homework? / If homework is not completed or left at home it will result in a loss of points in the time management portion of the grade book. Student will also receive a write-up for being unprepared. Three write-ups will result in a referral. Late work will be accepted under a loss of grade points penalty.
What is the policy for making up work? / If a student is absent they will have the same number of days to complete the missed assignment as they were absent from school. It is the student’s responsibility to collect and complete all missing work. Late work and missing assignments turned in late will be graded but will lose points.
What if I have trash to throw away? / Raise hand to get permission to throw trash away. Students will always be welcomed to toss trash in the trash can. Please do not shoot trash into the can or throw it across the room. Walk to the can and place the trash in the can. Please do not pass trash across the room for other students to discard.
What if I need a tissue? / Tissues will be readily available in the classroom. Please raise hand and ask the teacher to get up and get a tissue. Students will always be welcomed to use tissues.
Where can I find homework assignments? / All homework/missing assignment work will be found in the brown filing stand by my computer. Each period will be marked as well as the subject. If you are missing work or need makeup work it will be found in this location.
What should I do if I finish before others? / If you finish an assignment early I will not collect it until the specified time. When finish you have one of two options.
  1. If you have homework or work for another class please feel free to work on it.
  2. Take out your AR book and read silently until time is called.
Please do not talk to or distract other students as they may need all or their time to complete assignments.
When is it not okay to talk? / It is okay to talk upon entering/leaving the room or during transition time. Please keep voice level at or below a level 2 (normal chatter). Once work begins or when teacher needs talking to stop teacher will prompt the class. When working on assignments all individual work will be no talking. Group work will need to be kept at no louder than a level 2.
What areas of the room are off limits? / The main area off limits is the area in around the teacher’s desk and computer. These areas should only be entered with the teacher’s permission. Also, all supplies and materials found in the filing cabinets in the back of the room are only to be entered into with teacher’s permission. Failure to follow procedures will result in a write-up.
Where do I find shared supplies? / All shared supplies can be found in the tall cabinet in the back of the room. This cabinet should only be entered into with permission.
What happens if I am caught cheating? / If caught cheating or sharing work, both parties will receive a “O” grade. Parents will be notified. Both parties will receive a referral and there will be no make-up opportunity for the missing grade. DO NOT CHEAT!!!
When is it time and how do I clean room? Prepare to leave? / Before leaving please clean up your desk and the area around your desk. Check the floor for any excess trash. Please throw away any trash that your see, yours or not. Please make sure all desks are in rows.
What behavior is expected upon leaving this classroom? / Please exit the room single file only when prompted to do so. No horseplay. Keep voice at a level 2 upon exiting.
How should I behave for a substitute teacher? / Students are expected to behave the same or better for a substitute teacher. Follow the same rules and procedures as if I were there.
What will happen if I misbehave for a substitute teacher? / Any names left for me by a sub will result in an automatic referral. Subs will be notified of this prior to subbing in the classroom. Please be on your best behavior
Testing Schedule/Retake Policy / All tests will be announced at least a week in advance. Retakes will be available upon request. Students must schedule a time and complete all practice work prior to any retakes.
Food/Gum/Water Policy / NO FOOD OR DRINK IN THE CLASSROOM!!! Any exceptions will be made by the teacher and students will be notified in advance. Failure to comply will result in a write-up. Three infractions will result in a referral. Exceptions will only be made for a doctor’s note. Note must be presented to teacher.
Gum will be allowed at the teacher’s discretion. If it becomes a problem with popping bubbles or is found on the floor permission may be revoked.
Cell Phone Policy / Cell phones are not to be out in class unless specified by the teacher to be used for research based projects. Any cell phones seen out during class will be collected by the teacher and turned over to the office to be handled under the school implemented cell phone policy.
  1. Only one student on the floor or out of the classroom at any given time. If you see a student up, wait until they are seated to ask permission to get up. If a student is out of the room, wait until they return to ask permission to leave.
  1. Please do not interrupt the teacher or other students when they are talking. If you have something to say please wait to be called upon to speak. Please raise your hand and wait to be called on. Do not attempt to speak over the teacher or other students or carry on side conversations during class. We want to build a climate of respect for each other in the classroom